
How to relieve toothache if there is no possibility to visit a doctor?

A aching toothache, which does not let go for a minute, is familiar to many. But urgent business and caring for loved ones, as a rule, transfer the visit to the dentist to the second plan. There are times when a person can not get to the doctor at all - a trip to a dacha or night time can interfere with this. About how to relieve toothache at home and spend time before visiting a specialist without painful suffering, and this article will be.

First aid with sharp pain in the tooth

Often the cause of sharp pain in the tooth is developing caries and inflammation of the nerve. Most of the pain in this case occurs during meals or because of the enamel reaction to cold or hot drinks. In order to eliminate the sharp pain in the tooth, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. The first thing to stop eating food and drinks.
  2. Brush your teeth. Determine the localization of pain and eliminate the remnants of food in this place with a dental floss or toothpick.
  3. Take an analgesic pill. To avoid side reactions, be sure to read the instructions contained in the package with the drug. On a sore spot, you can put a cotton wool soaked with Valocordin.
  4. Quickly, you can alleviate the pain by using a solution of soda. To do this, in a glass of water at room temperature, you need to add half a teaspoon of soda and rinse your mouth. In the resulting mixture, you can add a little iodine.

Some try to eliminate the pain syndrome by applying ice to a problem site or rinsing with ice water. This can not be done, because in this way it is possible to chill the nerve, and temporary relief, most likely, will be replaced by more severe pain. The abuse of ice rinse often leads to a flux. This is called inflammation of the periosteal tissue. The cheek begins to swell and swells, and then there is no longer any surgical intervention.

Medication-assisted relief of toothache

This method involves the presence in the home medicine chest painkillers or the possibility to get to the nearest pharmacy, having previously determined the appropriate version of the drug:

  • "Analgin". This drug helps with a slight toothache. It is better to drink half of the pill first, and if the pain does not recede after a while, take the remainder. It is allowed to take no more than 4 tablets of "Analgin" per day. In addition to internal application, it is also practiced to apply the medicine to a sick tooth. So the active substances of the drug will be absorbed into the blood more quickly and soothe the pain syndrome. The reception of "Analgin" is contraindicated in the use of alcohol, with kidney and liver diseases, pregnant women and women during lactation.

  • "Nurofen." Helps not only from dental, but also from a headache. Take no more than 6 times a day for people who are not suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hearing loss or disrupting the kidneys and liver. Do not take tablets with stomach and bowel diseases.
  • Ketanov tablets can alleviate severe toothache . The analgesic also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Before the first reception of this potent drug, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. The doctor should analyze the consequences of using the remedy, since in some cases an allergic reaction to the components of the drug is observed. It is forbidden to take tablets to children under 15 years of age, breastfeeding and pregnant women, as well as with kidney or liver failure.

The use of medicinal herbs for pain relief

How to relieve toothache, if you use painkillers interfere with contraindications or there is no way to get to the pharmacy and ask for help from a pharmacist? In this case, medicinal herbs that perfectly remove the pain syndrome in the oral cavity will help. It is necessary to know which of them are suitable for rinsing and how to prepare a decoction. List of natural remedies for the treatment of toothache:

  • Sage. To prepare the broth, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of sage with a glass of hot water. The mixture is brought to the boil and cooked for 10 minutes. Then remove from the fire, filter and allow to cool. Rinse should be done with a warm broth about every 10 minutes. Cooled down solution is not recommended, it is better to brew a new one.
  • Oregano. Infusion of oregano is prepared in a ratio of 1:10, that is, 1 part of dried flowers is taken 10 parts of boiling water. The grass is poured with water and left to infuse for a while. When the infusion becomes warm, it is filtered and used for rinsing, giving special attention to the aching tooth during the procedure.
  • Propolis. This natural component is considered truly unique, helping with many diseases, strengthening immunity and providing a general health-improving effect on the body. However, it is worth applying it with caution, especially to those who are prone to allergic reactions. Taking a small amount of propolis and attaching it to a problem site, you can relieve toothache.
  • Plantain. The plantain leaf familiar to all from childhood should be chewed and put on a sick tooth, holding it for a while.
  • Aloe. Slice along a leaf of a house plant is applied by flesh to a sore spot and held until the pain subsides.

Folk remedies in combating dental pain

People have been thinking about how to relieve dental pain with folk remedies. From generation to generation, ways of eliminating toothache were transmitted, many of them have survived to this day, replenishing with some modern variations:

  • Weight of onions, garlic and salt. Vegetables need a good wash, clean and grind into a homogeneous mass. Garlic, onion and salt take in the same proportions and mix, then put on a sick tooth, covering the top with a cotton swab.
  • Alcohol. To relieve toothache at home will help rinse the mouth with vodka. It must be dialed into the mouth and held in a sore spot, with disinfection of the tooth, and the gum becomes less sensitive under the influence of ethyl alcohol. After some time, you need to spit the vodka.
  • Cucumber. A small slice to attach to the tooth and hold until the pain is dulled.
  • Potatoes. Attached to the aching tooth a small slice of raw potatoes must be kept until disappeared unpleasant sensations.
  • Warm salted water. For rinsings in 200 ml of warm water, dissolve a quarter of a tablespoon of salt. Such procedures help to remove fluid from the tissues, due to which the inflammation will gradually decrease. In addition, salt prevents the reproduction of microbes.

