HealthHealthy Eating

Clover honey: useful properties and composition of the product

On the shelves of many health food stores you can find clover honey, the useful properties of which have become a real legend. If you still do not know what this type of best natural sweetness differs from the usual varieties of other flower honey, getting acquainted with the information below will surely prompt you to buy a couple of jars and try this amazing natural delicacy.

What is clover honey?

The composition of this product completely corresponds to the name: it is honey, produced by bees from nectar of different kinds of clover - a plant belonging to a family of legumes. Beautiful red and white flowers of this representative of meadow flora produce nectar in very large volumes, therefore bees have no shortage of raw materials.

Quality issue

The purity of the product depends on a variety of factors, including:

  • Season. The best clover honey, the medicinal properties of which have the greatest potential, is honey produced from nectar in late spring and during the summer months. This sweetness has a strong, rich flavor. If during the specified time heavy rains have passed, honey will retain not only a delightful aroma, but also an extremely pleasant shade.
  • Activity of bees. If industrious insects have collected nectar from clover alone, the final product will be highly concentrated and maximally pure. However, it is impossible to control the activity of bees, and therefore a sweet delicacy of pure clover is rare. Most often, such honey is mixed with other flower varieties, changing its original taste and characteristic pleasant smell.
  • Methods of processing. Raw dessert has a very delicate, light fragrance of clover. But most manufacturing companies resort to a variety of processing technologies to ensure a long shelf life of the product. Even purification and pasteurization by production methods can lead to a loss of the original quality of honey. Particularly harmful in this respect is pasteurization at high temperature for a long period. Other companies spoil the delicious aroma simply because they mix clover honey with other varieties of the flower product in an attempt to lower the final cost of a nutritious delicacy. Unfortunately, even private suppliers do not always act on the basis of good faith, so it's better to try raw clover honey one day. Properties - such as a unique taste, smell and shade, - this unique substance will remain in your memory, and then you can easily distinguish real sweetness from forgery.


Honey from clover has the following typical characteristics:

  • Light, unobtrusive floral taste and sweet aftertaste;
  • Light or pale amber hue;
  • Natural herbal fragrance;
  • Rapid crystallization into a solid, light, granular mass.


As a rule, the shade of honey entirely depends on the characteristics of the soil and the flowers growing on it. The brightness of clover honey varies from 10 to 35 mm on the Pfund scale. Accordingly, two main varieties of this delicacy are known: 10-19 mm and 20-35 mm.

Benefit for health

Pure raw honey is a real storehouse of minerals, vitamins and vitally important amino acids and enzymes. Throughout the world, natural sweetness is valued as one of the best natural medicines. So, for example, clover honey accelerates the healing of open wounds. It has anti-inflammatory effect and contains mineral substances necessary for the speedy healing of tissues: iron, copper and potassium. Natural medicine even helps to fight bacteria that are resistant to most antibiotics.

On guard of well-being

It's amazing how many various ailments can cure only honey (clover). Useful properties and contra-indications of this amazing substance are based mainly on the high level of sugar contained in it. So, one of the most important features of the product is its ability to lower the pathological blood pressure. It is enough to eat 1-2 teaspoons of honey of this variety in the morning to keep the life-threatening hypertension under strict control. Nevertheless, you should not completely neglect the use of pharmacy medicines and the instructions of a professional doctor: after all, it's about your health, and regular consumption of clover honey serves only as a safety net, not real medication.

The inclusion of bee delicacy in the daily diet contributes to the normal functioning of the liver and intestines. According to some scientists, clover honey can even stop the growth of malignant neoplasms in these internal organs.

This natural honey invariably reduces "bad" cholesterol. If the product has not been subjected to excessive heat treatment, it protects the human body from such common diseases as atherosclerosis and cardiac muscle pathologies. According to some experts, eating honey is a full measure of stroke prevention.

Bee sweets help to heal not only open wounds, but also burns. Burned skin is always exposed to an increased risk of infection. Adherents of alternative medicine recommend to apply lotions from honey to the affected areas in order to ensure early healing. It is believed that clover honey (photo) serves as an additional protective barrier for a delicate new skin. High sugar content and an impressive density of the substance prevent infectious infection. Honey successfully stimulates the growth of connective tissue and small blood vessels - capillaries.


Since honey is rich in natural sugars, its use is usually contraindicated for those suffering from diabetes.


Clover honey, rich in unique beneficial properties, is not just an ecologically pure sweetener. It is an amazing product that has a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, antibacterial and antioxidant effect.

If you want to strengthen your health and keep a great mood for the whole day, eat a little bit of natural clover honey every morning. Given that it is easily digested and surprisingly easy to digest, bee delicacy is an ideal sweetener for children's dishes and drinks. Regular use of aromatic honey from nectar meadow flowers serves as the prevention of such common diseases as atherosclerosis and heart pathology.

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