
"Breathe" (oil): reviews, description, price

Every year, preparations against colds and influenza are being improved, they are produced in new forms with different flavors and flavors. As a rule, such funds are used at the first signs of the disease. They strengthen the immune system and prevent the infection from developing. If the medicine was used at the height of the disease, it significantly improves the patient's condition and maximizes the symptoms of the cold.

Today we will tell you about such an anti-cold remedy, like essential oil "Breathe". Reviews about it will also be presented below.

Composition, description and packaging

The "Breath" oil, which is mostly of a positive nature, is produced in dark vials that are placed in cardboard packages.

The active ingredients of this drug are:

  • Mint oil without menthol;
  • Cajeput oil;
  • Eucalyptus oil ;
  • Levomenthol;
  • Juniper oil;
  • Wintergreen oil (gaulterii lying);
  • Clove oil.

The preparation has a viscous consistency.

Properties of the medicine

What are the properties of the Breath oil? Reviews (children are prescribed this very often) say that the high therapeutic effectiveness of this drug is explained by the natural ingredients that make up its composition. Consider the properties of each ingredient in more detail.

Essential oil of juniper prevents the development of colds, as well as increases the body's resistance to infections and viruses.

Pair of mint oil has an invigorating and analgesic effect. In the aromatic composition of this remedy, the fresh aroma of mint prevails. This ingredient significantly facilitates breathing with nasal congestion, and is also used as an analgesic (that is, it eliminates headaches in colds).

What role does carnation play in the Breath product? Oil (reviews of experts confirm this information) clove is used as an anesthetic and antiseptic. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It should also be noted that the vapors of this ingredient are capable of decontaminating air.

It is not a secret for anyone that eucalyptus has an antipyretic effect. It increases the resistance of the body to infectious diseases, so it is actively used for influenza and colds. In addition, such a component is able to inhibit the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria.

What is the purpose of cajeput oil? "Breathe", reviews of which can leave everyone, which includes this ingredient, heals well catarrhal diseases. It also has a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect and is used as an antiseptic.

Extract obtained from leaves of the Gaulteria, reduces the inflammatory processes that occur in the respiratory system.

As for levomenthol, it is a menthol of natural origin. It has an antispasmodic effect, and also reduces the severity of signs of acute rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and bronchitis.

So what is the essential oil "Breathe"? The reviews say that this agent disinfects the air well and reduces the risk of infection during the cold season in transport, at home, at the office or at school.


When is the Breath (oil) used? Reviews say that this tool is effective only in the early stages of the flu and colds. However, it is often used and in the midst of the disease. In this case, the medication facilitates the symptoms of the disease and prevents the infection of other members of the family.


Does the medicine "Breathe" (oil) have contraindications? Reviews say that it can not be used only if there is an increased sensitivity.

How to use Breath (oil)?

Experts say that this tool can be used in many ways. For the aromatization of air, about 2-3 drops of oil are applied to a normal napkin or any tissue surface, and then placed next to the infected person for inhaling the vapors.

It should also be noted that this drug can be used for acupressure. In this case, it is applied to the skin at the points of pulsation and carefully triturated (in an amount of 1-2 drops).

The frequency, as well as the duration of application of the drug in question, are not limited. It can also be used without consulting a doctor.

Adverse events

When using the drug for air aromatization, it never causes undesirable reactions. In acupressure, patients may have mild redness, which very quickly passes on their own.

"Breath" (butter): reviews

For children this remedy is prescribed very often. As a rule, it is applied to the child's favorite toy (from the cloth) with which he plays, goes to a kindergarten or sleeps.

According to consumers' reviews, the drug in question has a large number of positive sides. This is a completely natural product, which includes only essential oils of various plants and levomenthol.

This medication is absolutely safe not only for adults, but also for the child. Due to the non-contact method of application, the drug pairs do not contribute to dryness of the nasal mucosa. Also it is not addictive.

"Breath" oil is effective not only in the prevention of colds, but also to alleviate their symptoms in the midst of the disease.

Researches of experts have shown, that against application of the given preparation the duration of cold flow decreases, and also the nasal congestion is quickly eliminated.

It should be noted and the fact that this tool is very convenient to use. As you know, it does not need to be buried in the nasal cavity, because the oil is simply inhaled by the patient. Moreover, the vial or flask with a preparation can be taken with itself anywhere (for study, work, rest and other). By the way, in the winter season it is often applied to a scarf. However, it should be borne in mind that the oils leave greasy stains that are difficult to remove.

Price of funds

You can buy essential oil "Breath" in any pharmacy. As a rule, its cost does not exceed 350 rubles. Patients consider this price to be too high. However, it should be taken into account that one bottle with the drug is enough for several seasons.

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