Sports and Fitness, Weight loss
Chemical diet for 4 weeks: menu, reviews. Diet for weight loss
Every woman secretly or clearly expresses discontent with her own appearance. Self-criticism is not only a favorite feminine trait, but also the most annoying flaw. It would be desirable to always remain young and beautiful, not to know old age, illnesses and excess weight.
Why sit on a diet?
Diet should not become the meaning of life or a systematic accompaniment of your being. Any nutritionist will confirm that the diet is a temporary measure, due to the need to lose weight and restore the figure. Therefore, stick to it you need a very limited period of time, so as not to cause the body to become addicted to a change in diet.
In each group of nutritionists, there is a notorious list of diets promising to make a dummy once and for all from a pumpkin, but a small nuance is lost sight of - diets have a short-term effect, and the result will go away if, say, after the monodney rotation returns to normal diet.
Menu, feedback and recommendations for the first week
At the first encounter with the name of the diet, associations are likely to be with chemistry and trace elements. It is necessary to assure at once little-known and beginning dieticians - school experiments here will not be. In fact, any action in our body is based on a certain reaction, and man, like a well-coordinated universal machine, repeats hundreds of complicated processes every second.
In the first week, try to regulate the regime of the day . Say, do three main meals and a few snacks. Let the breakfast be at 7-8. Then lunch falls just for 12-13 hours. Dinner will be in the evening time between 18 and 19 hours. Let not just a way to lose weight will be a diet. The table of products offers products rich in vitamins and trace elements, so the process of adjusting the figure can be equated to the time of general recovery.
Breakfast diversity does not shine; Every morning we eat a couple of eggs and one citrus fruit. If the eggs are already boring, then you can reduce their number to one piece for breakfast. In the role of citrus often acts grapefruit, as it actively cleaves fats. Sweetheads prefer oranges, and kiwi is eaten by those who are bored with both options. It is not at all monotonous chemical diet for 4 weeks. Menu reviews of slimming are sometimes criticized, since lunches and dinners for the first two weeks are the same.
Day and evening food
So, what do we eat in this difficult month? On Monday, we allow ourselves for lunch protein in the form of chicken breast and a little greens. For dinner, you will have to confine yourself to fruit without heat treatment. On Tuesday, we continue the trend of protein meals and eat beef, eating half a grapefruit. Dinner is modest and tasty - rye bread, cheese and tomato. On Wednesday, lunch consists of a pair of eggs and green peas. And the dinner will be fishy. You can supplement the fillet with fresh herbs. On Thursday, we repeat beef for lunch. We rejoice in tomato and fruit for dinner. Friday is almost the end of the week, and the dinner is a little easier - a chicken and an orange. For dinner - salad from cabbage, cucumber and tomatoes. You can treat yourself to a slice of rye bread. Finally came the weekend, but you can not relax, they will wait for delicacies.
Rules of habituation
What do dieticians from all over the world advise? Add more fluids to your diet! Drink plenty of water, tea. But it is better to reduce the amount of sugar consumed. By the way, it is also not recommended to overeat food. If possible, it is better to nedosalivat.
Diet for 4 weeks involves a large intake of water. The optimal amount will be 1.5-2 liters per day. With a lot of excess weight at the beginning it is worthwhile to wait with active physical activity. Do yoga or relaxing gymnastics to ensure the normal functioning of the lymph. Let the chemical diet become a time of awareness. The menu for a month will help you get used to the new style of food.
Ways of preparation and volumes of consumed food
There is no greater joy for a person who is dieting than to afford to give up restrictions! If there is no indication in the menu of the number of products and the size of the dish, you can safely bite it. Especially it concerns fruit for dinner. But there are strict limits. For example, bread is not more than a slice for a meal. And since this product contains a lot of carbohydrates, this is not enough for saturation.
Why chemical?
Diet, the results of which out of the ordinary, it seems magic. Why is it called chemical? Often losing weight cuts the diet and begin active sports, which, of course, gives an effect, but for a chemical way to lose weight is not good.
Here you are offered to control the absorption of nutritious elements obtained with food independently. The chemical reactions underlying this food system are provoked by certain products, thanks to which the body functions normally. Several programs merge into one program. In particular, Maggi's technique is almost identical to a chemical diet. Reviews and results for diets coincide, and with strict observance of the rules, a long-term effect is guaranteed.
From a medical point of view
One of the most effective methods of advertising a particular food system is the presence in an advertisement or an article by a medical professional. An infrequent visitor will demand a license from the nutritionist and ask about his qualification. The work of a dietitian doctor is a subtle psychological approach, the ability to tune in to a positive result and return faith to oneself. Often, a doctor can give a brief description of the chosen system of nutrition, indicate its pros and cons. But the doctor can not forbid his patient to eat in one way or another.
So, do you like a diet for 4 weeks? Menu reviews of doctors are characterized positively, since the daily diet includes extremely useful elements and a large number of vitamins, but fat is not enough, but they still need the body. Therefore, some people have a contraindicated method, as there is a significant increase in the burden on the liver and kidneys. It is worth to be afraid of people with diseases of the stomach and intestines. From any diets it is advised to refrain from diabetics and those who suffer from chronic ailments. In case of any doubts, it is better to consult a specialist.
