HealthHealthy Eating

Carrot tops: harm and benefit to the body

Carrots are a very useful product, which contains a huge amount of vitamin A. Two roots are already enough to make up for the daily dose of beta-carotene. However, in addition to himself, the carrot top, that is, the terrestrial part of the plant, is very useful. Harm and benefit of it is similar to a root crop. Therefore, instead of discarding, it is better to use all the vitamins. Consider the properties and benefits of carrots and dwell on the ground part of the plant.

Carrots in the EU

Europeans have long been crazy about Portuguese jam. The treat was prepared with the addition of lemon and orange. It had a very beautiful amber color. Yellowish orange shade was obtained due to carotene, which in carrots contains a record amount.

Carotene is an orange pigment. One of its varieties, called beta-carotene, is found in carrots, pumpkins, individual species of algae and fungi.

If daily use of this substance in food, then the risk of cancer is sharply reduced, and immunity is strengthened. Of course, it can be taken in an artificial form. However, the natural product has a significant advantage: allergic reactions occur much less often. That's why in Europe they like natural jam from Portugal. But there was a time when Europeans could stay without it.

In the European Union there are certain rules, according to which the composition of this product is regulated. According to it, jam can be made exclusively from berries or fruits. That's why it was decided that carrots would be considered a fruit.

Naturally, sensible people could not be without bewilderment to take this decision. After all, to call a vegetable a fruit because of a conflict in the norms is at least inconvenient, if only because it was necessary to rename many documents. However, with all this decided to agree, explaining this by the fact that the desire of Europeans to continue to enjoy their favorite jam was very strong.


So, now we know that carrots, as well as carrot tops, the benefits and harms of which will be considered below, have the most valuable substance - beta-carotene. Its molecular structure prevents the formation of oxygen in the cell. Of course, oxygen is the natural result of cellular life. However, because of its great chemical activity, it can even destroy cells and reduce resistance to oncological and infectious diseases.

So, with the excessive presence of oxygen, the risk of stress, the appearance of chronic diseases, the impact of harmful radiations is sharply increased. In addition, the body grows older. Beta-carotene, in turn, prevents the development of active forms of O2, preventing cancer from appearing and slowing down the aging process.

The healing properties of carrots

Carrots are consumed both in cooked and raw form. If every day to eat on a carrot, then provides an excellent massage of the gums, improves their blood circulation, thereby reducing the risk of age-related tooth loss. Unfortunately, the issue has become relevant already since 30 years. Therefore, people should not forget to take care of this.

Elderly people, whose teeth are no longer preserved, should eat a carrot in grated form. Even better, if you add sour cream or yogurt to it. Then beta-carotene is easier to transfer into the body in the desired form.

In addition to vitamin A, it is worth mentioning about such an important substance as potassium, which is also found in carrots in large quantities. It has a very positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Root in raw form or juice from it activates the functionality of the kidneys and liver, and also helps to cure diseases associated with breathing.

Those who constantly eat raw carrots are not afraid of constipation. The intestine works well in this case. A tangible action will be felt by teenagers, who have multiple acne - they will significantly decrease. On the other hand, for adults, an overall reduction in the level of toxins will be important.

If we talk about the cooked root, then it is good to combine with meat. Then the absorption of iron improves, and the process of digesting animal protein is facilitated. Therefore, whatever the reaction of vegetarians and raw-eaters, and whatever the nutritionists say, this combination is very useful. Of course, some vitamins during cooking are destroyed. However, beta-carotene is preserved, and therefore the body is completely saturated with vitamin A.

Carrot tops

The benefits and harms of the terrestrial part of the plant are not so well known as the fetus. Many housewives simply throw this part out. But in vain. After all, there are more useful substances in it than in the carrot itself. First of all, it concerns beta-carotene and calcium. These substances are necessary for good eyesight and beautiful skin. The young body needs proteins that purify the blood, which also has a carrot top. Harm and benefit to the body here are obvious.

In addition to these nutrients, the rich tops and potassium and vitamin B. In this regard, it is highly recommended to use leaves to people suffering from high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. Great benefit for the body will give such a known antioxidant, like selenium - of natural origin. A small amount of it provides good help to the vessels, as well as to the reproductive organs. If you make a decoction of leaves in the winter, it will provide excellent protection for the body against various colds and strengthen immunity.

