HealthDiseases and Conditions

Penetration: what is this pathological phenomenon

Penetration: what is it? The answer to the question you ask will be found in the article. In addition, we will tell you about what symptoms are accompanied by such a deviation and what it can lead to.

General information

Penetration: what is this pathology? This word is derived from the Latin "penetratio" and literally translates as "penetration". In medical practice, this term is understood as the spread of the pathological process to other parts of the body, that is, beyond the already injured organs.

Disease of the main digestive organ

Penetration of a stomach ulcer is a peculiar complication of a peptic ulcer, which spreads as an infiltrative destructive process from the said organ (or the duodenum) into the very thick of neighboring tissues (for example, the liver, omentum, gallbladder, pancreas, etc.). .

The main stages of the disease

Penetration of an ulcer, more precisely, its development, proceeds in three stages:

  • Intra-wall penetration;
  • Fibrous fusion;
  • Penetration into an adjacent organ.

Clinical manifestations

Penetration: what is this pathological change? This is a rather difficult independent complication, which has its own peculiarities. The clinical manifestations of this deviation depend on the ongoing stage and the organ into which the ulcer has spread.

Thus, a patient with a similar diagnosis may be able to observe incessant pain in the epigastric region and an increase in its intensity.

Penetration of the ulcer in the pancreas is most often manifested by the appearance of pain in the back (more often around the surrounding nature). If the disease spreads through the body of the stomach, the pain can be observed predominantly in the left side of the chest, in the region of the heart.

Jaundice in a patient develops only if the ulcer spreads to the head of the pancreas or to the hepatic-12-ligament ligament.


Penetration: what is it? An exhaustive answer to this question you received above. Now I want to talk about how to diagnose such a pathological phenomenon.

When examining a patient (primary), doctors immediately note the special tension of the muscular tissues of the abdominal wall or the so-called viscero-motor reflex. The patient may also complain of local soreness.

With such a deviation, a blood test often shows the presence of leukocytosis, as well as an increase in ESR. After the radiography the specialists carefully study the picture. Signs of penetration of the ulcer can be the presence of a rather deep "niche" in the duodenum or stomach, which extends beyond the body itself.

Than Dangerous

This complication may well be accompanied by the further formation of a cancerous tumor. This is why, if suspicion of penetration of ulcers should immediately seek help from a doctor who is treating. Although some experts still argue that even a modern examination (gastroscopy with biopsy) does not always allow us to establish the beginning of the development of cancerous degeneration of the ulcer.

Conservative treatment of the disease and surgical intervention

Conservative therapy of such a disease is carried out only under stationary conditions. This treatment should include an antiulcer diet, the use of antacids, as well as drugs that are able to normalize the gastric motility.

Treatment of such ulcers is carried out under mandatory and endoscopic X-ray control.

If after such therapy no improvement is observed, the patient is operated. With its successful completion, the rehabilitation period should be at least 8-12 months.

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