EducationSecondary education and schools

Cognitive-research activity in the senior group: planning

Cognitive-research activity implies the creative activity of the child, which is aimed at studying certain phenomena, establishing the interconnection of individual objects in the surrounding world, and systematizing and streamlining the knowledge acquired.

Features of research in preschool children

Elements of cognitive activity are included in role-playing games in preschool children. Many psychologists and teachers in their work have indicated the importance of their diverse species. It is games that help the child understand the relationship of individual details, actions, create a clear idea of a particular object.

Importance of research for preschoolers

As the child grows up, cognitive and research activity develops, more complex elements are included in it. Thanks to these processes, the preschooler satisfies his curiosity, expands the stock of knowledge, changes his own ideas about the world around him.

Such activities help the future first-grader to establish cause-effect relationships, orientate themselves in space and time, to combine disparate facts into a single picture.

Functions of cognitive and research activities in DDU

Psychologists distinguish several basic functions of such work, which are important for the child.

  1. Development of curiosity in preschool children (cognitive initiative).
  2. Assimilation by the preschooler of spatial, classification, temporary relationships.
  3. Transition from systematization of the received information to the level of practical activity.
  4. Formation of verbal stock, thinking, attention, analysis skills, conversation.

The cognitive and research activity of children promotes the expansion of the outlook, the development of ideas about the social and natural community, the formation of the simplest historical and geographical knowledge.

Methods of activating the cognitive activity of preschool children

Modern Federal requirements for educational, educational, developmental tasks in preschool education presuppose special attention to the formation of initiative in children, independence, cognitive activity.

It is the desire for independent development that is considered the main characteristic of the preschooler's development. The kid should receive important information about the surrounding world, people, the laws of public life, the objects of nature, in a natural way. Cognitive-research activity in the senior group is expressed in the purposefulness of thoughts and actions, concentration, the desire to express their opinion, to compare the information obtained.

How is the activity of preschool children expressed?

Activity is expressed in the ability of the child's own choice of certain activities. The educator or psychologist observes the behavior of the child during the role play, analyzes the desire to communicate with other children, leadership qualities. Then the analysis of the received information on special techniques and technological maps is carried out, and the conclusion about the readiness of the child for schooling is made.

Types of cognitive activity of preschool children

In modern pedagogy there are several variants of such activity. The cognitive and research activity of preschool children can be manifested in actions according to the model offered by the tutor. For this option, the tutor offers the kids schemes, algorithms for action. The executive activity consists of taking the toddler a definite task, choosing a variant of his actions based on the proposed samples, obtaining a personal result.

Methods of stimulating the self-development of preschool children

Cognitive-research activity in the older group is stimulated by a variety of pedagogical methods. First and foremost, the educator tries, through imagery, motivation, emotionality, to provide his pupils with an interest in the task assigned to them. A wise mentor pretends that he himself does not know the answer to this question, and only the kid can help him in this, and the joint cognitive-research activity begins. The average group of the GEF kindergarten also assumes a variety of types of projects and studies conducted under the direct supervision of the educator. Gradually, the teacher goes "into the background", giving children the opportunity to independently obtain the results of the experiment, experience. To stimulate preschool children, as the work proceeds, the educator asks them: "What do you think, how will your experiment end?", "What did you learn at this stage of the work?".

Gradually the teacher becomes a tutor, he clarifies the child's algorithm of actions, helps him to make diagrams, drawings. Cognitive-research activity in the older group implies the use of creative imagination techniques. The child learns to represent the result of his work. For example, if a preschooler has a task - to grow crystals of table salt, he must imagine how they will look. After the experience is successfully completed, the child compares his original view with the real picture, draws conclusions about the similarity, the differences of the images.

The experience that has allowed the child to accumulate cognitive and research activity in the senior group, will be his personal result, he will be able to use it when teaching in school.

An example of bread research in the Dow

Here is an example of planning a similar work in a kindergarten. Cognitive-research activities should be clearly thought out, distributed over the months. For example, in the senior group, you can offer children a topic related to bread. You can call this research in different ways: "Where did the bread come from?", "What is white gold?", "Why is the loaf covered with mold?".

Depending on the questions posed, a research plan is formed.

In September, cognitive-research activity begins. The senior group is looking for information on the composition of bread. The educator sets before them the task of establishing those components that are needed for baking delicious buns and loaves. The result of this stage will be a list of ingredients, without which it is impossible to bake bread.

In October, the kids go along with their mentor on an excursion to the bakery. They should get acquainted visually with the technology of making bread and bread, confirm the information collected in September about the components of bread.

In November, children receive homework. Together with their parents, they should try themselves as real bakers, master the basic stages of creating tasty white bread.

In December cognitive-research activity is completed. The preparatory group is invited to tasting those delicious pies and buns that together with moms and dads made future first graders.

Studying the seasons

An interesting option for research activities in kindergarten can be considered the study of the seasons. The main goal of the educator is to consolidate and deepen the knowledge that the children already possess. You can conduct such a study in groups. Babies receive their own assignments, a special observation card and logs for processing the results. For example, you will need to observe a week after how the sun shines brightly, how often rains fall, and sketch the results in a magazine. The second group will deal with the temperature regime, attracting to help the parents. The third part is to find out how strong the winds were during this time. After the guys complete their observations, a complete picture is drawn up. The result of such an individual-collective project will be a complete description of the weather conditions in a certain season. To develop the creative imagination of the children, the teacher gives them an additional task - to come up with suitable clothes for this time of the year, made of non-traditional materials. The best work can be "implemented in reality" by making a real fashion show at a joint holiday of parents and children.

Food analysis

Another direction for the cognitive activity of preschoolers may be the study of food. This is actual, because according to the new standards, special attention is paid to the formation of healthy schoolchildren's skills, instilling in them an interest in a healthy lifestyle. To start with the tutor, the children analyze the composition of different foods, learn about what important chemicals, trace elements, vitamins, must be present in the daily diet of each person. To increase the motivation of novice researchers, the teacher conducts role plays. Children become cooks, confectioners, doctors, to understand how important it is to eat right and right. The study can be conducted not only in the kindergarten, but also outside it. During the walks, the kids offer their teacher active games, together they will come up with comic assignments for sports competitions. The result of the work can be sports starts, where mixed teams of children and their parents will be represented. And at the end of the holiday, you can organize a "healthy table", on which only useful products will be present.


Cognitive activity should begin with the average group of children's preschool institutions. With a clear planning of such work, it will be possible to count on the development of children's independence.

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