HealthAlternative Medicine

Treatment mushroom veselka. Folk recipes with mushroom veselka

The common spring is a mushroom that reaches a height of 30 cm and is found everywhere, in broad-leaved forests in particular. This mushroom is edible, it can even be eaten, although this applies exclusively to young jollys, which are in the "egg" stage.

Mushroom from ancient times was considered an effective tool for strengthening the potency of men. Scientific studies have shown that this is actually so, the fungus is the strongest aphrodisiac, since it contains phytosteroids, similar in their effect to male sex hormones. In addition, it is possible to treat common mushroom and other diseases, as it contains many other useful substances.

Why mushroom-veselka heals?

Medicine only in the XX century recognized veselka as a curative fungus from various diseases, which indicates the stability of the studies conducted, as well as the huge baggage of confirming facts accumulated during the years of human consumption of this fungus.

Healing properties

Today, it is already known that it is possible to masturbate the veselka of many diseases. Studies on the study of the constituent biochemical components and therapeutic properties of the fungus yielded interesting results:

  1. Stimulators of lymphocyte and perforin production are polysaccharides. These are the main components of human immunity, able to cope with cancer cells.
  2. High concentration of phytoncides. They can fight all known viruses and pathogens, especially herpes, hepatitis, and influenza.
  3. It is considered a natural antihistamine. Treatment mushroom veselka can remove swollen reactions and body irritations, as well as stop various allergic reactions.

Treatment with a lightweight ordinary

It should be noted that there are almost no contraindications for using the vesicle. The main thing in this case is the correct dosage and layout with substances that are directed to the same goal. For example, treatment of mushroom veselka hypertension involves the passage of a course of tincture of 2 mushrooms - shiitake and veselka. The first is very popular in Asia, and in Russia it is not used much, thus the veselka against hypertension is not so effective without it.

Mushroom in different forms is used to treat diseases such as:

  • Malignant tumors (melanoma, sarcoma, leukemia);
  • Benign tumors (adenomas, cysts);
  • Cancer;
  • Kidney disease, liver;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Treatment with mushroom veselka hemorrhoids;
  • Ulcers of diseases of the intestinal tract and stomach;
  • Gastritis;
  • Asthma attacks;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Diseases of lymph;
  • Varicose veins diseases;
  • Pain in the joints;
  • Gout;
  • Treatment of the gliboblastoma oyster mushroom;
  • Decay of wounds;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Male sexual dysfunction;
  • Heart diseases.

Mushroom in folk medicine

Most often, oncology is treated with mushroom mushroom. It is the unexpected malignant formations and benign tumors that inspire an incredible sense of insecurity and fear in the rigid approaches of today's medicine. Treatment of this disease brings a lot of harm to the human body and without consequences never passes.

Means against cancer

  1. Mushroom must be collected with the egg together. Do not wash, wipe thoroughly.
  2. Put in a jar (for 3 liters - 6 bottles) and pour strong vodka of your own preparation.
  3. It should be insisted for 10 days in a dark, ventilated place.

It should be taken daily on a tablespoon three times a day. And immediately after taking a glass of raw egg.

Using the ottoman

The fungus will help cope with various diseases and is considered effective in various forms, which harm the body does not cause. Further, we learn how the fungus is treated with a vesicle in case of cancer of the throat and other oncological diseases, and also in what forms and forms it is used:

  • Broth of mushrooms;
  • Water tincture, which helps lower blood pressure and eliminate cholesterol;
  • In fresh form, crushed with sour cream - they are effective in the prevention against cancerous tumors;
  • Alcoholic tincture, which is effective against kidney diseases and stomach pain, is used for gout and for washing the cramped wounds;
  • In dry form.

Tincture of dried mushroom

20 g of dry mushroom should be filled with a liter of vodka or Cahors. Infuse 2 months. Such infusion is taken without filtering. Also, a dry vesicle can be insisted on plain water. The fungus is crushed with a grinder, then 0.5 g of the resulting powder must be poured into a glass of water. Infuse within 24 hours. For the day you need to drink everything with the sediment together.

To dry veselka could maintain its healing properties, it must be properly dried. The temperature should not be more than 30 ° C. This is a complex process.

Treatment mushroom veselka with the regular application of compresses from it to the painful places will help get rid of various diseases, among them bedsores, trophic ulcers, melanoma, erysipelas. With its help the pressure is normalized, intestinal dysbacteriosis, ulcer and gastritis are treated.

Mushroom veselka: treatment, photo

Veselka is also used as an external remedy. With regular grinding tincture from the fungus of the affected joints, pain decreases. When lubricating the jelly, created from a fresh mushroom, problematic places in just three days disappear any allergic rashes, while the skin becomes smooth and clean.

Tincture of mushroom egg

To make it, you need to cut 3 fresh eggs of the veselka into 4 parts, then pour them a bottle of vodka. This mixture is infused for 2 months. The tincture should be taken depending on the disease - basically the dose reaches a tablespoon three times a day.

With the help of tincture, prepared from fresh mushrooms, you can cure cancer of the larynx, throat, trachea, in addition, cancer of the esophagus, stomach and mouth. To do this, you need to drink a spoonful of the drink, then put a small piece of mushroom on the cheek, after removing it from the tincture. It's so important to go through the whole day without getting the mushroom out of the mouth - its juice will constantly flow to the injured organs through the mouth, resulting in a cure for the disease. The process of recovery basically lasts about 2 months.

Recipe for psoriasis and ulcers

It is necessary to take 100 g of finely chopped fresh mushrooms or 10 g of dry, add a glass of alcohol and leave to infuse for two weeks minimum, but the longer, the better.

Unfiltered infusion is used in the form of lotions, applying them to ulcers or affected skin twice a day.

Collected in the forest veselka in itself - it is completely harmless and recommended for use preventive and remedy. The use of two spoons per day of such a tincture can strengthen the immune system, and also support the body in the treatment of a disease. An excellent restorative means is also the use of halves of dried vesicles during the seasonal flu epidemics.

Although the danger of this fungus lies just in its inaccessibility and rarity. Substitutes in the form of tablets are natural, thus the drugstore which is not already so harmless and has set of restrictions to application. For example, it is undesirable to take them to children under 5 years old and pregnant.

Another important point is that the gaiter is the strongest aphrodisiac, therefore, in use it requires an appropriate measure. From an overdose of such a tincture in men, hair bulbs may begin to die, and this manifests itself in the future in the form of baldness.

In this fungus, the healing properties are undeniable, while the effect does not make you wait long, which means you need to try to cope with the diseases with a paddle. If the fly agaric is recognized as the king of medicinal mushrooms, the veselka deserves to be rightly called the queen.


At the present moment, there are no serious contraindications in the treatment with a gauntlet. As mentioned above, it is not necessary to prescribe it to nursing and pregnant women, children under 5 years of age, since studies on the effect of the fungus on the human body in these periods, which are characterized by high vulnerability, have not been conducted. Since gaiters improve immunity, its use is not recommended for people who suffer from autoimmune diseases, including psoriasis, rheumatism, scleroderma, etc., since this can provoke an exacerbation.

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