Health, Diseases and Conditions
The disease of the future is genital herpes.
Many people know herpes as a manifestation of a cold on the lips. Virtually no one takes it seriously. Most often this disease is considered an uncomfortable cosmetic manifestation rather than a threat to health. But experts tend to call it a disease of the future. He is far from as harmless as it may seem at first glance and if he does not take seriously his treatment, on the body this can be reflected in the form of serious complications. Sexual herpes can cause a lot of trouble and even lead to infertility. And, this applies to both women and men.
What does the sexual herpes of women look like? In the first few days, burning and itching in the area of future eruptions, pain in the lower abdomen and genital organs can be felt. The temperature can rise, there may be muscle pain and pussy discharge from the vagina. Next, the formation of bubbles with liquid begins. Gradually they merge and form large clusters, which eventually burst. In their place remain ulcers. According to these symptoms, genital herpes is determined. Signs of women and men are similar. The difference is that in women, genital herpes is localized in the vaginal area, on the mucous membrane of the cervix, the skin in the perineum.
What does the sexual herpes look like in men? Here there are eruptions at the head of the penis and around it, possibly on the scrotum and testicles. In the absence of treatment, both in women and men, the disease extends to the area around the anus, buttocks, thighs. With proper treatment, ulcers begin to become crusted, which fall off on the seventh-eighth day, leaving no traces. Sexually transmitted genital herpes is located asymptomatically . Symptoms may appear (but not always) in general malaise, painful urination, painful increase in inguinal lymph nodes, pain in the perineal region. Men can develop infectious urethritis and prostatitis.
Sexual herpes is transmitted sexually . You can get infected from a virus carrier or from a sick person. The virus penetrates through the mucous membranes in any way of sexual contact, including anal and oral. Therefore, it is worth to be selective about your connections, and the best solution will be one permanent healthy partner. In case of infection, immediate treatment should be started. But it should be noted that modern medicine has not yet found a means that will forever save you from this disease. And if you've heard about a wonderful drug that can get rid of herpes in the shortest possible time, do not believe it! This does not exist. But there is a sufficiently large number of antiviral drugs that contribute to the "sleep" of the disease. These are foscarnet, valaciclovir, famciclovir and acyclovir. They are available in the form of solutions for injections, suspensions, tablets, creams and ointments. The sooner you start using them, the faster the cure. As a rule, with timely treatment, genital herpes begins to disappear on the fifth or seventh day. It is recommended to use the chosen drug at least five times a day. Very effectively cure this type of herpes drugs interferon inducers. This is arbidol, flokazid, amixin, poludan. Complex treatment allows you to achieve the best results.
It should be recalled that even after the disappearance of all symptoms, the virus continues to sleep inside us and at the first opportunity will get out in the form of new rashes. Therefore, try to exclude from your life, all the factors that provoke sexual herpes. Avoid stress, timely cure cold, flu, exclude alcohol and caffeine, observe hygiene and strengthen immunity.
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