Health, Diseases and Conditions
Yellow snot from the nose. Than to treat thick yellow snot in a child
Yellow snot from the baby's nose can make any parent worry. Unfortunately, very few people know what causes this phenomenon. There are many opposing opinions on this issue. Some consider such a color of discharge as a variant of the norm, while others regard it as a sign of a serious illness. How to understand this? How to help a child to overcome an ailment?
Possible causes of unusual discharge
The yellow snot from the baby's nose causes a lot of debate among pediatricians. The exact cause of this phenomenon can not be determined in absentia, as many factors can cause it, some of which are quite harmless, while others require special observation and treatment.
So, what is the basis for the precipitation of yellow color? In medicine, it is customary to select the following options:
- Completion of catarrhal disease. A few days after the crumb started a runny nose, the snot is transformed, becomes thicker, loses transparency and acquires a yellowish or dull white color. It is likely that the recovery will come very soon, and worry about this is not worth it.
- Active inflammatory processes in the body (including purulent nature, can be dangerous to health).
- Chronic forms of serious diseases (eg, otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.).
- Allergic reactions to external stimuli (can occur even because of dust and air dryness).
Different colors of discharge from the nose
If the yellow snot from the nose is not the norm, then let's talk about exactly how they should look. To begin with, it must be emphasized that the snots themselves represent a protective reaction of the body, and often do not require any special treatment. However, it is also not worthwhile to launch such a phenomenon. So, in addition to the yellow secretions, it is customary to distinguish:
- Green snot. This color indicates the presence of bacteria. The more intense the color, the more microorganisms. In this case, in addition to self-treatment, you should always consult a doctor.
- Transparent snot. They occur most often, they differ in liquid consistency. Most often they pass by themselves, but in some cases they can lead to negative consequences (for example, to bronchial asthma). The cause of their appearance may be not only a cold, but an allergic reaction.
- Allocations with blood. May be a symptom of major health problems. If the child also has fever and severe headaches, be sure to consult a doctor. Most likely, such snot are a sign of sinusitis.
- White snot. Appear due to weak immunity, colds, hypothermia. They can be prevented by regular wet cleanings, outdoor walks. To snot do not thicken, it is necessary to do washing.
Methods of treatment of excreta alone and with medicines
How to cure snot in a child at home? This question is often asked by parents, deciding not to go with their beloved child to the doctor. Of course, you can expect a natural resolution of the problem, but it will not be superfluous to provide additional help to the body. Begin the treatment with a regular flushing of the nose. To do this, you can use saline or saline, sea water.
A positive effect can be achieved through a variety of inhalations. For steam baths, such medicinal herbs as calendula, sage, and eucalyptus leaves are often used. Very often, decoctions add essential oil of citrus fruits, coniferous trees. Such measures allow to achieve a double effect - to get rid of mucus, and also to destroy bacteria. One of the best remedies for treating a common cold is a decoction of chamomile. Among the popular medicinal products are very popular juices of grapes and nettles. Particularly successful are such remedies for blood secretions, as they successfully strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
If the baby has a stuffy nose, yellow snot, try to contact the pharmacy. Currently, experts often recommend using such tools as Derinat, Isofra, Protargol, Vibrocil and others. Before using the medication yourself, be sure to read the instructions carefully and adhere to the rules stated in it.
Thick sopli without any additional symptoms of cold can be treated with essential oils. But it is better not to use vasoconstrictive drops at this stage, since the benefits from them will be minimal. In some cases, such drugs can even contribute to the development of chronic secretions.
When should I see a doctor?
What specialist should you go to in case of appearance of non-standard discharge from the child's nose? Engaged in such issues ENT. The doctor will carefully examine the child, determine the severity of his condition, and, if necessary, prescribe a special treatment. Be sure to tell him that the color of the baby's snot causes you to fear. This can be important.
To anxiety symptoms include lingering thick snot yellow or green, frequent headaches, high body temperature, changes in the nature and mood of the baby (for example, irritation or apathy).
Prevention of colds
All parents know that to prevent an ailment is much easier than curing it. Unfortunately, many people neglect simple preventive rules. If your child has snot, treatment of this phenomenon is desirable, but not necessary. It is best to take measures that prevent their initial occurrence. For this, great attention should be given to hardening of a young organism, moderate physical exertion, walking in the open air. Immense nutrition is of great importance for immunity. Try to keep the baby's diet as varied as possible, including meat, fish, fresh vegetables and vegetable oils.
Carefully select a wardrobe of crumbs before a walk, do not allow both overheating and hypothermia. Take care that the baby's shoes do not get wet, and your hands and feet are always warm. If after a walk in the street you find that the baby is frozen, be sure to provide him a warm drink and let it splash in the hot tub.
Snot in the baby. How to deal with a dangerous phenomenon
Yellow snot from the nose can be observed in a newborn baby. In this case, measures to treat the common cold and its symptoms must be taken immediately. Narrow nose ducts are immediately filled with secretions, which leads to the appearance of edema and difficulty breathing. In children in the first year of life, any cold can lead to the development of serious health problems. To avoid serious consequences, be sure to invite a pediatrician for additional advice. Be sure to tell the expert about the color of the snot observed in the child at a given time. If this is not possible, proceed to the washings. To do this, you need an aspirator and a suitable remedy. As it can be used home saline solution or pharmacy analog (for example, the drug "Aquamaris"). It is necessary to wash the ducts quite often, at least five to eight times a day. By the number of procedures necessary to increase, but pay attention to the dosage of the means you use. Not observing this rule, you risk burning a tender mucous baby.
After a thorough cleansing of the nasal passages, one can proceed to treatment procedures. If you prefer a chemist's drug, then be sure to consult a pediatrician, do not use drugs at your own discretion. As for folk remedies, the use of beetroot juice or carrots diluted with water in proportions of 1 to 1 is allowed .
Attention! Allergy
In some cases, the child should not only be examined by the ENT. An allergist doctor also often participates in this procedure. It is possible that the cause of yellow snot is an allergic reaction. As an external stimulus, pollen of flowers, food, animal hair, fluff and house dust often appear. In addition, the discharge may be accompanied by itching or burning. In this case, it is very important to establish a potential allergen and exclude the interaction of the child with it. A possible complication of such an allergy is bronchial asthma.
Be healthy!
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