HealthDiseases and Conditions

At the child on fingers of fingers the skin: the reasons and treatment

Sometimes parents notice that for no reason the baby starts to poke skin. This looks rather unaesthetic. In addition, such a symptomatology can indicate pathological processes taking place in the body. That's why you should consult a specialist if you notice that the child has skin on his fingers . The causes can be hidden in a variety of pathologies. It is almost impossible to determine them independently, without the help of a doctor.

Skin Functions

The person practically does not reflect, the role of such cover for an organism is how much important. Skin is an external protection. It is she who prevents the penetration of various infections into the body.

Therefore, caring mothers, noticing an unpleasant symptomatology, rush to find out, as a result of which the skin is covered with fingers. The causes of this condition can be varied, ranging from allergies and ending with serious disabilities in the body.

Protection is not the only function of the skin. The skin covers many processes occurring in the body.

Among them:

  • respiratory;
  • exchange;
  • Thermoregulating.

Do not forget that the skin is one of the senses. After all, this is how the child perceives a touch, heat, cold, pain, pressure.

Common Causes

So, why is the skin on the fingers of the child lying around? The reasons for this are often hidden in:

  1. Deficiency of vitamins. This problem can be observed even with a perfectly balanced menu. After all, sometimes in the body of a child some of the vitamins are not fully absorbed. To determine which components are missing, it is possible only after the delivery of tests. Often we are talking about a deficiency of vitamin E, A. They are responsible for the elasticity and integrity of the integument.
  2. Faults on the skin. It is important to organize the care of the baby correctly. If diaper rash is found, you should use special products for baby skin and completely eliminate the possibility of overheating.
  3. Children's stress. Against the background of the experience, skin problems often occur.
  4. Dysbiosis . It would seem, how are the problems in the intestines related to the fact that the child has skin on his fingers? The causes of this phenomenon are the use of antibiotics. After all, most often this therapy leads to the emergence of dysbiosis. Cope with this pathology is not difficult. The pediatrician will recommend a drug containing bacteria.
  5. Infection with parasites. It is important to worry in a timely manner: why will the skin on the fingers of the child's skin? The causes are sometimes hidden in helminthic invasions. And with such parasites you need to start the fight in time.

Other reasons

Do not yourself decide why the skin on your fingers. The causes of such symptoms can be covered in diseases that occur in the child's body.

An unpleasant defect can provoke:

  • Allergic reactions caused by both external and internal provocators;
  • Fungal lesions and various dermatoses;
  • Viral diseases;
  • Staphylococcal and streptococcal infection;
  • Irradiation of crumbs;
  • Pancreatic disease.

As you can see, the most diverse sources can underlie the unpleasant state. Therefore, only a doctor, after examining the baby, is able to reliably say what the real reason is.

Symptomatology of pathology

How can you identify an unpleasant condition in time? Parents should closely monitor the child. In most cases, the first signs of a pathology is itching. At the same time, the baby scratch hands rarely. Over time, the itching becomes quite bothersome.

Skin covers become hyperemic and inflamed. On small pillows small blisters are formed. They start to increase in size. A similar phenomenon is observed on the palms.

As a result of mechanical damage, the epithelium ruptures. Large layers of skin on the pads of fingers. The reasons for this state must be identified. After all, only by determining the source, you can outline the scheme of treatment.

Sometimes itching can not be observed at all. In this case, it is much more difficult to detect a pathology in time. In fact, crumb, by and large, does not bother.

Local funds

Often, it is because of the lack of vitamins that the skin on the fingers of the hand will hang. Causes and treatment can only be determined by a doctor. Do not forget about it.

If the source of this discomfort is a lack of vitamins, then crumbs can be recommended special vitamin complexes. They will enrich the body with exactly the substances that the baby lacks.

In addition, a good effect will provide local funds:

  • "D-Panthenol";
  • Cream "Radovit";
  • Diaderm;
  • Vitamin A (oily ready-made solution).

They are recommended to rub into the baby's fingers 2-3 times a day.

You can use Aevita capsules. It is necessary to carefully puncture the capsule with a needle and lubricate the baby's fingers with the contents.

Baby Feeding

The basis of competent treatment is the correction of nutrition. Therefore, it is important to enrich the menu of the child who has skin on his fingers. The reasons, as noted above, are mainly due to the lack of vitamins.

Nutritionists recommend to enter into the diet:

  • Cereals (rye, barley, oats, corn);
  • potatoes;
  • Fish oil, liver, eggs;
  • Peaches, apricots, plums;
  • Carrots, pumpkin, cabbage;
  • Dried apricots and prunes;
  • Greens of dill, cilantro, parsley.

In addition, we should not forget that a similar problem can provoke an allergy. In this case, it is important to exclude provocative products.

Baby baths

Do not forget that the baby needs daily hygienic procedures if he has skin at the fingertips. The reasons for this phenomenon can be concluded even in the lack of these measures.

Use the recommendations:

  1. Excellent effect can provide baths with bark of oak, string, celandine.
  2. During bathing, gently scrub the damaged epithelium. Do not forget that the covers should always be kept in perfect purity.
  3. After bathing with a soft towel, gently pat the palms. It is strictly forbidden to rub them! Do not use a hard towel. So you only damage the tender covers.
  4. Always lubricate the baby's hands with a moisturizer. You can take advantage of multivitaminic local drugs: Boro-plus, Bepanten, Bubchen.


You can resort to old recipes. However, remember that all these measures will eliminate the unpleasant symptoms provoked by reasonably innocuous reasons. If the problem lies in ailments, then the treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor. No home recipes or local influences are capable of eliminating peeling.

The following folk remedies are very popular:

  1. Decoction of oatmeal. It perfectly eliminates peeling. It is necessary to make baths every day with a decoction of cereal. Such procedures are repeated until the skin completely heals.
  2. Linseed oil. This component is an excellent medicine for peeling skin. It is recommended to lubricate damaged covers after hygienic actions.
  3. Wheat germ extract. Another great component that provides skin regeneration. They should grease the baby's pens daily.

Finally, I want to remind you once again: if you find a problem on your baby's fingers, be sure to start with a visit to the doctor.

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