HealthDiseases and Conditions

Treatment of lop-eared without surgery

Surgical intervention is usually considered an extreme measure when it comes to treating diseases. Meanwhile, lop-eared (this is how doctors call violations in the development of ear cartilage) - it's not even a disease. But until recently, the operation remained the only way to restore the ears to a normal form. With the wonders of plastic surgery, the world has become acquainted for a long time, but for many, the treatment of lop-ears by such a method still remained inaccessible.

Someone was too afraid to lie under the knife, someone lacked money for otoplasty, and someone was contraindicated for medical reasons (in particular, children, elderly people, patients with cardiovascular diseases, etc.) . As a result, many had to live and get used to the wrong shape of the ears. Some did not seriously interfere, but for many it became a real curse: complexes, low self-esteem, offensive nicknames and a far from tolerant attitude - all this will spoil life for everyone.

How to cure a burr without surgery

The appearance of Arylys' ear-setters has changed the life of many people for the better. After all, now there was an opportunity, without risking and not spending huge sums for the operation, to systematically adjust the shape of the ears in a few months, and in the long term - and completely get rid of the bumpy ears. Some have already lost hope and perceived innovation with skepticism, but it met expectations.

  • Using ear-correctors is safe at any age: they do not cause pain, do not cause allergies, do not create health risks.
  • There are models for children and adults. Carrying proof-readers, it is not necessary to refuse water procedures and from a habitual rhythm of a life.
  • Changing products according to the instructions, you can get the first results in 3-4 months, and for six months, a year or longer, a long time - to give your ears a much-desired normal shape.

The efforts of Russian scientists have revolutionized the field, since otoplasty of the ears is now simply unclaimed. Only people who seriously still do not know about the correctors Arilis are thinking about the operation seriously because those who have already learned about them quickly cease to doubt. Real photos "before" and "after", as well as reviews of people in conjunction with financial availability of products speak for themselves: this is a new way without surgery, without pain and without the risk of defeating bumpy and making your life much better.

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