HealthDiseases and Conditions

If you have a pressure of 100 to 60 - is it a verdict or a pleasant exception?

Increased pressure is familiar to every person, someone is sick himself, someone has relatives or acquaintances. One in two adults, sooner or later, faces a similar problem. But the lowered is a rare phenomenon and is more common among young people and a small number of elderly people. A similar diagnosis, hypotension, is put at a pressure below the normal by 10-20 mm Hg. That is, the blood pressure of 100 to 60 , often found in adolescents and young people, is already hypotension. But in some cases, this is the norm, in some - a dangerous symptom of serious health problems.


People with this diagnosis rarely measure pressure and usually learn about its lowering by unpleasant symptoms: regular weakness, sudden dizziness, constant drowsiness, sharp trembling of the limbs, headache, darkening in the eyes, etc. Such patients feel bad in stuffy and cramped rooms, In the hot season, so summer and public transport - for them it is not the most pleasant.

Types and causes

Hypotension can be acute (a sharp drop in pressure due to problems with the work of the heart or with an incorrect intake of a certain class of drugs) or proceed chronically (constant and without sudden changes). This happens with myocardial infarction, various problems with the operation of the SS, with a large dosage of drugs that reduce pressure after surgery or after a large loss of blood. In such cases, there will be a pressure of 100 to 60 or lower.

Hypotonia is primary, it can be either a hereditary phenomenon (that is, low blood pressure - a normal condition) or a side effect of a way of life (often found in athletes for whom the physical load is normal) or secondary (it is not a disease, but a terrible symptom of pathological processes in the body) . For example, for teenagers and older youth, the pressure of 100 to 60 is the norm, the result is not up to the end of the formed SS and endocrine systems. This pressure can persist throughout life. In these cases, there is no need for treatment, it is important only to stimulate the body in addition.


If a person first learned that his pressure is lower than all the others, and even more so if the pulse is also lowered, he needs to find out how much such a state is normal for him, and whether there is a more dangerous underlying cause of this condition.

For this it is worth to visit the hospital and conduct research. The visit will be much more effective if you take a look at the doctor before going to the doctor, measuring the pressure at home during the day (3-4 times) for a week or more. Thus, it becomes clear how often the patient has a pressure of 100 to 60, whether it is lower or higher, in what cases and after what activity. Further, the doctor should find out the nature and type of the patient's activity, his way of life, nutrition, exclude problems with the work of internal organs (study of CCC, thyroid hormone levels, adrenal glands, etc.) and only then, based on all their data, prescribe treatment.

If it turns out that such indicators are the norm for this person, for example, the pressure is 100 to 65, he is prescribed annual BP control and lifestyle adjustment. It is necessary to be active, play sports, nutrition should be balanced and full, more fresh air, normal working conditions, appropriate rest.

If the cause of such indicators of blood pressure are internal problems, naturally without the help of a cardiologist, neuropathologist and endocrinologist can not do. It is necessary to put in order the heart, blood vessels, hormonal parameters, the work of the kidneys.

But if, after normal indicators, there is a sharp pressure of 100 to 60 or lower , a person begins to lose consciousness, his state of health deteriorates rapidly, there is no time to think, time goes by minutes, you need to call an ambulance urgently to save his life. A fall below 80/50 or a sharp decrease in the upper or lower pressure is greater than 5-10 mm Hg. Is very dangerous, since the blood supply of vital organs worsens, the brain can suffer particularly badly.

In any case, one can not do without normalizing and improving the way of life. The doctor will prescribe vitamin complexes, physiotherapy (acupuncture, stimulating procedures). Most likely, will be prescribed stimulant drugs - tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, decoctions of medicinal herbs that increase blood pressure.

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