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The poem "Giraffe": analysis. Gumilev "Giraffe": analysis of the plan
There are poets among the lyricists of the Silver Age, whose influence on descendants and contemporaries was particularly significant. To them belongs, of course, Nikolai Gumilev Stepanovich. In this article, we will analyze his poem "Giraffe".
Analysis Plan
Analyzing the poem, we should highlight the following points.
- Title, author, history of creation, events, which caused the appearance of this work.
- To which direction in the literature belonged its author.
- The genre of this poem.
- Idea, theme.
- Composition.
- Used in the work of artistic images.
- Lyrical hero.
- Literary tricks that the author uses (metaphor, epithet, comparison, personification, repetition, symbol, etc.), as well as poetic vocabulary (neologisms, archaisms, antonyms, synonyms) and poetic phonetics (dissonance, alliteration).
Based on this plan, we will analyze the poem "Giraffe" Gumilev. However, it can be applied to other poetic works.
Author of the work
Let's begin the analysis of Gumilev's verse "Giraffe" from the author's presentation. This poet was known as one of the leaders and creators of the school of acmeism. He treated his own poems very critically, worked scrupulously on their content and form. Gumilev is one of the most demanding and strict teachers who taught young poets the taste for the precision of the utterance.
To what direction did Gumilev belong?
Gumilev, as we have already mentioned, belonged to such a direction as Acmeism. This is the style invented by Nikolai Stepanovich, which implied reflection of reality with capacious and easy words.
Lyrical hero
The intentionally lyrical hero turns a blind eye to the everyday life of his life. He contrasts it with a full adventure, the bright world of a free traveler. Attract its beautiful names, exotic places. Purposefulness and will is the spiritual core of all the poetry of Nikolai Stepanovich.
Contemporaries captured the image of the lyrical hero Gumilev, combining courage, courage, the ability to predict the future, as well as a passion for travel and childish curiosity to the world around him.
The history of the creation of the "Giraffe" (Gumilev)
The analysis of the plan will continue, telling a little about the history of the creation of the poem and the collection in which it is included. "Romantic Flowers" - a collection of poems, published in 1908. The lyrical hero in this cycle tries on different masks. He is the loser of the entire player, who placed his cross on the map in a terrible fit; A hermit thinker who has a higher knowledge; Then a wanderer. Behind these guises we see one man, courageous and stubborn, dreamy and brave, who is not afraid of trials and anxieties, even if they threaten the hero with death. In the collection called "Romantic Flowers", it was not by chance that the poem "Giraffe", written in 1907, entered the collection. This is one of the most vivid creations of Gumilev, which has become his visiting card in literature for a long time.
The author himself traveled extensively throughout Turkey, Africa, and the East. These impressions were reflected in his poems, which are characterized by wild exotic rhythms. Sounds in his works and music of overseas countries, and Russian songs, and the pipes of war, and tears, and the laughter of love. One of the most beautiful poems dedicated to Africa, is a poet like Gumilev, "Giraffe." A brief analysis of the work does not allow us to talk in detail about the rest of his work, which is also very curious.
Genre of the poem
Like many other poems by this author, this verse is written in the genre of philosophical lyrics. An analysis of the poem "Giraffe" by Gumilev, briefly described in this article, allows us to say that the poet appears before us as a "fairy tale", combining the description of the rapidly changing, dazzlingly bright pictures of a beautiful distant country with the musicality and melodiousness of the narrative.
Theme and idea
Lyrical hero of the poem "Giraffe" in order to dispel the sorrow of her companion, decides to tell her a sad and mysterious tale about the passion of the young leader to the black maiden, about "slender palms", "tropical garden", all exotic, beautiful. It begins especially: "Far, far away on Lake Chad ..." wanders an exquisite giraffe.
The expression "far-far" is usually written through a hyphen. With the help of it, something absolutely unattainable is determined. However, Gumilev, with some irony, focuses our attention on the fact that this continent is not so far away. He compares two spaces, in the scale of a person's consciousness being distant. However, they are very close to the scale of the earth. About what is "here", the author does not say anything. This is not necessary, since there is only a "heavy fog", which we are accustomed to inhaling every minute. Life in the world where we live flows in gray tones. This is what Nikolai Gumilev ("Giraffe") depicts. Analyzing the work, we can say that only tears and sadness remained "here." It seems as if heaven is impossible on earth. However, this lyrical hero does not like this routine. It attracts unusual, colorful, exotic rhythms.
