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The healing properties of Icelandic moss. Where Iceland moss grows

Icelandic moss enjoys deserved popularity . From a botanical point of view, it is correct to say "Icelandic cetrarium", which refers to a large group of lichens. In the northern countries it was used as an aromatic additive to bakery, meat and fish dishes. The dried plant was added to beverages and sweet desserts to give a piquant taste.

In addition to cooking, lichen is well known in Ayurvedic medicine and homeopathy. The healing properties of Icelandic moss have been studied for many centuries. Scientifically proved that the shrub was almost a panacea for serious diseases among medieval peoples. They treated pulmonary, skin and intestinal pathologies. According to reliable sources, the plant is at least 400 years old.

The medicinal lichen has a lot of names, they were given by people from different regions: dry moss, lobster, leather shield, etc. Immediately, we make an amendment: the plant arose as a result of crossing algae and fungus. In the end, we have an amazing "body", created to bring humanity only benefit and protect against harmful microorganisms.

Icelandic moss: medicinal properties, photo, description

In fact, it is a small loose shrub up to 15 cm high, covering a significant part of the soil. Its leaves are dense twisted blades, reminiscent of the horns of a large deer. It's hard not to notice it in the forest. The plant has an amazing property to change color depending on the humidity of the environment. In a damp climate the lichen acquires a beautiful olive color, and in the dry one it becomes brown.

It is quite unpretentious shrub, therefore it grows throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in Europe, Asia and Africa. It prefers sandy lands, subalpine and alpine places. It can not be found in contaminated ecological zones, it is an indicator of the purity of the environment. The plant is very fond of animals, especially deer.

Collection of raw materials

Icelandic moss, whose medicinal properties are explained by the presence of a whole set of valuable components, is collected in the summer months. For medicinal purposes only thallus is used. Its preparation is carried out by wooden rakes or hands, so that the plant does not crumble. After cleaning, the leaves are carefully dried in the sun, transferred to opaque containers or bags and stored for two years.

Biochemical composition

Generous mother nature has endowed man with unique plants that can replace even antibacterial agents. These include Icelandic moss. Properties are characterized by a rich mineral and vitamin set. In the thallus there is vitamin B12, responsible for the assimilation of fats and proteins, which also activates the immune system and improves the condition of the hair.

The main energy value is the presence of important trace elements: iron, calcium, magnesium, iodine and flint. In addition, in cetrarium, a large number of different acids, pigments, a whole list of vitamins and wax. No wonder folk medicine considers this lichen the best natural immunostimulant.

Healing and healing properties of Icelandic moss

Clinical studies have proven the antimicrobial effect of the shrub due to the content of usnic acid. Upon ingestion, it neutralizes pathogenic bacteria, leading to their death. The doctors of the 19th century drank the broths of tuberculosis patients, and they managed to overcome a serious infection when the official medicine before the pathology passed.

Usninovaja acid, according to experts, struggles with free radicals, therefore infusions prescribe to persons with malignant diseases to slow down tumor growth. The scientists found that Icelandic moss, whose medicinal properties are due to the presence of lichenin, exhibits anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.

Traditional medicine has confirmed the powerful immunomodulating and antioxidant properties of the lichen. Water and alcoholic infusions are aimed at eliminating the early signs of skin aging, increasing the body's defenses, fighting psycho-emotional conditions. Western pharmaceutical companies make medicines (syrups, lozenges, lozenges) for colds and coughs, and also add cetririum to toothpastes.


Particularly great therapeutic effect of plants in the fight against respiratory diseases. Gently envelops, softens and soothes the mucous membrane of the pharynx and oral cavity of Icelandic moss. Therapeutic properties (children can use plant drugs from the age of five) are characterized by the incoming elements.

Decoctions relieve bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma, tonsillitis and cough. Potion can rinse your throat for better results and eat inside. In the treatment not only the viruses are destroyed, but the immune system is also activated.

They are recommended to be used in the rehabilitation period after cavitary operations and long-term illnesses. With the help of natural medicine it is possible to get rid of whooping cough, stagnation of bile, insomnia, digestive disorders, gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers. Indispensable remedy for skin lesions and pathologies: burns, cuts, wounds, pimples.

The taste is unpleasant, but the effect is obvious

There are a lot of positive feedback from users who have tried the miraculous Icelandic moss. The healing properties (reviews confirm high efficiency) of this plant have a wide therapeutic spectrum of action. Helps overcome a debilitating cough and significantly improve health.

However, not everyone liked the taste of infusion, it is very bitter, it is unpleasant to drink. But fans of homeopathy found a way out - to brew lichen in milk and sour milk drinks. The taste qualities are drastically changing for the better - even a small child will like it.

Drugs based on cetraria

The healing properties of Icelandic moss do not disappear after heat treatment and are better manifested. Usually the plant is dried, then ground and brewed as a tea drink. To improve the taste, add honey, mint and lemon. It is an excellent restorative and preventive remedy for ARVI and influenza.

From the dried and fresh lichen prepare tinctures and broths, possessing hemostatic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect. We suggest you write down a prescription for cough and inflammation. Pour two large glasses of water 4 large spoons of moss, boil for 5-7 minutes. After the solution has cooled, drain and use three times a day for 10 ml.

From the bronchitis and debilitating cough the following recipe will help: crushed dry raw materials in the amount of a tablespoon pour a glass of milk and boil for half an hour. Take the milk broth for the night. It has an expectorant, calming and mucolytic effect. It is possible to give to children, having preliminary consulted with the competent expert.

There is a variant of tincture on alcohol: for 250 ml of pure alcohol (60%) take 40 gr. Dry moss. Insist for a week, drink 10 drops. It stops inflammation and normalizes the metabolic work of the body.

A universal recipe helps to heal skin, eye and digestive diseases. It is made from 10 gr. Cetrarium and half a liter of cold water. Blend the mixture, cool and filter. With a cold, drink 1/3 cup after meals and rinse your throat. When gastritis and peptic ulcer is used for half an hour before meals, 50 ml.

From the decoction make compresses with purulent wounds, burns, malignant formations and dermatitis. Suffering from conjunctivitis, folk healers are advised to rinse with this solution of the eye every three hours during the day. Pus will pull out and eliminate the inflammatory process of Icelandic moss. The healing properties (recipes are time-tested and exhibit a pronounced therapeutic effect) of the lichen are truly amazing and have no contraindications.

Pharmaceutical preparations containing lichen

In the pharmacy network are presented for sale medicines, consisting of cetrarium. Their main task is the destruction of pathogenic viruses and bacteria in the respiratory tract. The "Isla Moos" and "Isla Mint" pastilles are well recommended for cough and sore throat. In addition to the fact that they moisturize the mucous membranes, they also increase immunity. You can purchase natural lichen in a package at an affordable price. The healing properties of Icelandic moss are endless, effective and do not cause negative manifestations.

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