LawState and Law

Citizens are who? What rights and duties does a citizen have?

Citizens are individuals who are connected on a political and legal basis with a specific state. This allows them to have certain rights, but also imposes certain responsibilities. According to the legal status, citizens of a certain state differ from foreigners or persons who do not have citizenship at all, but who are in the territory of a given country.

Foreign citizens are those who have their rights and obligations, but on the territory of their state and in accordance with the laws that provide for their legislation in a particular country. Accordingly, they do not have such rights in a foreign state, but must comply with its laws.

Citizens of Russia

Speaking in legal language, a Russian citizen is a person who has a legal affiliation with his state. In states with a monarchical system of management the term is changed to another - "citizenship", the meaning of which is almost the same.

The extradition of a citizen of the Russian Federation to another state is not possible even for the purposes of judicial proceedings. The country guarantees all its citizens the necessary protection and protection even abroad of their territory.

But in response, the state imposes on citizens certain duties that they must fulfill, and laws that must be respected. Therefore, even outside the country, he must comply with the requirements of the constitution of his state. A citizen of the Russian Federation is a person who can be sure that, even because of a long absence in the country, he will not lose his citizenship.

How does a person become a citizen?

Citizens are people who have citizenship. But how to get it? It is assigned to the child after birth, if at that time one or both parents have Russian citizenship. In the event that one parent is a Russian citizen and the second is a foreign national, a child for automatic acquisition of citizenship must be born in the territory of the Russian Federation. If both parents are foreign nationals residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and another foreign state refuses the newborn for citizenship, then Russia grants it to the child, according to the law on the place of birth.

The second way to obtain citizenship is naturalization. That is, when you reach 18 years of age, an able person can apply for a status as a "citizen of Russia", but on condition that you permanently reside in the country for 5 years continuously.

There is also a simplified system for obtaining citizenship for scientists, highly qualified specialists, people who need political asylum, refugees. Persons who have in the past Russian citizenship, but who have lost, can simply restore it. According to the federal law, citizenship can be obtained by adoption.

Rights of the Russian citizen

Every citizen has the whole complex of rights that belong to the universally recognized human, and additionally those that are provided for in this state. Citizens of the country are people who live on its territory and have its citizenship. The Russian has the right to freedom of choice, to participate in referendums, to be elected to state power, to be a deputy, judge, investigator, prosecutor, police and security personnel, customs officer, serviceman, diplomat, captain of air and sea vessels. He can be elected president of the country.

Duties of the Russian citizen

Providing the citizens of Russia with their rights, the state has the right to demand from them a certain conduct, which is legally fixed - in accordance with the law. Therefore, there are a number of responsibilities, and for their failure to establish punishment.

Simply put, the duty is due behavior of the citizen. Part of the responsibilities apply to everyone who lives in the state. For example: paying taxes, taking care of nature and monuments, taking care of cultural and historical heritage, taking care of children and parents who are currently disabled. A citizen is a person having a military duty, since citizens must be able to defend their country in critical cases.

Military duty of citizens of Russia

Citizens are people who are obliged to perform military service. It includes: accounting, preparation, call-up and passage of service, stay in reserve, call for fees and call-up from the reserve.

At the age of 17, young people are required to register with the local military registration and enlistment office, to appear in the time set by the agenda. For violation of the rules and non-appearance, a warning or penalty is required.

All persons from 18 to 27 years old are accepted for service, except for those who are deferred or released. For evasion they are criminally liable. Terms of service for conscription - 2 years, for those who graduated from the institute - 1 year. Under the contract, the service life that is established in it is passed.

Citizens may be exempted from service for health reasons if they have a doctorate or Ph.D. degree or who died in the performance of military service of relatives. According to the law, some citizens may be deferred if they have two or more children under 3 years old. Also, those who receive full-time education receive a respite , but only until the end of it. It can be obtained no more than twice.

Multiple citizenship

Multiple citizenship implies the existence of several citizenships of foreign countries. Duties remain, and there are more of them. Such citizens (nationals) must bear military duty in several states at once, pay taxes in several countries, and are deprived of the opportunity to hold certain positions, for example, judges, lawyers, etc.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation allows multiple citizenship to citizens of their country, but only if it permits the law of another country or an international treaty. Such persons are considered by Russia as citizens of the Russian Federation, excluding cases provided for by law. Russian citizenship is not denied, even if there are parallel to others.

How do they obtain foreign citizenship?

A foreign citizen is a person who is in the territory of one country, but has a different citizenship. If you want, you can get a second citizenship, which is considered foreign. This can be done through naturalization, which is a special procedure for this purpose. Any country has immigration legislation, which clearly specifies this procedure and the procedure for obtaining citizenship.

The citizenship of the United States, Britain, the countries of the European Union and the Schengen agreement are the most popular at the moment. And, for example, in the state of Saint Kitts and Nevis there are no naturalization procedures, instead it is enough to make a certain contribution to the sugar industry and after 12 weeks you can get citizenship and a passport. And there is an opportunity to visit 80 countries without a visa.

The most prestigious option is participation in investments. Such a program is in the US. Canada, England and a number of other countries. The essence of it is that with a certain amount of investment you can get a residence permit, and with it later - and citizenship. There are also such programs in which the right amount for obtaining foreign citizenship is granted on credit.

The rights of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation

The rights of a citizen are a measure of the lawful conduct that is aimed at satisfying the interests of a person who is in legal communication with the state. Foreign citizens can freely travel across Russia, excluding territories with special permission. They can not be elected to the organs of the state. Authorities and participate in referendums, except for those residing permanently in the territory of Russia. They can work only if there is a contract. Also for work you need a permit, which is an official document. Supervises the work of the ATS and other authorities. Foreign citizens lose some of the rights that are provided only for persons who have Russian citizenship. They can not be called up for military service, but they can serve under a contract, having concluded it for five years.

Obligations of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation

Foreign citizens also have duties: they must pay taxes and fees, take care of the environment and preserve it, protect natural resources, as well as architectural and historical monuments, respect the Constitution of the Russian Federation and comply with all laws that operate on the territory of Russia.

There are special duties that foreign citizens must fulfill. These include registration in the territory of the Russian Federation within 3 working days in the migration service. For those residing on the territory of the Russian Federation, it is envisaged to pass the re-registration every year, after the shortened term of residence, the foreigner must leave the country within 3 days. When canceling a permit for permanent or temporary residence, he must leave the Russian Federation within 15 days, after passing the migration card upon departure. Also, foreign citizens must fulfill property obligations.

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