HealthDiseases and Conditions

Chondroz breast: clinical picture and treatment prospects

The structure of the spine in different people is almost identical, but it has its own physiological nuances. As is known, intervertebral disks are located in a healthy vertebra between separate vertebrae at a certain distance. When does the pathology of chest chondrosis take place? First of all, it should be clarified that this ailment means dystrophic changes in certain areas of the spine, as well as the displacement (squeezing) of the intervertebral discs. Why is this happening? With age, these discs become less elastic, as they substantially lose shape and thicken, reducing the distance between the vertebrae, which subsequently leads to pinching of nerves. Such an anomaly leads to pain syndrome, and later there is swelling, which intensifies the pathological process, while the entire muscle mass, as well as vital organs, suffers.

Chondrosis of the thoracic is more likely an "adult" disease, which most often affects people older than 50 years, but there is a certain pattern: this pathology is more susceptible to people with vascular anomalies, as well as having hormonal abnormalities and metabolic disturbances.

Such a disease as chest chondrosis is quite dangerous and can lead to a number of problems. Symptoms of this ailment have their own specifics and completely depend on which particular spine department was "put out of order". Let us dwell more specifically on the thoracic department. The dominant symptom is the pain syndrome, which can begin at night and do not stop for several days. With the disease of chondrosis, chest symptoms can have varying degrees of severity - from mild pain to very severe, almost intolerable. Painful foci are concentrated in the intercostal areas, in addition, with a more advanced form of the disease, there are phenomena on the part of the respiratory system, expressed by attacks of cough and dyspnea. Patients can also feel pain in the region of the heart and between the shoulder blades (often in this case, incorrect diagnoses are made and the heart that is actually healthy is treated). There may also be a numbness in the interscapular area and the left arm. It is important to clarify that discomfort is observed during a period of special mobility and physical activity.

If a diagnosis of chondrosis is established, treatment should be carried out immediately, since its absence can lead to fatal consequences. It is advisable here to use various methods of influencing the focus of pathology, in particular, acupuncture, which is necessary to eliminate spasms, restore the mobility of the back and muscle tone. This method is very popular, because it allows to improve the work of blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on blood supply and nutrition of intervertebral disc tissues. In addition, specialists often recommend manual therapy, as well as canned massage and other elements of physiotherapy. In addition, the patient should review his own diet, reduce weight if necessary and normalize the pressure. In the period of development, anti-inflammatory and restorative therapy is prescribed, however, self-medication in this matter is unacceptable! Such an integrated approach yields positive results, and the patient's well-being is markedly improved, but the chondrosis of the thoracic can not be fully cured until modern medicine is able to.

The task of the doctors is to prescribe a productive treatment that will stop the progression of the disease, restore the habitual functions of the intervertebral discs, stimulate the regeneration of tissues, in other words, maximally eliminate the painful symptoms of pathology and prevent its progression. Also, with such a disease, systematic prevention is important, which implies therapeutic gymnastics that helps to strengthen the muscular corset, which helps to protect against recurrences of chondrosis of the chest or to reduce the frequency and intensity of repeated attacks.

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