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Curvature of nasal septum: consequences and causes

If a person does not go through a runny nose for a long time and there are problems with breathing, it is necessary to pay attention to this. After all, if this is not a chronic disease, then there can be a curvature of the nasal septum, the consequences of which can inconvenience a person for a long time.

A little anatomy

At the very beginning it is necessary to clarify that the nasal septum, in its essence, is a bone and a set of cartilages that divide the nose in two, forming two nostrils. The nose itself in the body performs a very useful function - it's a natural filter. And if it is slightly curved, the natural process of air purification is disrupted by a person, then various diseases can arise.


Considering the topic "Curvature of the nasal septum. Consequences ", it is important to pay attention to the causes of this pathology. So, why can it move? First, the whole anatomical structure of the facial skeleton is to blame. This occurs in childhood, when the cartilage develops much faster than the bones, and therefore in the bow they bend, because they simply have nowhere to grow. Also, the rickets born in childhood may be the cause. This feature of the body is also inherited. And, of course, the septum can be bent due to a nose injury, and this happens often.

About children

What is dangerous for the child's curvature of the nasal septum? The consequences can affect the entire life of the baby. This is not only nasal in the voice, but also poor progress in school, slower brain and mental development. Such babies are often weak also physically.

About adults

What else is fraught with curvature of the nasal septum? The consequences can be as follows: it is rhinitis, that is, a frequently repeated rhinitis that can not pass for months, sinusitis, sinusitis. In addition, the throat may be affected - it is tonsillitis and inflammatory processes in the pharynx. Even more dangerous is the curvature of the nasal septum? It can also cause diseases of the middle ear, which are not easily cured. In addition, there are also aesthetic discomforts: a person with a permanently embedded nose can have a nasal voice, difficulty breathing, very often there is night snoring (including in women of any age), the shape of the organ can change, which affects the appearance. In addition, the lack of oxygen is fraught with insomnia, constant headaches, sleep disturbances, which affects the general condition of the body and work capacity.

What to do?

How does a person understand that he has a curvature of the nasal septum? Photos - the first helpers, thanks to which you can determine the problem yourself. However, there will always remain doubts with which it is best to consult a doctor. And if the septum is really twisted, the doctor will most likely advise septoplasty - an operative intervention, thanks to which the septum will not only be leveled, but also bone-cartilaginous tissue is completely preserved . The operation itself will not leave scars and traces on the human body, because everything is done through small internal incisions. Thanks to this, the recovery period is also significantly shortened.

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