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Let's explore products rich in magnesium. Magnesium fertilizers

In everyday life we have to eat different foods. The proportion of magnesium containing them is negligible among them. Especially, if they are processed in an industrial way. At the same time, foods rich in magnesium are by no means a rarity. They are not something of a fantasy field.

Which products are more magnesium? The leader in this area is cocoa. Nuts follow him. True, they do not use them often, but in vain. The third position on the list is held by soy. Another magnesium contains a number of plant seeds, all kinds of cereals and uncooked grain. However, in industrial processing, these herbs are deprived of the necessary trace element.

In the subsidiary farm, we often fertilize plantations with artificial chemistry. Most chemical fertilizers contain potassium salts, and plants do not have a make-up of magnesium salts. Only recently began to appear fertilizers based on magnesium. For example, the Poles actively use them in agricultural activities.

Magnesium. In which products it is contained.

From our standard diet, we get about 300 mg of magnesium. We need at least twice as much. Overabundance of magnesium or calcium in relation to each other is undesirable. If the body "suffers" a lack of calcium, use tablets containing it and foods rich in magnesium in a conditioned ratio. Let's give some statistics of products that contain magnesium, calcium and some iron.

The mass of magnesium, calcium and iron in milligrams per 100 g of product is indicated in the table of Wlodarzha.

Products / magnesium

Poppy / 526

Dry beans / 523

Soy / 372

Wheat millet / 289

Groats of barley / 274

Nuts for forest / 232

Yellow fresh beans / 231

Peas / 187

Oat flakes / 133

Cheese from skimmed milk / 111

Swiss cheese / 92

Buckwheat groats / 80

Groats manna / 74

Products / Calcium

Poppy / 1961

Beans dry / 1028

Soy / 231

Wheat millet / 19

Groats of barley / 57

Nuts for forest / 401

Yellow kidney beans / 156

Peas / 117

Oat flakes / 100

Cheese from skimmed milk / 1658

Swiss cheese / 2018

Buckwheat groats / 14

Groats manna / 57

Products / iron

Mac / 24

Beans dry / 72

Soy / 31

Wheat millet / 32

Groats of barley / 41

Nuts for forest / 51

Yellow kidney beans / 14

Peas / 20

Oat flakes / 45

Cheese from skim milk / 37

Swiss cheese / 19

Buckwheat groats / 11

Groats manna / 21

The information given above, at some points may not coincide with other similar sources. According to this table, Swiss cheese contains more than 2 g of calcium. This is much more than the figures from another source (837 mg according to Schiegel's table). The same differences exist also in the content of magnesium. How can I explain this? Most likely, some errors could have crept in. Studies were conducted in different countries. Weather, soil composition and variety can introduce deviations into the analysis of the same products.

Proceeding from this, it should be understood that such statistics only indicate the approximate content of a certain trace element in any product. There are general information that is generally considered reliable, regardless of the results obtained. For example, the greatest amount of magnesium is present in hazelnuts, cocoa and beans. It is rich in magnesium and soy. 150 mg of the product accounts for 200 mg of magnesium. When cooking vegetables, you should not do this for long. If you take such products, rich in magnesium, like spinach or kohlrabi, and boil a considerable amount of time in large volumes of water, magnesium will practically disappear in them.

Magnesium in agriculture

When burning brown coal formed ash, which is suitable for soil fertilization. It contains magnesium (4%), boron, manganese, copper, iron and a number of other elements. In the absence of chloride or magnesium sulfate , kieserite is used. This fertilizer from Germany contains the necessary element. If leaves of plants, for example, tomatoes, are affected by chlorosis, they are treated with a solution of magnesium sulfate.

Products rich in magnesium, do not include in their list of flour products. The proportion of magnesium, for example, in buns is very low. As for vegetables, the presence of this element is caused by soil composition and fertilizer treatment.

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