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Diet with a kidney cyst: principles of nutrition, menus, features and recommendations

The kidney cyst is a fairly common diagnosis. Most often, such a pathology does not bother the patient and for a long time does not make itself felt. However, in some cases, neoplasm can lead to the development of pain syndrome, which is chronic, as well as chronic kidney failure and arterial hypertension. Only an expert in a narrow profile can make an accurate diagnosis. Often, doctors prescribe a diet for a kidney cyst. What is it?

Types of cysts

To begin with it is necessary to understand, what can be a cyst. There are several varieties. The cyst is a hollow neoplasm that is surrounded by a connective tissue. Inside such a build-up may contain pus, blood, serous fluid. Dimensions of the lesion can also be different, ranging from 1 millimeter.

Depending on the cause, cysts are classified into acquired and congenital cysts. In number, they are divided into multiple and single. Depending on the affected kidney, cysts can be bilateral and one-sided, from the structure - complex or multi-chambered, as well as simple - single-chambered; Localization - intraparenchymal (located in the parenchyma of organs), cortical (located in the cortical layer), subcapsular (grow under the organ capsule), parapelvic (located near the pelvis of the kidneys).

Why there is a kidney cyst

Diet with a kidney cyst can reduce the growth rate of tumors, as well as make more effective therapy for ailment. However, before you start treating the disease, it is worth to find out the reasons for its development. Basically, all the pathologies of the kidneys, in which the cyst begins to grow, are congenital. Most ailments are of a family nature. Such diseases include:

  • Spongy kidney;
  • Dermoid cyst;
  • Polycystic;
  • Multicystosis;
  • Solitary cyst;
  • Certain hereditary syndromes.

Similar pathologies occur with various symptoms and can lead to kidney failure.

Acquired disease

As for the acquired cyst, it develops throughout the life of a person and arises against a background of certain diseases. As a rule, such neoplasms are single-chambered and single. In this case, the pathology develops asymptomatically, and the patient learns about it by accident. Often such tumors occur when:

  • Kidney trauma;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Parasitic infection;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Pyelonephritis.

Symptomatology of the disease

In most cases, a diet with a kidney cyst reduces the risk of certain symptoms of the disease. The main signs of pathology are:

  • Kidney enlargement;
  • Changes in urine;
  • Edema;
  • Frequent trips to the toilet at night;
  • Monotonous and persistent pain in the lumbar region;
  • Difficulty urinating;
  • Increased blood pressure.

Kidney: diet and treatment

In what cases is a diet prescribed for a kidney cyst? Restrictions in the diet in this pathology are not always required. If the neoplasm does not cause disturbances in the functions of the organs and does not manifest itself, the patient's diet can be ordinary. However, nutrition should be rational and healthy.

If the disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and causes an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of edema and chronic kidney failure, azotemia, water-electrolyte imbalance, nephrotic syndrome, then a strict diet is required.

In what cases is a diet required?

What kind of diet for a kidney cyst is prescribed? With such a disease requires compliance with all the recommendations of a specialist. As for the diet, doctors are often advised to adhere to the diet number 7. This diet is aimed at reducing the burden on the kidneys.

In addition, the diet can reduce blood pressure, improve the processes associated with the removal of nitrogen compounds and other toxins from the body, which can linger in the blood in violation of the functions of the organs of the urinary system.

At the moment, there are several varieties of table number 7. In this case, a diet is selected for the kidney cyst, taking into account all the symptoms and disorders occurring in the patient's body. Table № 7 - diet, which is designed for those who do not have pronounced pathologies associated with the work of organs.

Such a diet makes it possible to create favorable conditions for a speedy recovery in the inflammatory process. It should be noted that the disease, which occurs without obvious symptoms, is often complicated by pyelonephritis. In addition, the diet increases the effectiveness of therapy, improves the outflow of urine and does not cause allergies.

Basic principles

What is a diet for a kidney cyst? An exemplary menu can be composed by a dietician. But in general, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles. Among them:

  • The amount of table salt should be significantly reduced: no more than 5 grams per day;
  • A day should not use more than 1.5 liters of fluid;
  • It is worth slightly limiting the use of carbohydrates, fats and proteins - their number should not exceed the physiological norm;
  • It is forbidden to use various extractive substances, for example dyes, preservatives, spices and so on;
  • Food should be enriched with vitamins;
  • Food should be fractional, at least 5 times a day;
  • Culinary processing of products can be different;
  • The caloric content of the diet during the day should not exceed 2,400 kcal.

What is forbidden

What excludes a diet for cysts on the kidneys? The menu should be made in view of the fact that some products with such ailment are prohibited. These include:

  • Black and plain bread;
  • Sausage products;
  • Products containing a lot of salt;
  • Fatty meat;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Mushroom, fish, and also broths;
  • Salted cheese;
  • Beans;
  • Pickled and canned vegetables;
  • Mineral water;
  • Canned food;
  • alcohol;
  • Coffee and cocoa;
  • chocolate.

