The Internet, Promotion of a site in social media
Contextual Advertising: Basics, Secrets, Tricks
Currently, one of the most flexible and effective ways to promote a website on the Internet is recognized contextual advertising-the basis, the secrets, the tricks of which are aimed at the fullest achievement of the goals. The effectiveness of this type of advertising is so high that it can not even be compared with other types of advertising presented in the global Internet.
The effectiveness of this very interesting type of website promotion is explained by the peculiarities of contextual advertising, among which, first of all, its targeting. This rather bold statement can be convincingly illustrated by the following example.
Placed in a crowded place on the board, an ordinary paper advertisement can be read by many people, from which one or two people can become interested in the information contained in it, almost all subscribers see newspaper advertising, but in most cases they do not even read these ads. As for advertising on radio and television, it is so intrusive that for the duration of the ad unit's display most viewers simply go to the kitchen to make coffee or switch the program. But contextual advertising is shown only to those Internet users who can be potential buyers of the advertised goods or services, that is, they initially show a certain interest to them.
Contextual advertising, the basics, secrets, tricks which we now disassemble, and in fact very effective, but is much more complicated than other types of Internet advertising, but this complexity seems very justified, as it increases its targeting. So in the settings of the advertising campaign you can specify the regions where the inhabitants will be shown the ad unit (the so-called geotargeting) or exclude the display of advertising on certain sites or entire resource groups.
In addition, and this is most important, contextual advertising, the basics, secrets, tricks which quite allow to do this, is shown to those users who are interested in the advertised goods or services presented on the advertisers' sites, that is this type of promotion of goods or services is the most effective means of attracting Potential consumers.
What, in fact, is the contextual advertising, the basics, the secrets, the tricks which we analyze? This is a small block of textual information embedded in the Internet page. Its main feature is that the contextual advertising is thematic, that is, it necessarily corresponds to the topics of the pages visited by users. In other words, if a user in Yandex enters the search query "Elephants of Africa", then in the contextual advertising block on the right side of the page, no "Mercedes" or ground squirrels will be advertised - the user will see only announcements related to elephants in one way or another.
The market of contextual advertising in the Russian part is rather well developed, but the most effective and well-known systems can be called Begun, YandexDirect and Google AdWords. The use of these contextual advertising systems, provided that the advertising campaign is correctly set up, gives a quick and very effective result, which will undoubtedly be expressed in increasing the popularity and brand awareness and / or a significant increase in sales volumes.
The contextual advertising market is continuously developing and improving.
Is there the best contextual advertising that should be used to promote products or services? Of the three systems widely used in the Runet for the term "best contextual advertising", perhaps, all fall.
The most interesting and most effective form of advertising on the Internet always works. Its competent use will achieve unprecedented results!
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