Health, Healthy Eating
How to cleanse the body at home
Yeah, modern people live far from the best of times. It seems that we are all provided with everything, and we wear nice clothes, we have delicious food, and we can afford many other things. Only now you can not buy health, and we, unfortunately, are far from perfect. And why would he be perfect? See what surrounds us, what we breathe and what we eat. Buying products in the store, most people are guided by this rule: you want a delicious, while forgetting that food should still be useful and natural. About clean air, too, it is better to remain silent, in the city it is definitely not. So it turns out that the human body, like a vacuum cleaner, absorbs everything that comes from outside, including slags and toxins.
When it gets bad, we tend to be tired at work, have a bad breakfast. In rare cases, we start to think that even the slightest malaise can be a signal of the onset of a disease. And still all the same symptoms indicate that the body is slagged, and is no longer able to absorb new income. What to do? To get rid of all unnecessary, it is necessary to cleanse the body. Only in this way will it be possible to bring the organism in order and give it the opportunity to work normally.
Cleansing the body of toxins Implies a procedure that helps get rid of harmful substances. There are various ways of purification, but here you need to remember the rule "do no harm", because not every method is effective. For example, many people advise cleaning the body with enemas. To be more precise, enemas purify the intestines, but they do so in such a way that all useful microorganisms perish, but the real microorganisms-pests get along well. In the end, sort of like cleansing has passed, and the whole digestive system works with great difficulty. Just harmful microorganisms do not give the opportunity to properly digest food, which begins to rot in the intestines. Hence the increased gas formation, abdominal pain and even heartburn.
And yet, to cleanse the body at home can. Perhaps the most common option is starvation . There are also pitfalls here, because not every person can be approached by such a method of cleaning. It is more expedient to start consulting with a doctor and undergo necessary examinations for the presence of diseases. If the doctor allows you to starve, then it's worth a try. Of course, he will certainly offer you to go to a special clinic where people go hungry under the supervision of doctors, and yet, you can also go hungry at home, the main thing is to do it right. Cleansing the body at home with fasting can be beneficial, however, it is necessary to remember the following: fasting must be learned gradually. First you should starve once a week, two weeks you can and three days. Many people calmly starve for 7-10 days. You can try, but again, gradually increasing the length of time. The way out of the hunger strike is a moderate diet. This means that the first days you can eat only light foods: vegetables, fruits, salads. The introduction of conventional products is carried out gradually, and binge eating should not start at all. I will also note that in the first days after a hunger strike, it is necessary to eat a little, but as often as possible.
How else can I cleanse my body at home? You can use special food supplements . I will draw attention to the fact that the effectiveness of many bioadditives is questionable. It is better to use those that the doctor advises or towards which there are many positive responses. Cleansing the body at home using dietary supplements helps restore normal intestinal microflora and remove all toxins and toxins from it, which will undoubtedly increase the productive work of the body.
Cleansing the body with folk remedies also bears fruit. For example, effective purification with the help of ordinary rice . To do this, 3 tablespoons. Unpeeled rice should be boiled until half cooked. Thirty minutes before taking rice, you need to drink a glass of water, then eat rice and for the next 4 hours there is nothing more. A week will be enough for the rice to remove all toxic substances from the body.
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