The Internet, Internet Marketing
Ad units: creating and correctly positioning. Ad unit sizes
Advertising on the Internet today is a powerful commercial tool that is used by millions of companies around the world. This is a real win-model, which involves the possibility of gaining benefits from both parties. What is meant?
Internet advertising is the interaction of two parties: the advertiser and the webmaster. More details about what their roles are, and why it is beneficial for each of them to cooperate as tightly as possible, read in our article. It will mainly be devoted to the description of ad units - how to create them, correctly place and earn on it.
Benefits for webmasters
First, let's describe why the site owner (or, to put it simply, the webmaster) to cooperate with an advertising agency. Suppose you have a resource. Its subjects can be both commercial (for example, description of irons), and entertaining (your poems). And the first and second is a site that people who are interested in the information that is posted on it come to. But between them there is a huge difference - the purpose and ways of making a profit.
If in the first case you can start selling irons on an affiliate link from an online store, then in the second one this option is excluded, you can not monetize your resource properly. And believe me, there are many more sites in the entertainment theme . For these purposes, there are advertising networks. Of course, there are a lot of them on the market, but there are only a few really big companies. The largest is the network from Google's search giant. It's called AdSense.
The beauty of the company is that anyone who has a website can work with it. And you can earn money on your resource easily, regardless of its subject matter (of course, with the exception of the topics forbidden by the rules with content for "adults" and pirate sites). To do this, you need to create an ad unit of the network with which you are working, and install it on the pages of your site. After that, as soon as a visitor comes to you, he will see the block and, possibly, click on it, wanting to know more about this or that proposal. You, as a webmaster, in this case, will receive revenue. Sounds easy, does not it?
Advertiser benefits
In such ad networks, tens of thousands of advertisers operate. All of them order placement in blocks for the reason that they need your visitors. And the beauty is that even in subjects that seemingly are not connected with commerce at all, there will always be users interested in buying space in the blocks.
This is due to a number of advantages of search advertising. It is very targeted. This means that using different filters, you can "select" those site visitors that you need. The evaluation criteria can be: country of residence, language, city, user's operating system. You can also choose the sites on which your advertising will be placed, select them according to their criteria. This is both simple and profitable, because in this case you work with an audience that is interested in your goods and services.
And, of course, another plus of such advertising is its low cost. In order to place your ad, say, on TV, you pay a lot of money for the widest coverage. However, really interested people can be very few. On the other hand, in online advertising you pay only for clicks - real visits to your site.
Intermediary - affiliate network
The advertising network organizes the work of the "buy-sell" scheme of Internet traffic properly. They, as we mentioned above, abound - they work with different block formats, have thematic features, some unique options in the selection and evaluation of traffic. But the largest are the networks controlled by the search engines Google, Yandex, Bing and others.
Due to the wide format of their activities, these companies have gathered millions of advertisers and webmasters. Accordingly, the demand is both for orders of the first, and for the resources offered by the second.
In Russia, the most popular is the Yandex advertising block (proposed by Yandex Advertising Network), and Google (created in Google AdSense). Each of us can meet them on hundreds of thousands of sites. Since the intermediary is a large Internet company, working with it is very simple and effective, because it offers all the tools for advertising. We will talk about this in more detail later.
Advertising Tools
So, as we already mentioned, there are a lot of different tools with which you can place a link, banner or some other information from your partners on your website. Everyone can use this one, based on their own preferences. But the most popular (at least in Google AdSense) are two types of tools - ad units and blocks of contextual links.
Of course, one or the other of them can be applied depending on which topic of the resource, how harmoniously this or that material "influences" the design of the site, as visitors perceive it. Based on these and other criteria, webmasters often make their choice in favor of blocks. And this is very reasonable, which is confirmed by statistical data.
Advertising blocks are media content (image or video) that the visitor sees. This can also include a flash banner, because it is also often used in advertising. Obviously, the picture can be more attractive to the user, because of what he will make a click. Again, with the help of graphic images, information can be delivered faster and more accurately than when it comes to text strings.
Advertising blocks on the site have an alternative - blocks of contextual links. This is actually a square in which various links to advertiser sites are placed. Each of them consists of three parts: the title, description and address of the resource. To tell you the truth, there are sites that adapt advertising in the link block so organically to the design of their page that they can be confused with the resource menu. And in that case, of course, the user makes a transition, finding an interesting one or another title. Due to this, sometimes such a tool is more effective.
And in other cases, the ad units on the page in their graphical representation are more interesting, and as a result - more tempting for the user.
Popular formats
As you understand, these or those sites can use different sizes of this advertising tool. This is due, among other things, to the design of the pages where the ad units are placed, as well as the wishes of the webmaster. For example, someone prefers a small square banner, organically "poured" into the article, while others like a large vertical "skyscraper" on the side of the page.
There is a lot of information about what sizes should be the blocks, which ones are more suitable for those or other sites, but we will simplify it somewhat. According to research conducted by specialists from Google AdSense, the most popular ones are the sizes 336x280, 300x250, 728x90, 300x600 and 320x100 (for mobile devices).
Accordingly, these formats can be found most often, and the visitor's eye is used to them to the greatest extent. Another aspect is practicality. The images mentioned take up a minimum of space, although they can accommodate as much information as possible. These same sizes of ad units can be found in search giants. In AdSense, for example, when choosing the banner format, the webmaster sees also how advertising on his site will look in the preview mode.
Install ad units is very simple. To do this, put the source html-code on your site. It is presented in the form of a set of symbols that enable the partner site with which you cooperate to generate advertisements directly on the pages of your site. That is, you should not worry about connecting single advertisers - everything is organized very conveniently, we already mentioned this earlier, at the beginning of the article.
Of course, in order for your block to appear on the site, you need to determine not only its type, but also the place where it will be placed. After that, you need to refer to the source materials of your resource and insert the code.
Select location
As you understand, the subject of our article is advertising. Advertising block, placement of ad units is all that the advertiser, webmaster and intermediaries are interested in, except for visitors. For them, the abundance of online advertising can become a negative factor, because a person simply will not be able to find out the information for which he, in fact, visited your resource. It's bad in case if there's too much advertising. Therefore, the main advice - do not clutter up your page with a lot of ads. This will lead to a decrease in click-through-rate, which will mean a reduction in the cost per click.
It's better to decide where you put one or two ads in such a way that they are as user-friendly as possible to the user. The visitor should not see that before him advertising - otherwise he will not click on it.
Analysis Tools
In order to decide where to put the ads, you will be helped by a few tools. These are analytical services. They have every major mediator. The best in the world recognized tool Google Analytics, allowing you to give the maximum amount of data about where your visitors click, that they look longer and longer and so on. Use these opportunities to understand how a person behaves on your site, and put a "trap" for him in the form of blocks. Do not forget to periodically look at the ad units on your site to see this "from the outside" and understand what and how you can improve.
Prospects for earning on the sites are very large. Owners of resources, creating content on favorite topics, can easily earn more than they received at their main job. This makes it possible to earn on what you like to do most. And this is very cool in terms of the desire to try and work harder.
Today, ad units are a very useful tool for monetizing websites. Using some basic skills of analytics, with their help you can substantially increase the income received from one website. And this opens up new horizons for people who like to do it. Experience shows that such "Internet entrepreneurs" are becoming more and more.
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