What is allowed

What is a diet for a kidney cyst? The causes and treatment of such a disease are determined by the attending physician. If a diet is prescribed, then the patient should include in his diet:

  • Protein-free bread;
  • Unsalted, non-welded soups cooked on vegetable broth;
  • The first two weeks is to limit the consumption of meat, then you can add the product to your diet in small quantities;
  • fresh fruits;
  • Low-fat fish;
  • Dairy products and milk;
  • No more than one chicken egg during the day;
  • Not strong tea;
  • Unsalted varieties of hard cheese;
  • Various cereals.

It is worth noting that such a dietary table is only the beginning in the process of transition of the patient to a dietary diet. What to do after removing the cyst on the kidney? Diet after surgery allows you to improve the functioning of the urinary system and significantly reduce the burden on the organs.

What is table number 7a

Table No. 7a is a diet that is prescribed for kidney cysts, if the disease is accompanied by acute organ failure. In this case, the food is a small-protein menu. The purpose of such a diet is to reduce the burden on the kidneys, as well as in the removal of nitrogen compounds and other toxins. To the general rules of such a diet should include the following:

  • The salt-free menu.
  • Food should be low-protein or protein-free. In this case, there are strict limitations. It is allowed to use no more than 25% of the daily norm of protein of animal origin per day. In this case, such food serves as an irreplaceable source of amino acids.
  • To get a more saturated taste of food, it is allowed to add leaf vegetables, lemons and salt substitutes to dishes.
  • The diet should consist of low-protein foods.
  • Table No. 7a is assigned for an insignificant period of time - no more than 20 days. If the patient has reduced azotemia, then it is transferred to a more sparing diet. The menu is prepared according to the table number 7b. In this case it is allowed to increase the amount of protein consumed from 20 to 40 grams per day.
  • Meals should be between 4 and 5 throughout the day.
  • In a day you can consume no more than ½ liter of liquid.
  • Exclude from the diet is recommended fish and meat of any sort, table salt, legumes and extractives.
  • Caloric content of the diet should not exceed 2200 kcal.

What is diet № 7b

The diet for cysts on the kidneys in women and men is no different. Table No. 7b is prescribed for all those with chronic kidney failure, and also for azotemia after table 7a. The purpose of this dietary nutrition is the same as that of the previous one. The difference lies in the amount of protein consumed. To the basic principles of nutrition, according to diet No. 7b, it is necessary to attribute the following:

  • The amount of protein consumed per day should not exceed 40 grams.
  • The table № 7b is appointed on the 20th day after the diet № 7а.
  • All dishes are recommended to cook without salt. A day of this substance you can use no more than 5 grams.
  • In the diet, you can include fish and meat, but in limited quantities. Such products can be eaten in boiled form.
  • Significantly limit or exclude from the diet of flour products, as well as cereals.
  • Fluids can be consumed no more than 0.6 liters per day.
  • The number of meals per day - 6 times.
  • Caloric content of the diet is 2,400 kcal.

The essence of table № 7в

Such dietary food is prescribed for those with a kidney cyst appeared on the background of a nephrotic syndrome. The goal of such a diet is to eliminate protein deficiency, lower blood cholesterol levels, eliminate edema, and reduce the protein released by the kidneys. The general principles of nutrition are as follows:

  • Consumption of up to 0.8 lira of free liquid per day is allowed.
  • The food must be a fraction. Number of meals - at least 5 times.
  • A day is allowed to consume no more than 2 grams of salt.
  • It is necessary to limit the amount of simple carbohydrates and extractives in the diet.
  • It is recommended to eat foods enriched with such lipotropic substances as methionine, fatty polyunsaturated acids and so on.
  • The amount of protein in the diet should exceed the norm.
  • Caloric content of the diet is 2800 kcal.

Table No. 7g

There is also a diet No. 7g. It is prescribed for terminal kidney failure. In this case, the patient is on hemodialysis. The main principles of diet № 7g:

  • Consumption of protein - no more than 60 grams per day.
  • Free liquid - no more than 0,7 liters.
  • Salt - less than 2 grams per day.
  • Exclude from the diet products enriched with potassium.
  • Food should be rich in vitamins.
  • Heat treatment of products - cooking.
  • Meals up to 6 times a day, fractional.
  • Caloric content of the diet is 3000 kcal.

In conclusion

Often a diet is prescribed after removal of the cyst on the kidney. This nutrition allows you to quickly restore the body after surgery. If a patient has a cyst, then he must undergo a thorough examination to be sure that the neoplasm does not affect the functions of the organ.

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