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What to do with frostbite: first aid.

The defeat of soft tissues when exposed to low temperatures is called frostbite. Its degree depends not only on critically low temperature marks, but also on wind, and also on high humidity. To aggravate the situation may get on the skin fluid or some types of substances that evaporate easily. Unintentionally drenching with acetone or gasoline, you can get such an injury even if the air temperature is above zero. Sometimes frostbite occurs due to impaired blood circulation, tight shoes and immobility, alcohol consumption.

Degrees of frostbite

Frostbite can be four degrees. The first is manifested by blue skin, burning and swelling accompanied by pain. With the defeat of the second degree, the sensitivity of the affected skin decreases, transparent bubbles are formed. Then comes the third degree - this is a dramatic change in skin color, down to white, there are bubbles with a bloody admixture, there is no sensitivity. The fourth appearance does not differ from the third degree, but the necrosis of soft tissues is deeper, down to the bone.

How can I help with frostbite?

Most often in the winter the person suffers, as it is not protected by clothes. A person does not always know what to do with frostbite. Small lesions of 1-2 degrees can be treated in familiar home conditions with improvised means. If a large area of the skin is affected, or the degree of damage is very serious, it is necessary to urgently send a person to the hospital, and use traditional medicine as a supplement to treatment. In any case, it is always necessary to provide first-aid to frostbitten, so everyone must remember what to do with frostbite. Everything depends on the state of the person, the degree of general hypothermia of the organism, and its age. The main task is warming the limbs and restoring blood in the affected tissues. If there are signs of frostbite, the injured person should be taken to any heated room, to remove the outer clothing and shoes.

Frostbite of the face

It is very important to know what to do with frostbite. With mild massaging movements, breathing should be warmed until the appearance of pink skin. It happens that you freeze not only your cheeks, but your chin and nose. What should I do if my face is frostbitten? To eliminate the general cooling of the body you need to give the person hot sweet tea. It is necessary to make a warming compress from decoction of chamomile or oak bark, necessarily at room temperature. After restoring the normal color of the skin, lubricate it with moisturizing cream several times a day, for example such as "Xemoz" or "Trikzera".

Frostbite of hands and feet.

You also need to know what to do with frostbite. In no case should you warm them near an open fire. On the contrary, it is necessary to create conditions for hermetic sealing of the limbs. After applying a compress on them, put polyethylene, on top with a thick layer of cotton wool and wrap with a bandage for at least six hours. Each turn of gauze is enlarged by area, which contributes to the expansion of vessels and, of course, to warming. It is important for the affected person to take hot food and drink. To relieve spasms of muscles and blood vessels, you must take any antispasmodic, as well as anti-inflammatory drug.

What should I do if I have frostbite of the deep layers of tissues? It is important to give the affected limbs peace, using any improvised means: a piece of board, plywood or cardboard, overlaying them from above bandages. Wrap them to preserve the heat can be any woolen cloth or fur. After doing all these manipulations, you need to call an ambulance. Or by own means to deliver the injured person to the hospital.

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