Food and drinkRecipes

Chechen dish zhyzhig-galnash: recipe for cooking, features

What is a dish like zhizhig-galnash? A step-by-step culinary recipe for this dinner will be described in this article.

general information

Zhizhig-Galnash is a Chechen national dish, which in translation means "meat-dumplings".

Experts say that there are a lot of varieties of this dish. At the same time, its taste and appearance depend on the type of meat selected and the method of cooking dumplings.

How is Zhizhig-Galnash getting ready? The recipe for this dinner must be known to every hostess. Experienced culinary experts say that dumplings for such a dish are made from corn or wheat flour. Moreover, they differ in their unique form, which depends on the chef and his virtuoso ability to manage a fresh test.

What is a zhyzhig-galnash? The recipe of this dish says that the formed dumplings from wheat flour have an oblong shape (about 4 cm in length). In the production of similar products from corn flour, they can be oval and slightly flattened.

Usually corn dumplings are prepared for a festive dinner. In this case, they must be formed immediately before heat treatment. Experienced cooks are able to make several hundred equal and equal dummies in only half an hour. Each of the products is smoothed with fingers, then swirl the shell.

As for inexperienced housewives, they often mold dumplings depending on the meat product. They can be of completely different shapes.

Choice of the main ingredient

What kind of meat is made from liquefied gas? The recipe for this dish says that it can be made with fresh beef, lamb, turkey or chicken. It should also be noted that such products are often molded using valuable varieties of marine and river fish.

What else can you do zhizhig-galnash? The recipe of this dish says that some housewives sell it with the use of offal or homemade sausage. By the way, in the latter case we are talking not about the Chechen, but about the Vainakh cuisine.

Doing dumplings in Chechen zhizhig-galnysh

If you are tired of everyday dishes, then we recommend trying the food of other peoples. For example, in Chechnya a dinner called Zhizhig-Galnish is almost always prepared for a festive table. In the European and Central part only one was heard about this dish. Therefore, we suggest making it yourself and surprise your guests.

So, in order to cook delicious Chechen dumplings, you must have:

  • Meat fresh any (beef, lamb, chicken) - 500-900 g;
  • Flour from wheat or corn - 500-700 g;
  • Egg large chicken - 1 piece;
  • Salt - 1 dessert spoon;
  • Water filtered cold - 250 ml;
  • Garlic cloves - 6-7 pieces.

Meat preparation

Zhizhig-galnash is a Chechen dish, for the preparation of which you can use completely different types of meat product. It is thoroughly washed, cut off unnecessary elements, and then spread into a pan, poured with water, salted and cooked until ready.

As soon as the meat becomes soft, it is taken out, slightly cooled and shredded in medium slices. As for the broth, it is divided into two halves. One of them is used for cooking dumplings, and the other for serving to the table.

Preparation of dumplings

Before you form Chechen dumplings, you should knead an unleavened dough. For this, sifted flour is poured into the deep dishes. Further in it make a small depression, into which water is poured. There also add a chicken egg and a dessert spoonful of salt.

Mixing the food with your hands, you get a very steep and elastic dough, which is divided into two equal parts. One of them is rolled into a cake 1 cm thick. After that, it is cut into strips with a width of 20-30 mm. Next, each piece is divided again, but into smaller pieces, that is, 1 cm wide.

Putting a small strip on a cutting board, sprinkled with flour, it is pressed with three fingers, and then stretched towards you. As soon as the dough is released, it must be assembled and transformed into a shell.

Similar actions are carried out with all remaining pieces of the base. As for the second half of the test, it is treated exactly the same way.

The process of cooking dumplings

Boil Chechen dumplings should be on the stove. To do this, one half of the broth, left after cooking the meat product, put on a strong fire. As soon as the liquid boils, all the flour products are alternately placed in it . In this case, the semi-finished products immediately interfere with a large spoon. Do this so that they do not stick to each other and to the bottom of the dishes.

Cook dumplings over medium heat preferably not more than ¼ hour. During this time they should become soft and slightly increase in size.

Cooking sauce

Sauce for the Chechen dish zhizhig-galnash is prepared quite simply. To do this, the garlic cloves are peeled from the husks, put into a deep dish, and then salt is added and rubbed with a crush. Having received a homogeneous and fragrant mass, the second half of the broth is poured into it. This concludes the process of preparing the sauce.

Serving a dish of Chechen cuisine to the table

To serve zhizhig-galnash to a dinner table it is necessary as follows: to each guest in a separate bowl pour garlic sauce, and on a plate spread hot flour dumplings. Also on top of the items are pieces of boiled meat. Use this dish as follows: dumplings and meat dip in sauce or pre-pour them all laid out on the plate products.

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