Caution when taking

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that carrots can be harmful. And the benefits, and contraindications can be learned by studying the root crop. Nevertheless, in the first place, one should beware of an allergic reaction. To avoid this and other unpleasant consequences, before using it is necessary to consult a doctor. Often, the tops are used in various diets. And this is not surprising. In addition to the large number of beneficial substances that the body receives with leaves, the cellulose, contained here in large quantities, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The Benefits of Cooking

In addition to medicinal purposes, often in cooking, the harvest of carrot leaves is used. Benefits and harm when studied, it can be safely added to salads, soups and snacks.

Many recipes came to us from grandmothers who added the tops to salads and made refueling for soups with them. And this is not just due to the fact that there was not enough food. They were well aware of the tremendous benefits that the tops have. The leaves are very well combined with sorrel and nettle. Also, many recipes for the first dishes can be found with them and with sour cream and kvass.

In Russia, very much like canned vegetables, in which the carrot tops are added. Harm and benefit of it is completely preserved and in pickles. Basically it is added to sauerkraut or salted tomatoes. The leaves give the dishes a slightly sweet taste. Also some housewives add them to vareniki or pies.

Piquant taste of the plant will give salads and casserole. Especially the use of the tops in a growing organism, which is vitally important for a lot of vitamins and calcium, is especially felt. Before refueling, the leaves are poured in boiling water in order to remove excess bitterness. Then the taste will turn out to be more neutral.

How to add leaves

Mistresses are now more and more interested in how to use the carrot tops with health benefits. Fashion for a healthy diet encourages many to add leaves to culinary specialties. Thus, it is becoming popular not only in folk medicine, but also on the table of the modern hostess, fresh and dried carrot tops.

The benefits, the harm of her continue to be the same in different dishes. It is prepared with a side dish and salads, add as a filling and in the first dishes. As a drink, brew a dessert spoonful of leaves on a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Consider a few specific recipes

Potato casserole

You can cook, for example, a potato casserole with a tops. For this, the peeled boiled potatoes are rubbed on a grater, laid on a baking sheet, previously anointed with oil and packed with breadcrumbs. On top, add greens and pour sour cream.

Salted tomatoes

Or here is the recipe for making a salted tomato. In a three-liter jar, add six tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of salt and a small spoonful of vinegar. Put the tops in a sterilized jar, then tomatoes and again the tops. The pot is poured with boiling water, then poured into a saucepan, where salt and sugar are reported. Bring water to a boil and pour again into the jar. After that add vinegar to it, roll it up, turn it upside down, wrap it and leave it for a day.

In folk medicine

But let's consider what kind of carrot leaves have useful properties and harm from the point of view of traditional medicine. It can be found in different recipes of broths and healing teas. After all, its composition includes various essential oils, antiseptics, biologically active substances, vitamins and trace elements.

It has been used with success both for the purpose of treatment and for prevention. Because of the sedentary lifestyle, there is a growing risk of hemorrhoids and cardiovascular diseases. People who, due to the profession, are forced to spend a lot of time in a sitting position, it is recommended to make a decoction to strengthen the vessels or tea from the carrot tops. The benefits and harms of the drink are revealed through the ability to cleanse the slag. It is useful to drink, after insisting thirty minutes and about half an hour before a meal. Already in a couple of weeks with regular reception feel the ease on the emotional and physical levels.

Carrot top: harm and benefit

In the article, we learned many advantages of carrot leaves. But you should not forget about the contraindications that the carrot tops have. Benefit and harm (reviews confirm this) are incommensurable with each other. The latter can consist primarily in individual intolerance. Do not forget that the leaves contain nitrates and alkaloids. There are, in general, not more than coffee. However, to check whether there will be an allergic reaction from the use of the tops or not, is very simple. It is enough to attach the leaves to the skin. If no redness or rash is observed, then you can safely start using them as a medicine or add to the food.

In addition to allergies, the use of leaves during pregnancy and in diseases of the digestive tract during periods of exacerbation is not recommended.

But if you provide for all precautions, then both the root crop and the carrot itself can bring invaluable health benefits. Therefore, those who care about themselves and their loved ones, it is necessary to have on the note this product and use it both in cooking and as a medicine.

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