Health, Preparations
Medication Menopace. Reviews. Instructions
The drug "Menopace", the price for which - from 350 rubles, is a combined tool that includes various components. The mechanism of action of the drug is determined by the useful properties of a complex of nutrient compounds. The composition of the remedy is boron, manganese, magnesium, selenium, iron, iodine, folic acid, vitamins B, E, D, and also C, chromium and other substances. This whole complex of compounds helps regulate changes in hormone and enzyme balance in a woman during and after menopause.
Vitamins "Menopace" are recommended to eliminate such manifestations of the menopausal state as anxiety, anxiety, a feeling of increased heart rate, increased sweating. Thanks to the action of vitamin compounds, there is a regulation of the metabolism of phosphorus, calcium, stabilization of the musculoskeletal system. The drug "Menopace" (feedback from experts confirm this) effectively normalizes the metabolic processes of all vital compounds in the body, the synthesis of nucleic acids, fatty unsaturated acids, myelin, potentiates the activity of estradiol. The drug contributes to the elimination of climacteric and menopausal disorders. In particular, there is a decrease in tidal intensity, increased sweating, emotional lability, dryness in the vagina, headache. In the process of regular use of the remedy there is a stabilization of sleep, vasomotor disorders disappear, anxiety passes. The "Menopace" medication (doctors' reviews indicate this) is effective in treating menopause at an early stage.
Mode of application
The complex is prescribed per capsule per day. It is recommended to take the remedy after eating. Capsule is not chewed. Wash down preferably with a cool liquid (water). The duration of the application is set individually in accordance with the symptoms, the patient's tolerability.
The drug is not recommended for intolerance of components, an overabundance in the body of vitamins D, E, A, excessive magnesium. To the contraindications for the appointment of the Menopace remedy (reviews of specialists warn about this) include disorders in the exchange of iron (lead, iron-refractory anemia, thalassemia) or copper. No medication is prescribed for violations in renal activity, hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, nephrolithiasis, Wilson's disease. The drug is not recommended for hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, along with retinoids, in phenylketonuria.
Adverse Reactions
"Menopace" (reviews of patients testify to this) is transferred with the instructions given in the annotation satisfactory. Seldom can there be an allergic reaction associated with hypersensitivity to any component. In particular, hives, hyperthermia, itching, burning of the skin, anaphylactic shock are likely . To undesirable consequences should be attributed dyspepsia, soreness in the stomach, increased excitability, nausea.
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