Health, Preparations
Ointment during pregnancy with hemorrhoids: reviews
Many women during pregnancy learn what is hemorrhoids. This is a very common disease, in which there is pain and burning in the anus, bleeding may occur.
Causes of the disease
The provoking factors of the disease development are:
- Constipation;
- lifestyle changes (reduced mobility);
- Disturbance of blood circulation and dilatation of blood vessels in the small pelvis.
In addition, during pregnancy, pelvic bones slightly diverge and widen, and this helps to increase blood flow in the area where the rectum is located. All these factors lead to the formation of hemorrhoids.
Tactics of treatment
To get rid of problems most often doctors recommend using local drugs. Doctors can tell what kind of ointment when pregnant with hemorrhoids it is better to take. They can also advise the most effective and safe candles.
Local remedies can quickly anesthetize, remove swelling and eliminate inflammation. They can help restore blood flow in the rectum and prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels. They act locally, so the risk of side effects in their use is minimized. Many of them are allowed during pregnancy, because they do not affect the baby in any way.
But it is worth noting that not all of the medicines that can be found in pharmacies are allowed for future mothers. Some candles and ointments contain substances that can penetrate the blood and pass through the placental barrier.
It is best to consult a proctologist who can determine the stage of the disease and choose the most effective treatment regimen. If a woman has 2 or 3 degrees of hemorrhoids, then the situation can not be corrected with ointments alone. In this case, complex therapy is required.
Effective ointments
The proctologist after examination can estimate a condition of the future mum and tell, what to do, that there was a hemorrhoids at pregnancy. Treatment (ointments are often used as one of the components of complex therapy) the doctor will choose, taking into account the period of pregnancy and the severity of the disease.
At first, you can get rid of the problem with the help of conventional local tools. Popular use of heparin ointment during pregnancy with hemorrhoids. But she is appointed, as a rule, in those cases when a woman does not complain of acute pain. Otherwise, other means are recommended. The composition of such ointments as Relief Advance, Emla, Aurobin, Proctosan, includes an anesthetic, so they can eliminate discomfort. But some of these funds can not be used by pregnant women.
If the doctor determines that the patient has an active inflammatory process, then the tactics of treatment change. As a component of complex therapy, non - steroidal anti - inflammatory ointments, such as Diclofenac, Piroxecam, and Ibuprofen, can also be prescribed.
In some cases, during the examination, the doctor can see that the surrounding tissues are already involved in the inflammatory process. In this situation, not only ointment from hemorrhoids is selected, but also antimicrobial agents. These include such drugs: "Levomekol", "Ichthyol", "Mafenide acetate". Vishnevsky ointment from hemorrhoids during pregnancy can also be prescribed.
With active bleeding, you need a combination of drugs that have a vasoconstrictive, anti-inflammatory, venotonic effect. It can be "Relief", "Procto-Glivenol" or other similar means.
But it is worth remembering that some popular ointments from hemorrhoids can not be used during pregnancy. Therefore, you need to choose the most suitable remedy with your doctor.
Features of the use of heparin ointment
In some cases, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial ointment during hemorrhoids during pregnancy. It should dissolve the existing blood clots and prevent the formation of new ones. This action has a heparin ointment. In addition, it still reduces pain due to the fact that it includes benzocaine.
This drug is used exclusively externally. On the affected area, a heparin ointment during pregnancy with hemorrhoids is applied with a thin layer. On a section with a diameter of up to 5 cm is sufficient to 1 g of ointment: it is necessary to squeeze out 2-4 cm.
The effect occurs after 3-14 days of use. It can be applied to problem areas 2-3 times a day. However, if a woman has a thrombosis of external hemorrhoids, then it is necessary to apply the ointment on the linen pad and fix it on them. By the way, some recommend to make tampons with this ointment and insert them into the anus.
If a woman is not hypersensitive to the components of the remedy, the heparin ointment during hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be safely used. But with an increased tendency to bleeding and thrombocytopenia, one must be pointed.
Ointment "Relief"
This drug helps to narrow the blood vessels. This reduces exudation, swelling of the tissues, itching. It can be used after each bowel movement or, regardless of bowel movements, in the morning and in the evening.
Apply this ointment with a special applicator. Through it, it is squeezed out to the affected areas. Lubricate can be external or internal parts of the anus. The main thing is to thoroughly wash the applicator after each use and place it in a special protective cap.
Fleming's ointment
According to the instructions, it is necessary to use this remedy for 5-7 days. It is applied to problem areas up to 3 times a day. In the absence of an allergic reaction, the drug can be used by everyone, including pregnant and lactating women.
