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Treatment with mushroom gay, reviews. Treatment of cancer with vesicular mushroom tincture

Spring is a common mushroom, reaching a height of 30 cm. It is found everywhere, most often in broad-leaved forests. This mushroom is edible, but it concerns exclusively young jolly ones, which are in the stage of "eggs".

Fun from ancient times was a means to enhance the potency of men. Scientific studies have demonstrated that this is actually so, the fungus is a very powerful aphrodisiac, because it contains phytosteroids, similar in their effect to male sex hormones. In addition, it contains many other useful substances, possessing a huge amount of medicinal properties. In this article, we learn everything about mushroom therapy with a gum.

The first mention of veselka

They are found in ancient Romans, although the first scientific and medical data were found in German medical books of the XVII century. There was an article about the doctor Karo, who successfully treated this fungus oncological diseases.

There are stories and later ones. In the middle of the twentieth century, Joseph Gurvich (folk healer), working with a gavel, was able to achieve a good effect. At the same time, the results were so impressive that Gurvich sent the treatment reports to Nikolai Nikolaevich Blokhin, the country's chief oncologist. Although he received no reply to his letters.

Modern research

It is worth noting that all the same records Gurvich not lost. They fell into the hands of Sergei Kuznetsov, a prominent scientist and physician in Riga, as well as head of the DrKuznecovsLab institute. He in his scientific work considered the healing properties of this fungus.

The results of these works are encouraging - the jolly actually prolongs the life of cancer patients, while fighting with tumors in cancer of the bronchi and lungs, ovaries, breast, uterus, prostate, gastrointestinal tract, reducing the risks of their relapses.

Experiments were conducted in mice. They injected breast cancer cells. The tumor, developing, killed during the month 100% of all mice. Then they every day began to give an extract of fun, than helped all animals live to 24 months, which is their full life without tumors.

Then the scientists began working with other models of tumors - with sarcoma 180, lung carcinomas Lewis and Ehrlich. Animals in the drink were injected with a vesel extract, increasing the dosage over time, and at the same time achieving an ever-increasing result - a decrease in the volume of tumors and an increase in life expectancy.

This means only that mushroom treatment gayly protects the body from cancer by activating all antitumor mechanisms.

Healing properties

Among the medicinal properties of the fungus can be identified the following: the ability to heal ulcers, have an antitumor effect. It is used for various women's diseases - myomas, mastopathies, erosions, hemorrhoids and eczema, stomach ulcers and gastritis. There are other properties that the mushroom veselka possesses. Treatment of joints with it, for example, is also possible. To do this, it is mixed with clay and used for radiculitis, gout and rheumatism. Many people take it in the morning to get rid of chronic fatigue.

Its healing properties are well known in the territories on which it grows. Among them are the villages of Russia, Belarus and Latvia. The inhabitants of these villages live by its gathering and harvesting. In this case, the places in which it grows, from the eyes of others are protected, like a gold mine. Grandmothers who sell them on the market, you will be told how you can tincture or juice the fungus to treat the diseases that were listed above.

Of course, popular rumor is good. Only we live in the "period of evidence-based medicine". Everyone will remember how much recently there were stories on TV about people's methods of treatment. Only it turned out that knowledge is obtained not only by healers, working with this fungus.

Healing mechanisms

Mushroom veselka, the treatment which is becoming more popular today, has in its composition unique polysaccharides, working in the same way as some other medicinal mushrooms, including shiitake, reishi, cordyceps and maytake:

  • Increase in the production of immunoglobulins M and G;
  • Increased activity of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killers;
  • With an antitumor response, there is also a decrease in the protein NF-kB1, whose activity increases in cancer patients.

Therapeutic tincture

In most cases, the treatment with mushroom veselka occurs with the help of vodka liqueur from it. To cook it, you will need freshly cut mushrooms, which are in the stage of "eggs". Buying them on the market, you need to check their quality. To do this, just press your finger on the mushroom. The remaining dent there says that the gavel has been torn away for a long time, therefore, almost all of its medicinal qualities have already lost.