  • Apple vinegar. The liquid soaked tampon is applied to the tooth for a few minutes. The pain should gradually subside.
  • Fat. A small slice of salted grease should be cleaned of salt and applied to a sore spot. You can also use the product in its raw form.

Essential oils

How to relieve toothache if there are medicinal plant oils in the arsenal? It is enough to soak a cotton swab with oil or plant juice and apply to a sore spot, then close the jaw and hold until the pain syndrome is eliminated.

For this purpose,

  1. Fir oil.
  2. Lavender oil.
  3. Vanilla extract.
  4. Tea tree oil.
  5. The juice of wheat germ, which must be obtained by grinding them. It is considered an excellent remedy against caries, and also has antibacterial properties.
  6. Juice leaves of guava or spinach.
  7. Carnation oil, which is rightly considered the best way to overcome toothache. It is a natural anesthetic and antioxidant, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Acupressure for pain relief

The followers of oriental medicine developed their own methodology for how to relieve severe toothache. This can be done using the technique of acupressure. The procedure will not cure the tooth, but it will help alleviate acute pain. For the treatment, you need to find a point located on the inner surface of the brush. To do this, you need to mentally draw two straight lines along the thumb and the index finger to the wrist, putting a point at the point of their intersection. Massaging this place is necessary before the appearance of mild pain.

On the face of the point for massage are at the middle distance from the upper lip to the base of the nose, as well as at the intersection of a straight line through the pupil, and the line running along the cheekbone. A kind of point massage is the compression of the ear lobe.

It should be noted that in all cases, massage is performed on the side of the body opposite to where the diseased tooth is. Actions are made by the pads of the fingers, by slow circular motions with a slight depression. On average, the massage lasts 7-10 minutes first counter-clockwise, then along it.

Alternative ways to get rid of toothache

How to relieve toothache with homeopathy? The opinion of dentists on this score is very ambiguous. Doctors are suspicious of this kind of treatment, however, some people this method is a great help. Let's consider the basic homeopathic preparations for the treatment of pain in the oral cavity:

  • "Aconite". A drug that relieves the pain of the tooth, arising from colds.
  • "Arnica". Excellent tool that heals small wounds. It is used after removal of the tooth or after a contusion of the jaw, resulting in a slight bleeding.
  • "Coffey". The drug, aimed at eliminating the toothache that has arisen on the nerves.
  • "Nuks vomica." Perfectly removes toothache in people with a sedentary lifestyle, abusers of coffee and alcoholic beverages.
  • "Nux moshata". Specialists offer this drug for the relief of toothache in pregnant women and young children.

Relieving toothache in pregnant women

Future moms in the event of unpleasant sensations always think about how to relieve toothache without causing harm to the baby. Many of the above methods for external use will help to remove discomfort and will not harm either mother or her future child. Strongly acting medicines are strictly forbidden to pregnant women, but with acute pain the doctor can allow a single dose of "Paracetamol".

Recommendations on how to relieve dental pain at home for pregnant women with no possibility to visit the dentist include rinsing the mouth with a solution of "furacilin" or hydrogen peroxide. However, even if the pain has receded, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Modern drugs and painkillers used by specialists can be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. In addition, they perfectly eliminate the unpleasant sensations, and the treatment or removal of the tooth will be comfortable.

Treatment of a child's toothache

In young children, discomfort in the oral cavity is most often caused by caries. If they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. But how to relieve toothache in a child, if it appeared late in the evening or on weekends, when there is no possibility to consult a dentist? For a growing body, rinse with a warm soda solution or sage broth. If there is an obvious carious cavity in the diseased tooth, moisten a small cotton swab with mint oil and insert into the hole.

How to ease the toothache, if the child does not bring relief to the folk remedies? From drugs, "Nurofen" is suitable in the form of a syrup. Before giving the medicine to a child, it is necessary to read the instructions: the dosage of the drug depends on the weight and age. Children are allowed "Ibuprofen" and "Paracetamol", as well as other drugs based on them.

Dentist's recommendations

To avoid aggravation of pain and increase of the tumor, a few rules have been singled out by dentists in the list of ways that explain how quickly to relieve toothache:

1. Do not warm up the sick area. Heating pads or pouches with hot salt will increase the flow of blood to the aching tooth, and the pain will become even stronger. It is recommended, on the contrary, to apply ice. Wrapping a small piece into the fabric, you need to attach it to the sick cheek. Directly to the tooth itself to apply cold it is impossible, not to freeze a nerve.

2. It is less to be in a horizontal position. When a person lies, the blood flow to the jaw increases, the pressure in the tissues rises, thus irritating the nerve endings in the tooth. In this case, the pain syndrome will be even more palpable.

3. Warm mouth rinses help to eliminate food residues from the carious hole, and also relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

4. Soda rinse should be prepared without diluting the soda in warm water, and pouring it with steep boiling water. Begin rinsing only after the solution has cooled.

It should be noted that the faster you visit the dental office, the easier it will be to receive treatment. Preventive examination of teeth and gums in a specialist should be done at least once every six months, especially when it comes to the oral cavity of the child. This will help prevent disease and avoid the occurrence of unbearable toothache.

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