Lyrical hero, referring to a mysterious woman, to judge which we can only from the position of the author, the dialogue leads and with us, that is, those who listen to this tale. He proposes to look at the world differently, to understand that the earth sees "many wonderful things." Each of us is able, if desired, to see this, we should only purify ourselves of the "heavy fog" we inhale and understand that the world is beautiful and huge. The author aspires to prove this. Life on Lake Chad is completely different. Here, like a precious diamond, the world shines and shines, the air is clean and fresh.
Artistic images
We are already moving along with the heroine of the poem to the mysterious Africa in order to get into the "tropical garden", to touch the trunks of the beautiful "slender palms", to breathe the air of the distant land, saturated with the fragrance of plants and flowers and see the amazing animal, given "graceful Harmony and harmony. "
The appearance of this African animal is romantic. A lot in the poem "invented" grace. You can note here the line that he "hides in the marble grotto" at sunset. However, the poetic form justifies this, because it assumes the existence of a mysterious and miraculous one.
In this poem, Nikolai Gumilev stopped, not accidentally, his choice of a giraffe. The inherent exotics fit very organically into the text of the narrative about the mysterious distant land. With a long neck, standing firmly on its feet, with a "magic pattern" decorating the skin, this animal became the hero of many poems and songs. It is possible, perhaps, to draw a parallel between him and a man who is also gracefully slender, statues and calm. However, giraffe "nega" and peacefulness are given by nature. And the "king of beasts" voluntarily exalts himself over other living beings.
Literary tricks that Gumilyov uses
After analyzing Gumilev's verse "Giraffe", we noticed that the author uses the method of unusual comparison, which is one of the most notable means of creating the image of a giraffe. The magic pattern of his skin is compared with the brilliance of the moon, and he himself is "like the colored sails of a ship." Running an animal is like a joyous bird flight: it is just as smooth.
Other means to which Gumilev resorts in this poem are epithets: "graceful harmony," "exquisite giraffe," "colored sails," "magic pattern," "heavy fog," "joyful flight," "unthinkable grass," " Mysterious countries ", as well as metonymy (" wandering giraffe "), repetition (" far, far away "), personification (" only the moon dare "," the earth sees a lot of wonderful things ").
Akin to the gracefulness and tranquility of the giraffe is the melody of the work, as shown by the analysis of the poem "Giraffe" by Gumilev. The sounds are unnaturally prolonged. They are melodic, give a touch of magic to the narrative, complement the fairytale description as well. Gumilev in rhythmic terms uses in the poem a five-legged iambic. With the help of the male rhyme, lines are combined (that is, the stress falls on the last syllable). The final verse of the last and the first stanzas, shortened to three feet, sounds effectively. Perhaps, that is why they are remembered and remain in memory for a long time. We also noticed another important point in the analysis. Gumilev "Giraffe" - a poem in which the five-legged amphibrachios, his cradling rhythm combined with the use of sonorous consonants, allows the author to paint the world of fairy tale colorfully and organically. So melodically this poem, that today it became a song: music is written on it.
The author uses alliteration, assonance (view - Chad), anaphora ("especially sad", "especially thin") to create an image of a mysterious and sad stranger. We meet with assonance and further (the leader - the rain, the dan - the moon, the countries - the fog, etc.).
It is impossible not to include in the analysis of the poem "Giraffe" Gumilev and the next moment. The author, drawing pictures of a magical country in front of the reader, nowhere uses a specific description of the color of images and objects in the narrative. Gumilev, resorting to poetic means, does not impose his color vision. He gives the imagination the opportunity to imagine the living world, which is mentioned in the poem, its shades and colors. You can verify this by conducting an analysis yourself.
Gumilev "Giraffe" is a work, reading that, we really imagine sitting gracefully at the window of an elegant girl, and a giraffe's skin with a magical pattern, and the color of the smooth water along which moonlight flashed a golden fan and the sails of a ship floating at sunset, scarlet , As in Green.
Completes our analysis of the poem "Giraffe" Gumilev composition of the work. This is a beautiful fairy tale. For her, as for many others, the ring composition is characteristic. The action ends where it began. This method in this case demonstrates Gumilev's desire to tell readers about "heaven on earth" in order to make them look at the world in a new way. It seems like reading, that the fairy tale about the mysterious and beautiful Africa is not over yet. It seems that the lyrical hero is so passionate about the rich color palette, exotic sounds and smells that he is ready to tell about them, to draw bright, lush pictures. And we are involuntarily transferred this unquenchable enthusiasm. We, with impatience, like in the fairytales of Scheherazade, expect the continuation and find it with gratitude, referring to Gumilev's works, in his other works.
So, we told about the work created by Nikolai Gumilev ("Giraffe"). The analysis of the poem was based on the plan given at the beginning of the article. This is only a brief characteristic, marking the main features of this work.
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