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It hurts the temple and the eye, what to do? Pain in the temples: causes

The appearance of headaches is very often accompanied by other symptoms. The most common symptom is when the temple hurts. In some cases, it is completely harmless and it causes overwork. Overexertion, which can cause many hours of work, stress, heavy loads, is manifested by two-sided pressures. In addition, the cause of the headache and the pressure on the eyes may be the disturbed blood supply of tissues and the accumulation of histamines, that is, products of inflammation.

Many of the patients wonder about when a whiskey is hurt, what to do, since a headache can make life really unbearable. But its exact cause can be determined only by an osteopathic physician or neuropathologist, oculist or therapist. Very often such symptoms can be harbingers of serious diseases.

Some reasons why whiskey and headache hurt

Pain in the temples and head may appear for a variety of reasons. These can be pathological conditions, and those that do not pose any threat. So, for what reasons does the headache? Let's talk further.

Mental Disorders

Mental disturbances are manifested by pressure, which is accompanied by anxiety, depression. A person can lose coordination of movements, nausea will appear. This pain differs also in that it does not immediately pass after the cause is eliminated. Therefore, it can be constant.


Migraine is one of the most common diseases on the entire planet. The pains are localized mainly near the temples and forehead. As a rule, it affects people under the age of 40 years. Precursors of the attack are the numbness of the legs and the legs, the acute reaction to light and the fear of water. The medicine for the disease has not yet been invented, so these people should be at rest, eat well and rest.

High blood pressure

Another reason is increased intracranial pressure, which can be determined using a tomogram or spinal puncture. This pathology changes the vascular pattern on the fundus, which the oculist can see. In order to eliminate this pathology, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of coffee, alcohol, energy and use diuretics. The temple hurts in this case with varying degrees of intensity. Pain can occur with climate change or stress.

Hematoma inside the skull

The next reason is intracranial hematoma, which indicates a concussion resulting from a trauma. It is detected by means of MRI. Eliminates formation only by surgery. The patient should fully rest, sleep well and avoid physical exertion.

Harbinger of Stroke

This is a condition predicting a stroke. It mainly occurs in elderly people with high blood pressure. If you notice these symptoms, call an ambulance as soon as possible to avoid possible serious consequences. The faster you contact a doctor, the better it will be for you.

Vascular aneurysm

Vascular aneurysm also hurts the temple and head, but only on one side, and the pain becomes stronger with the movements of the head. In such cases, the patient needs urgent treatment. Be sure to go through the examination as quickly as possible, since this pathology can lead to death.

Meningitis or encephalitis

The symptom of meningitis or encephalitis is also an increasing headache, which persists continuously and does not allow you to concentrate. In addition, the infection process involves the ears, neck and eyes. If you notice such symptoms, consult a doctor immediately!

Brain tumor

Diseases of the brain, dizziness, nausea and growing pain appear. In addition, there may be other very unpleasant symptoms. In this case, an immediate examination is required, and the sooner it is carried out, the more favorable the outcome for the patient will be.


Genyantritis is characterized by lacrimation, loss of smell, mucus secretion, chills and shortness of breath through the nose. In addition, often hurts the right temple or left. This disease does not develop immediately, so you can take it for a common runny nose, but if it does not go very long and does not help any drops for the nose, and pain also appears, then perhaps you develop sinusitis.

Diseases of the teeth

In addition, similar symptoms can manifest themselves with dental disease, allergies or inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

The causes of this pathological condition can be determined only by an experienced specialist, in complex situations - by a consultation from a dentist, a lor and a neuropathologist.

How often do people handle this problem?

Pain in the left temple or right is one of the most frequent complaints to which patients complain to doctors-neuropathologists.

As shown by various epidemiological studies, more than 70% of the total population of the country complains of persistent or rare pain in the left temple or right. But such a figure does not show the actual state of affairs, since most patients do not go to doctors, but self-medicate, or simply afraid that they will find any more serious pathology. Very often, such patients periodically have a pain in the temple and eye, they do not visit doctors, and most of them take painkillers, over-the-counter, and very often they later abuse these drugs. This leads to the appearance of various side effects, such as disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney damage, as well as a variety of allergic reactions.

What diseases cause pain in the left (right) temple?

  • The right temple hurts when the tone of the cerebral vessels of the arterial and venous bed is disturbed.
  • At a young age, this may indicate symptoms of autonomic dysfunction, migraine, and increased intracranial pressure.
  • At an older age, this may manifest the initial stage of hypertension and cerebral atherosclerosis. Provoke the appearance of pain can change the weather, a variety of moral and physical overload. In this case, there is a heaviness in the head and pressing pulsating pains in the back of the head or temples.