Prepare the tincture:

  1. To begin with, the fungi must be waxed for 2 days, removing them into a damp and cool room.
  2. Then they need to be cleaned with a dry soft cloth, cut from four sides, put in a jar.
  3. After that, they can already be filled with vodka (for 2 mushrooms, 0.5 liters of vodka).
  4. Close the lid, and bury the jar in the ground for a calendar month.
  5. Next, dig out the jar, strain the finished tincture and put it in the refrigerator.

Fungus veselka: treatment of cancer

With the help of tincture of this fungus, treatment and prevention of oncology are carried out . The substances that it contains, cancer cells destroy, in addition, stop the growth of benign tumors. Therefore, treatment of tincture of the mushroom mushroom is possible for different benign and malignant tumors, such as:

  • Myoma, uterine fibroid;
  • mammary cancer;
  • skin cancer;
  • Cystic formations;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • Throat cancer , etc.

But this is not a complete list of diseases with which the mushroom veselka cope. Cancer treatment (reviews can be found today, mostly they are positive, of the negative only that the fungus is difficult to find) occurs as follows: tincture is taken three times a day for a tablespoon in 30 minutes. before meals. With benign tumors - 2 times a day, washing it with honey or a raw egg. The course of treatment is 30 days. Then you need to take a break in 2 weeks, after which you will take the second course. Then the break increases to 3 weeks. You need to pass at least 3 courses, increasing between them a break for a week.

Treatment of joints

Treatment with a mushroom canopy helps to eliminate pain in osteochondrosis, gout, radiculitis, other joint diseases. Daily (preferably at night) for this, it is necessary to rub the painful zones with its tincture.

Treatment of gastric ulcer

Tincture veselka with ulcer of the duodenum and stomach should be taken on a tablespoon three times a day for a month. Then you need to make a week break, after which the course is worth repeating. It should be noted that such treatment is perfectly combined with the use of other drugs.

Treatment of liver

In diseases of the pancreas and liver, tincture from the fungus, prepared as follows:

  1. 15 g of crushed dry mushroom pour a liter of "Cahors."
  2. In a dark place, insist for two months.
  3. Take it twice a day on a tablespoon half an hour before meals.

If you absolutely forbid the use of alcohol, you can use another recipe:

  • Warm up a glass of linseed oil.
  • Add a spoon of chopped dry mushroom.
  • Put for 5 days in the refrigerator.
  • Take twice a day on a teaspoon.

Interesting information

Mushroom veselka, the treatment of which brings a fairly quick and tangible result, looks like a chicken egg. Cutting the mushroom, you can find a gelatinous mass - it contains all the medicinal substances. The main thing here is not to miss the period of its rapid growth, when it grows in 2 hours to 30 cm. Among all living organisms is a record for the rate of growth. If he grew up, then it is already of little use. Surprisingly, even a cut mushroom, if you collect it late, continues to grow!

Because of the strange shape of the ancient Romans veselka considered the child of the goddess Cecera and made from it for their men's love potions.

From history: if a giggle grows up in the cemetery in Germany, it was believed that this finger of the deceased pushes the mushroom up, indicating that he has unpromised sins.

The mucus secreted by the fungus after it starts to grow smells of rotten stool. It contains controversies in itself, which, together with it, are eaten by flies attracted by this "fragrance" and, surprisingly, by bees.

Mushroom veselka: treatment, reviews

As more and more people today are beginning to be interested in the treatment of folk remedies, disillusioned with modern medicine, the mushroom veselka attracts more attention to itself. Accordingly, there are also reports about treatment for them. A lot of enthusiastic reviews are associated with increased potency of men after using it. You can find those who praise him for his ability to stop the growth of malignant cells. From negative reviews, you can often find that the vesicle is very difficult to acquire, since the mushroom is not growing very much and practically does not go on sale.

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