
'Heparin ointment'. Application, side effects and overdose

To reduce the risk of blood clots, as well as to effectively dissolve existing foci during operations in medicine, substances called anticoagulants are widely used. One of the representatives of such a saving substance is "Heparin", it is used for preventive and curative purposes. This substance helps to get rid of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, thromboembolism, as well as arising thromboembolic complications.

"Heparin ointment" is a combined preparation intended for external use. It includes heparin, benzilnicotinate and benzocaine. The main substance of this drug is gradually separated from other components and has a moderate anti-inflammatory and antithrombic effect. It also provides a reduction in the volume of blood clots and their complete disappearance, and also prevents the formation of new ones. The benzocaine included in this product has a local anesthetic effect and softens the pain. The action of benzyl nicotinate is to expand the surface blood vessels and improve the absorption of the main active substance.

"Heparin ointment" is used for lesions of extremities, which are a consequence of thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. This drug also has an effective effect on damage to veins caused by hemorrhoids.

"Heparin ointment". Indications for use.

This tool is used for the following ailments:

- formation of thrombi,

- inflammatory processes in the venous walls,

- hematomas due to injuries,

- stretching, sprains,

- edema, sports injuries,

- inflammation of the veins after injection.

The amount of the drug taken is regulated depending on the individual situation. It is especially important to take into account the general state of human health .

"Heparin ointment". Contraindications.

- processes of ulcerative-necrotic nature, occurring in the area affected by thrombophlebitis,

- violations of the process of blood coagulation ,

- decrease in the number of platelets - thrombocytopenia,

- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

This tool is not recommended for application to open wounds, from which pus is released. During the period of gestation, the "heparin ointment" from varicose can be used only for the purpose of the specialist and under his supervision. During the period of breastfeeding, the use of this drug will not harm either the mother or the baby, but in this case it is better to consult with the doctor before using.

How to use this tool correctly?

"Heparin ointment" from bruises is applied with neat massaging movements to the affected area several times a day. When treating a bruise or tumor, this drug is not recommended for more than ten days, and for inflammation in the superficial veins - from one to two weeks. To get rid of hemorrhoidal thrombosis this remedy is applied rectally. It is used daily until the symptoms disappear. A significant improvement in the condition occurs on average in three to fourteen days.

Side effects and signs of an overdose.

Symptom of exceeding the dose of "Heparin" may be bleeding. In this case, you need to immediately seek medical help from a specialist. Side effects of the application of this ointment can be urticaria, dermatitis, skin itching. Before using this drug, it is recommended to apply it in a thin layer on a small area of the skin. In the absence of a negative reaction in a day, you can start using this ointment.

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