Food and drinkRecipes

Banana smoothies: a recipe and ways of making a drink

Most doctors agree that fruits must necessarily be included in the daily diet of each person. These products saturate the body with vitamins and other beneficial substances, which have a positive impact on its further development. But for this fruit does not have to be consumed in a natural way. They can be used as the main raw material for preparing interesting and tasty drinks. Take, for example, a banana smoothie. Recipe, according to which it is done, can vary depending on the use of certain additional components.

The simplest version

Nowadays, when exotic fruits are available to residents of any point of the globe, each of them will not make much effort to make a banana smoothie. The recipe can be slightly adjusted by adding one of your favorite products to the general list. Take, for example, a pear. This fruit has unique properties due to its chemical composition. A huge amount of folic acid has a beneficial effect on the process of blood formation, and potassium can solve problems associated with heart rhythm. In addition, pear juice is a wonderful antibiotic and fortifying agent. Its use improves digestion and lifts the mood. It's quite easy to make a pear-banana smoothie. The recipe for the drink includes the following components: 3 bananas require 2 pears, a glass of plain water and 2 stalks of celery.

For preparation of a nutritious product it is better to use a blender:

  1. Fruits first thing you need to wash and then peel. It is absolutely not necessary to make a drink.
  2. After that, their flesh along with the rest of the ingredients should be placed in the bowl of the blender.
  3. Close the cover to avoid splashing and turn on the machine.

Ready drink can be knocked out in a tall glass or a glass on the leg. And many people prefer to use the vitamin make through a straw.

Useful composition

In the autumn, when the season of melons and gourds begins, you can please yourself and make a watermelon-banana smoothie. The recipe for this drink is quite original and includes five main ingredients: half a kilogram of watermelon - 2 medium bananas, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a couple teaspoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of cereal flakes or ready muesli.

The process consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation of products. From the watermelon you need to remove the flesh, and then cut it into pieces. After that, the banana should also be cleaned and cut into slices. Lemon juice is also better to cook by yourself.
  2. Mixing of components. After placing all the products in a blender, continue whipping until the inside mass has a gentle, uniform consistency.

A similar composition can be used as a nutritious breakfast. In addition to useful properties, the fragrant mixture has a wonderful invigorating effect and is perceived by the body as a real natural alarm clock.

Gifts of summer

The most popular is the strawberry-banana smoothie. Recipe can be attributed to the category of fairly positive products. Such a mixture not only improves overall health, but also restores intestinal activity and normalizes metabolism. For preparation of a nutritious mix it is necessary to take 1 banana, a glass of kefir, 200 grams of fresh strawberries and a teaspoon of natural honey.

The result is a wonderful strawberry-banana smoothie, the recipe of which is designed for two servings.

Preparation of the drink takes no more than 10 minutes. To do this, the components must first be washed, then loaded into a whipping container, and then turned into a fragrant air mass with a gentle pale pink shade. Surprisingly, having such amazing beneficial properties, the product has a low energy value. After all, in 100 grams of the mixture contains only 52 kilocalories. This is quite a bit, which, undoubtedly, pleases those who are trying to keep track of their weight. Such a delicacy can pamper yourself daily, completely without fear for the consequences.

Use in every throat

Supporters of proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle should definitely like a banana smoothie with milk. The recipe for this drink includes products that can be found in any kitchen.

To prepare a nutritious drink, 1 glass of fresh 3% milk, 20 grams of water, a banana and a tablespoon of flakes "Hercules" are required.

The technology by which such a drink is prepared differs somewhat from the previous versions:

  1. To begin with, the oatmeal should be poured with water and left for a few minutes for swelling. This will later greatly facilitate the mixing process.
  2. After this, the prepared product must be sent to the blender along with the pulp of the banana.
  3. Do not stop whipping, bring in the milk.

After this drink should be poured into a glass and drink in small sips. This mixture contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. It is useful not only for teeth and bone tissue, but also helps to cope with high blood sugar. In addition, the composition is ideal as a dietary product. This circumstance is especially interesting for women who always want to remain elegant and attractive.

Original composition

Fans of unusual sensations can be invited to try a banana-mint smoothie. The recipe requires the presence of ingredients that you need to take care of in advance: for 2 bananas you need 3 cups of skim milk, 1 tablespoon of ground berries kamu-kama and acai, and 50 grams of fresh mint leaves and 7-8 ice cubes.

The way of preparation of this drink has its own subtleties:

  1. First, the peeled banana must be grinded with a blender.
  2. Then add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and whisk them continuously for 30-40 seconds.
  3. Then add ice and continue to stir intensively until the cubes are completely crushed. This technique helps make the mixture more homogeneous.

To preserve the taste, the mixture must be poured into a chilled glass and decorated with a mint leaf. This will create an additional feeling of freshness and cheer up. In addition to the original, slightly sour taste, unusual tropical berries are also very useful. They contain a rich vitamin composition, and also have medicinal properties in many serious eye diseases.

Familiar taste

For residents of most Russian regions, it's easiest to make banana-apple smoothies. The recipe provides for the following ratio of components: for 2 apples you need 2 bananas, 50 grams of pineapples (fresh or canned) and 200 milliliters of plain yogurt without any fillers.

The most laborious moment of preparation of such drink is preparation of products:

  1. With apples, you must carefully cut the peel, remove the core from them with bones, and cut the rest into pieces.
  2. The pulp of the banana also needs to be crushed.
  3. After this, the prepared fruit should be placed in a blender and ground to a uniform gruel.
  4. Add remaining products and continue whipping.

Serve the drink better in a chilled form, decorating the edge of the glass with lobes of banana or pineapple. Such smoothies are pleasant to drink at any time of the day. The perfect combination of aromas and fine taste do their job. Try it once, you will want to make such a drink again and again.

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