Means for "Troxevasin"
If it was found that the cause of hemorrhoids are weak venous walls, then drugs that are capable of providing a venotonic, anti-edematous, venoprotective and antioxidant effect are prescribed. The most famous is the ointment "Troxevasin". When hemorrhoids during pregnancy with it, you can alleviate the condition and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process.
Ointment should be applied to the problem area twice a day, rubbing it until it absorbs completely. To eliminate the symptoms should be enough 6-7 days.
Usually this ointment during pregnancy with hemorrhoids is well tolerated. There is no information about any undesirable effects on the fetus when it is used. But with sensitivity to the components of the remedy, an allergic reaction is possible - dermatitis, hives, eczema.
Vishnevsky ointment
Of course, this diagnosis is not in the list of indications in the instructions, but this remedy is used for many skin diseases. Ointment is able to dry the wound surface, slightly anesthetize the affected area and reduce the permeability of blood vessels.
But with this tool you have to be careful. The tar included in its composition can irritate the skin receptors. It contributes to the fact that the flow of blood to the site of inflammation begins. But this accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.
You can not use Vishnevsky's ointment for individual intolerance, hypersensitivity and for acute purulent diseases of soft tissues and skin. But, in spite of the relative safety of the remedy, it can only be used according to the doctor's prescription. He can recommend not just apply ointment on the area of the anus, but also do with her compresses at night.
Doctors usually warn that the sensations during the procedure can not be called pleasant. But the effect becomes noticeable immediately.
Ointment "Posterizan"
Unpleasant sensations in the anus can be caused by both hemorrhoids and formed anal fissures. To get rid of discomfort it is possible, if correctly to pick up an ointment at pregnancy at a hemorrhoids. Doctors do not recommend doing this yourself, because some drugs are not allowed to use during the period of bearing the baby.
The composition of the "Posterizan" ointment includes inactivated E. coli microbial cells. They are able to increase the local tissue resistance to an active pathogenic microflora. The drug is able to stimulate T-lymphocyte immunity. At the site of exposure, it increases the activity of leukocytes and nonspecific immunity factors. In addition, its use contributes to a decrease in vascular exudation, normalization of their tone and permeability. Also, regeneration of tissues is stimulated.
Without special restrictions, this ointment from hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be prescribed. Feedback suggests that the "Posterizan" can remove swelling and ease pain. Assign it to hemorrhoidal diseases, which cause discharge and burning sensation in the anal area. It is also recommended to use it for anal itching and anal fissures.
Wound healing preparations
This ointment during pregnancy with hemorrhoids is often prescribed. When it is applied, the body's defenses are activated. Methyluracil, which is part of the drug "Levomekol", helps stimulate the process of protein production in the mucous membranes. Thanks to this, tissues recover faster.
Also, said ointment is an adsorbent. It cleans the surface of the hemorrhoids and prevents the development of the infectious process. Bacteria can not multiply, and the affected areas are restored.
For treatment, gauze wipes soaked in ointment can be applied to the area of the anus. Treatment should continue until discomfort is eliminated.
If in pregnant women hemorrhoids are accompanied by severe pain, it is necessary to choose an effective ointment with a pronounced analgesic effect. Temporarily ease the condition can be with the help of Emla ointment. But you can use it only on the advice of a doctor. It includes lidocaine and prilocaine. These substances can penetrate the placental barrier. But there were no any violations in the process of intrauterine development of children or negative effects on the reproductive process.
Also, the doctor can recommend the use of the ointment "Diclofenac". It helps to reduce inflammation and has analgesic effect. If the doctor offers "Ibuprofen" ointment as an anti-inflammatory anesthetic, you should remember the following: in the first and second trimester, it can be used with caution, only according to the doctor's prescription, and it can not be used during the last 3 months of pregnancy.
Reviews of expectant mothers
If the doctor offers several funds to choose, then you can find out about the effectiveness of these or other funds from other pregnant women. For example, many doctors say that the most effective heparin ointment from hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Reviews confirm that it helps with the formation of hemorrhoids, itching, pain and minor bleeding. Regular use of it helps to reduce the manifestations of this disease. If the nodes are bleeding, it is better to do compresses.
Also many future mothers praise Fleming's ointment. This tool is considered absolutely safe. It can be used both during pregnancy and after childbirth. When applying the ointment there is a pleasant chill. With regular use, the pain disappears. Also, the puffiness decreases markedly.
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