  • The cause of headaches can be and infectious disease, such as influenza, angina, etc.
  • All kinds of intoxication, including alcohol, are the cause of the pain.
  • Psychogenic headache. As a rule, the nervous headache is manifested with aching blunt sensations, then in the temples, sometimes in the back of the neck, somewhere somewhere inside the head. Thus the person becomes more irritable and quickly tires. In such a case, the patients get sore and pressed with whiskey, there are pains that cause discomfort, and also interfere with concentration and gathering thoughts. This also causes anxious feelings.
  • Migraines and bundles are independent diseases, the main symptom of which is severe acute headaches, covering one half of the head. Along with this, before your eyes there can appear brilliant points called "flies". Some patients with such attacks are noted for their increased sensitivity to various odors, tastes and other external stimuli. With more neglected conditions, there are pains in the temple that give out in the eyes. If you do not heal properly, the pain can spread all over the head. In addition, nausea and vomiting may occur. Headaches with migraines are accompanied by a fear of light and a general weak condition. The patient's suffering can last from half an hour to several hours. In case the attack lasts for several days, it can lead to a migraine stroke. Women, as a rule, suffer from migraines when they reach the period of hormonal storms, that is, during puberty. During pregnancy, the frequency of such attacks becomes less, and after childbirth, it can leave the patient permanently.
  • It is also often hurts the back of the head and whiskey with menopause. This is due to hormonal disorders in the body.
  • Temporal arteritis is a rare disease when the walls of the temporal arteries become inflamed, and painful strong pulsating pains appear in the region of the left temple (right). In addition, such pain may indicate that the activity of the cranial and spinal nerves is impaired.
  • The head in the region of the temples also hurts when there are pathologies in the temporomandibular joint. As a rule, the pain with such a violation is localized in the region of the left temple, the occiput, and sometimes in the shoulders or shoulder blades. Jaw clenching and gnashing of teeth can also indicate a pathology of this type. These actions cause pain in the muscles, which can provoke headaches. In some cases, the doctor can take these symptoms for a migraine and treat it, but it will not bring any result.

Pain may also appear for unexplained reasons.

What foods can cause pain in the left temple?

  1. Those that contain monosodium glutamate, which is a flavoring. It is available in many processed products. It is assumed that sodium glutamate causes headaches in 10-25% of the population. The temple hurts in this case approximately in half an hour after the use of an additive. It is characterized by heartbeat, dull throbbing pain in the left temple and pain in the forehead region. This supplement contains dishes of Chinese cuisine, soups in the form of canned or dry roasted nuts, processed meat products, turkey in its own juice, various gravy and sauces, chips and potato snack, as well as spices and spices of various kinds.
  2. There is a so-called hot dog headache. It is named after this product, which contains many nitrites. They are also available in canned ham, corned beef, salami, Bolognese sausage, bacon and smoked sausage.
  3. Chocolate is one of the strongest provocateurs of migraine. First of all, it can provoke glycemia, because in it a high sugar content, as well as cocoa beans have an easy hypoglycemic effect. The chocolate contains caffeine and finylethylamine, which provokes headaches, narrows the vessels and, accordingly, causes pain in the left temple.

How can I get rid of the pain?

Due to the fact that the head, forehead and whiskey are hurting for various reasons, the treatment will be different. If the symptom was caused by some viral disease, then the treatment should be aimed at eliminating the infection. The pain that is caused by the genyantritis or the frontitis, is unlikely to be eliminated by any folk remedies. It is required first of all to remove accumulation of pus from the maxillary and frontal sinuses. This procedure must necessarily be performed by a doctor.

If the reasons why the whiskey hurt, lie in the osteochondrosis, then professional massage can help. At home, you can warm up the cervical spine, which will help to make pain less pronounced.

Excellent can help and ointments with a warming and analgesic effect. In a situation where the whiskey and forehead ache as a result of mental and mental overwork, aromatherapy can help.

You should also learn to relax well. An excellent effect can have a hot shower and a toning tea. You can take a decoction of mint or lemon balm. Coffee is best changed to chicory, because it does not have caffeine.

In order to get a short-term effect, you can take analgesics or antidepressants, which are easy to buy in a pharmacy without a prescription. But such treatment should be strictly dosed and short-term. When the whiskey is sore, what to do, the doctor will most likely be able to tell you.

In addition, you can use other folk remedies. These include the application of cabbages to the head. Some of the healers also recommend rubbing whiskey with a balsam "Asterisk". But whether such treatment will bring results, it is difficult to say. One of the most effective means is a good high-grade rest or walks on air, far from the intense city bustle.

If the reasons for which the headache is in the area of the temples are more serious and other symptoms are observed, then it is necessary to undergo diagnostics. In some cases, it is carried out only in a hospital. To the patient to get rid of pain in the forehead and eyes, special medications are prescribed that help relieve pain. After this, special therapy begins.

If you do not know the exact reasons why the temple and eyes hurts, be sure to visit a doctor. Independent treatment can not only not produce any results, but also lead to negative and irreversible health consequences.

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