Health, Diseases and Conditions
A stone in the kidney. Symptoms of the disease
The appearance of stones in the kidneys physicians scientifically called urolithiasis. All age groups without exception can be exposed to this disease. If a stone is formed in the kidney, the symptoms of ailment, such as back pain and a change in the color of urine, may be absent. The disease most often develops due to a violation of water-salt metabolism, but there are additional causes. The appearance of stones depends on:
- Heredity;
- Chronic diseases of the digestive tract and urogenital system: gastritis, cystitis, prostatitis, colitis;
- Presence of injuries and diseases of bones;
- Hypervitaminosis of vitamin D;
- Frequent use of acidic, salty and sharp foods and hard water;
- Excess ultraviolet.
The main symptoms of urolithiasis
What signs indicate that a stone was formed in the kidney? Symptoms accompanying the disease can manifest as pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the belt area with one or two sides. This is due to the fact that the stone that enters the ureters causes discomfort and renal colic. The following signs can signal a disease:
- Change of color of urine;
- Renal pain, which recur periodically and subside;
- Increased blood pressure;
- The appearance of edema.
Urolithiasis requires conservative and surgical methods of treatment, in which the main objectives are:
- Removal of kidney stones;
- Prevention of recurrent formation of concrements (relapse);
- Elimination of infection.
With the conservative treatment of this disease, special drugs are used that are aimed at normalizing metabolism, dissolving stones and stopping inflammation in the urinary system. Patients are also recommended to diet therapy. With small stones, this method is effective.
Surgical removal is used if a large sized stone is detected in the kidney. Symptoms of the disease in this case are most often pronounced. The same is true if the stones in the kidneys have coral complex shape.
There is an alternative to open surgery. This is the crushing of kidney stones under the influence of acoustic electrohydraulic waves.
Folk remedies used to treat kidney stones
Diet of patients with urolithiasis
If doctors have found sand, kidney stones, symptoms of urolithiasis have a regular effect, it is necessary to strictly adhere to a special diet in the diet:
- Use plenty of liquid to remove sediments of salts and small stones.
- The diet is composed of products that maintain the pH of urine and help the natural dissolution of stones.
- Restrict the use of food that may contribute to the formation of stones in the urinary system.
- Completely eliminate from the diet chocolate, legumes, sorrel, cabbage, figs and meat by-products.
- The menu must contain dishes from fish, meat, fruits and vegetables.
- Allowed to use sour apples, pumpkin, cranberries, cranberries, plums and pears.
- You should also remember about physical exercises, during which calcium passes from the blood to the bones.
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