What do those who lose weight say?
When choosing a diet, still most often we listen to the advice of friends and friends. Among those who want to lose weight, the chemical diet is very popular. Menu for a month can be made immediately, and therefore, buy all the necessary products and limit their temptations, which inevitably arise, if, say, every day to go to the store for milk and lemonade. Often during a diet, people can break and realize their breakdown too late, when the refrigerator is empty, and in the stomach - heaviness. In this case, the "chemistry" will have to be reinvented, because the failures are not approved here, and even punished by an endless repetition of the past.
There is a good moment in this mode - a month of correct and regular nutrition just enough to work out a food habit and give up craving for sweet and fat. You just will not be drawn to the shelves with chocolates, enough and a spoonful of honey for the day. Thus, to maintain the achieved result will be quite easy. By the way, the reviews of losing weight converge in the fact that it is not necessarily the last meal to be timed to the coveted six hours. Let your dinner take place 3-4 hours before bedtime, otherwise you will have time to get hungry, and it's hard to fall asleep on an empty stomach.
Can I pamper myself?
The cherished question, which plagues many pyshechek, wishing to quickly reborn in the slender, is whether you can treat yourself to goodies. Maybe I should have a pie or a chocolate bar? Let's put it bluntly, the ration is severe, excesses are suppressed at the root. It's time to learn to pacify your desires and pamper yourself with useful things. For example, add fruit to honey, bake an apple with cinnamon, cook cabbage patties and rub garlic with rye bread. Aromas are divine, and fat is a minimum. In extreme cases, you can afford dried fruits and biscuits. A day is allowed one cup of coffee, but, alas, without sugar.
Important nuances of the technique and recent weeks
Remember, it is necessary that the diet is important animal protein, which is the basis of building a balance. That is, vegetarians do not fit the diet. In the second half of the diet, you can afford a little more, for example, to increase the dose of tomatoes in half.
Significant results can be observed in people with really excess weight, but if you have plans - only a figure correction, then a loss of 30 kg will bypass you. In the people this type of food is also called the egg diet, as there are plenty of eggs. They increase the amount of protein in the menu, reduce the level of carbohydrates and help burn fat.
For snacks, it is better to stock yourself with vegetables, since you will be fed up with eggs for breakfast. In the third week you can unload a little, that is, arrange a series of mono-days. In fruit days, you can eat all the fruits, except those rich in glucose. So grapes, dates and mangoes are banned. In the danger zone, we also include figs. Vegetables and fruits can be combined in one day. In addition, vegetables can be added on a fish day and meat. Be sure to make a day on one type of fruit, for example, store a kilogram of apples. All of them are not necessary.
Last week the results are consolidated. For each day - your list of products that need to be distributed. So, on Monday it is offered to please yourself 400 g of beef, 200 g of boiled fish, 4 tomatoes and the same number of cucumbers. You can add a piece of bread and citrus.
On Tuesday, we set aside 200 g of beef for ourselves, repeat the number of tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as bread. One fruit is allowed. On the third day we put the cottage cheese with vegetables, cucumbers with tomatoes, grapefruit and bread.
On Thursday, cottage cheese is replaced with chicken breast, and the rest is unchanged. On Friday for a basis of a ration there is a pair of eggs with tomatoes and lettuce leaves. For sweet - grapefruit. On weekends we relax and slowly prepare ourselves for getting out of the diet - we eat chicken meat with vegetables, as well as curdled milk, cheese, rye bread and citrus fruits.
Exit from the diet
Without a proper return to normal nutrition, there is a risk of soon saying goodbye to the results. Therefore, we do not attack the food, but first we check with the weights and we think, does the achieved effect suit us? Can I repeat the diet? The quantity of sweet and floury is desirable to be reduced, and walks in the fresh air - to increase. In fact, the whole diet implied a reduction in carbohydrates, so it is necessary to regain their quantity gradually and smoothly.
Lose weight by popular methods
Speaking about methods of correction of a figure, it is impossible to miss those who have flooded all sorts of directories. In particular, the Kremlin diet should be mentioned. The table with the points charged for each product is very similar to the chemical diet with its list of allowed to eat. Most of all, this method encourages the consumption of protein, that is, meat and poultry.
From the singer Larissa Dolina, her victorious procession through the media began the Kremlin diet. The food table was painted only for a week, but this time was enough to achieve an amazing result - a loss of 7 kg. Daily Valley drank 500 g of kefir, ate sour cream, potatoes, cottage cheese and meat. The result was amazed by the admirers and envious persons - the Valley even looked younger!
Still should be marked buckwheat diet, the simplest of all mono feeding systems. And, of course, the cheapest. The only necessary product is the notorious buckwheat, which must be soaked in boiling water or kefir in the evening. In the morning, the resulting porridge can be eaten. The total diet of the day should not exceed 970 kcal.
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