
Can I take urine during my period? General rules for collecting urine

Practically for each woman, the monthly ones come at the most inopportune moment, or rather, they start on time, but very often for these days there are some plans. One such exercise is the delivery of tests. How to be in this situation? Now we will take a closer look at this topic.

Critical days and tests

In the current situation, the question immediately arises: can I take urine during the menstruation? After all, you do not want to postpone this event even for a few days.

With the help of urine, which is considered a biological material, the state of human health is assessed. But the composition of this liquid is amenable to various influences, both external and internal. If you have to hand in the material for analysis, you need to create the necessary conditions to have as little impact on the body of extraneous factors. Therefore it is necessary:

  • Avoid large physical exertion;
  • Refrain from taking drinks that contain alcohol;
  • Try not to consume vitamins and some pharmaceuticals.

Another important remark: it is undesirable that the diet included products that are capable of changing the shade of urine, such as beets, carrots, spinach.

The rules for collecting

Also, before you carry out the procedure for collecting urine, you need to thoroughly wash yourself. In doing this, it is undesirable to use funds whose compositions are classified as antibacterial or disinfectant.

This item is mandatory in the event that you need to surrender the liquid for seeding.

During the collection process it is desirable to use a tampon. This is necessary to avoid getting mucus.

An exciting question

But can I take urine during my period? Will this affect the results of the study? Specialists say that at this time, the physico-chemical parameters of the liquid can be distorted.

When the urine is normal, it is straw-yellow in color. The presence of another shade indicates the presence in the body of a disease. For example, urine of dark color informs that the functionality of the liver and gall bladder is broken. Reddish color may be in the presence of glomerulonephritis.

So can I take urine during menstruation? In this case, the woman should be prepared for the fact that the liquid can change color, thus there will be a false result of analyzes.

Besides, being in norm, urine is always transparent. But during the monthly period, the transparency is lost, and it becomes more turbid.

Specific gravity

The delivery of urinalysis during critical days can increase the specific gravity. That, in turn, not only makes it difficult to conduct appropriate diagnostics, but can also lead to a false diagnosis. Probably, the availability will be revealed:

  • Heart failure;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Syndrome of nephrotic;
  • Violations of the liver.

False diagnoses

If urine is given during critical days, then a large number of erythrocytes can be found in it, which can also lead to false indices. As a result, one of the diagnoses (incorrect, of course) can be put:

  • A tumor in the genitourinary system;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Urolithic disease;
  • Infectious diseases in the urinary tract;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • Diathesis hemorrhagic;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.

Epithelium in the urine

As for the urinary sediment, it normally does not exceed the epithelium up to ten cells. Urine deposited during menstruation is characterized by the fact that the uterine epithelium is contained in much larger quantities. This can lead to such false diagnoses:

  • jaundice;
  • Cystitis in chronic form;
  • Presence of febrile condition;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • Cancer of the bladder;
  • Intolerance to drugs and anesthesia.

Asking whether it is possible to take urine during a month, it should be remembered that when it is normal, it should be sterile. During urination, there is a high probability that bacteria will enter the liquid that are in the lower part of the urethra. In the presence of menstruation, this probability is much greater.

As a result of the study, microorganisms are detected that indicate the presence of infectious processes in the urinary system. In this case, it will be necessary either to take the analysis again, or the old one will be sent for an additional bacterial study.

Refuse analysis

When the question arises is whether it is possible to take urine for analysis during a month, then it should be taken into account that the result of the tests can show a false result of an elevated level of leukocytes. This, in turn, indicates that the body has inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract.

So, can I take urine during my period? Refuse such a procedure. It is better to wait a while.

But in addition to the general analysis of urine, bacterial culture still exists. With its help, experts can better consider the general picture of the patient's condition much better. Thanks to him, it is possible to more accurately determine the presence of bacteria (which also include malignant) in the genitourinary system.

Bacterial sowing

In this case, again a question pops up, whether it is possible to take urine to the tank during the monthly . sowing? If it is undesirable to do this for a general analysis, specialists have disputes about this issue. Now we will consider different opinions.

Some believe that this analysis, like the general, is better to give in a few days after the end of menstruation. Others argue that during this period, it's time to conduct such a study, since it is much more possible to identify infectious agents that can be chronic.

Blood test

Sometimes there is such a question, whether it is possible to give urine and blood during the menstruation? If the urine is a little easier, then with the blood - on the contrary. In today's laboratories conduct several types of blood tests:

  • Biochemical for the presence of quantities in the body of elements such as enzymes, cholesterol, proteins, bilirubin;
  • Common;
  • On the level of hormones;
  • On the level of sugar;
  • Serological for the presence of viruses and bacteria;
  • Allergic to the transfer of certain components;
  • On a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of urological and gynecological diseases;
  • On coagulability;
  • On oncomarkers.

Blood test during critical days

Since during the menstrual period the female body is in an excited state, the surrender of blood for it is another stress.

At this time, many indicators can change their parameters. Because of the appearance of painful sensations during the period of monthly red blood cells increase the rate of its subsidence. By this criterion, the absence or, on the contrary, the presence of infectious or inflammatory processes in the female body is revealed. When the cycle of menstruation passes, the number of erythrocytes increases significantly, and platelets and white blood cells, on the contrary, decrease.

During menstruation in the blood, its viscosity changes. Therefore, some analyzes will not yield any results, as there will be insufficient information.

When critical days with painful sensations take place, many women resort to anesthetic medications, and those in turn change the biochemical composition of the blood and influence the result.

From the delivery of analyzes for oncomarkers or PCR, it is better during the months to abstain. Since there is a high probability of obtaining a false result. After you will be assigned the wrong treatment, which can lead to serious consequences.

These studies should be carried out during the critical days

But some blood tests still desirable to do during the menstrual cycle:

  • Serological analysis of blood, which will provide an opportunity to identify an infectious disease in the body;
  • Analysis for hormones.

So, can I take urine and blood for tests during my period? It is best to wait. There are, of course, situations where urgent research is needed. Then it should be done under strict doctor supervision.


Now you know the answer to the question of whether it is possible to take urine during a month. The rules for collecting urine, regardless of critical days, must be observed.

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