HealthHealthy Eating

What foods contain proteins: facts of healthy eating

Most men and women, while doing sports, have repeatedly heard about proteins. This is not strange, because, as Engels said, "life is a form of the existence of protein bodies." Protein is needed for muscles to grow and strengthen. Thanks to him, it is easy to form a figure and gain the necessary weight. There are many different additives, but it is best to take for your body a natural, natural (from this and benefit more). So what foods contain proteins? The answer to this question is below.

What foods contain proteins - proper sports nutrition

Proteins, as mentioned before, are a source of protein. So, they should predominate in food. So:

1) The first place among the protein products is salmon. It is this fish - an excellent source of proteins and fats, which favorably affect the cardiovascular system.

2) The second place is occupied by rabbit. This meat is lean, but it supplies the body with proteins, iron and fat. In addition, the meat of the rabbit contains nicotinic acid, which is so necessary for a healthy person!

3) The third place is beef. In such meat, a huge amount of protein, zinc and vitamins, which together help not only build muscle, but also strengthen the immune system!

4) Chicken and quail eggs. These products contain many proteins and basic amino acids, which are very necessary for muscle growth. Two or three eggs a day in raw (cocktails for weight gain) or boiled form will be an excellent source of protein.

5) Cereals and grains are a good source of proteins and proteins. For example, on the shelves you will need to look for couscous, wheat germ and oat flakes (bran). Such whole grains will be tasty and, most importantly, useful! They can be added to cakes, flour for baking, cooking porridge, etc.

6) Pulses. Beans, soy, lentils are traditionally found in the kitchen of every mistress. They are not only nutritious, but also valuable. For those who gain weight or build muscle, these products will be indispensable, because in their composition about 25% of the daily norm of vitamins, 17 grams of carbohydrates and 27-30 grams of protein!

7) Vegetables and fruits. Of course, those who welcome the right sports nutrition, pay attention to natural sources of nutrients! After all, such products are an important source of vitally important vitamins, antioxidants, phytochemicals! In the diet must include broccoli, red pepper, onions, strawberries, asparagus, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce, nuts ... All these products in their composition have protein for muscle growth, in addition, vegetables and Fruits are very healthy.

How correctly to use proteins?

The list of products is quite small, but from this abundance you can choose exactly what you need, and also make up your own diet or with the coach . So, what products contain proteins, we have already found out. But how to use it correctly? Many trainers and those who are engaged in bodybuilding, recommend not to abuse proteins, because such food is aimed at burning fat. Thus, the body reprograms its standard diet for a new one. If you are a beginner, it is better to gradually introduce into your diet protein foods, and before you find out what foods contain proteins, and in which they are not. In addition, it is useful to take protein cocktails (2-3 glasses a day). A milk-banana protein cocktail is great .

The recipe for a protein cocktail for muscle mass gain

It is necessary to add a little cottage cheese (100 g), raw quail eggs (4-5 pieces), banana (1 pc) and honey (1-2 tablespoons) in milk (250 ml). All this shake in a blender and for 20-30 minutes before training (or after it) to drink. It contains: proteins - 50 g, fat - 14 g, caloric content - 530 kcal.

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