Sports and FitnessMartial arts

Basic combinations of blows in the box

To date, this kind of sport, like boxing, is very popular among people. Many teenagers or even adults are enrolled in sports sections to master this martial art. Many believe that boxing is simple and easy to learn. However, this is not the case. Beginners need to master the basic movements first, and then to identify the most effective combinations of strokes in the box, while simultaneously studying the technique of protection.

Kinds of blows

In boxing, there is a small number of different types of strikes, the technique of performance of which among professional athletes is brought to perfection. All punches can be connected in a completely different series. It is not at all necessary for the victory in the ring to be able to perform complex combinations of punches in the box. The main thing for a fighter is to be able to apply the basic elements in the ring qualitatively and in a timely manner. A well-worked out direct or lateral impact is much more effective than a long series, performed with errors. Some star boxers, who have a large number of belts, use only a couple of blows in combat. But they are so sharp that the opponent, knowing his partner well, can not resist them.

In order to make it easier for an athlete to learn the combinations of punches in the box, the right and the left are identified in the head and the right and left in the body.

Combinations of blows

Any combination of punches from a long distance begins with a straight line, and after that there are a lot of variations. In boxing, one of the most commonly used ligaments is the "deuce". Classical "deuce" in the box is called a series of "left, and then a right-handed straight blow."

The first movement is done by the front hand. It all depends on the boxer's rack. The impact with the hand, which is slightly ahead, is usually applied without putting any force into it. Boxers usually determine the opponent's behavior by the first blow. Often happens, that the first forward blow serves as a funt. The exercise after the second is applied unexpectedly to the opponent with the maximum force applied.

But in addition to the classic "deuce", there are other variations. For example, the first blow can be aimed at the head, and the next, the main, into the body. Do and vice versa - first straight to the body, then to the head. This version of the "two" is performed from a close distance.

Combinations of blows in the box must be made at the right time. At the same time, first it is necessary to perform feint or other actions to ensure that the attack was unexpected.

Rule of execution of a series of blows

Even the simplest combinations of blows in the box must be performed technically. Strikes athlete should be carried out with minimal pauses. That is, the second blow of the two should immediately after the first. It is the speed of the second that determines its effectiveness. In addition, the opponent can take advantage of a pause and deal a crushing blow to the moment that is vulnerable to you. Therefore, the athlete must always remember about protection. About it, do not forget when implementing a combination of punches in the box. For beginners it is important to bring the technique of execution of blows to automatism.

When applying a reconnaissance stroke with the front hand, the shoulder should be relaxed. The elbow of the second hand should protect the liver, and the fist - the chin. When applying a second strike, a small turn in the shoulders should occur. Thus, the blow is stronger than with a single right. During the second strike, the left hand returns and protects the face. When drawing deuces, the work of the feet is important. After this classic combination, the athlete can continue the attack or make a rebound.

"Postman blow"

In boxing and other forms of martial arts, there are similar combinations. Bundles of punches in the box must be primarily effective. For example, often in this form of martial arts you can find a combination of "postman's blow". It consists of two strikes with the left hand, and then with the right. Due to the fast left jab, the boxer reduces the distance in combat. This combination is very effective. That is why it is so often used in boxing. This combination must be accompanied by footwork. During the jab, the athlete moves to the opponent to effectively hold the main strike with the right hand. Strikes with the left hand should be carried out as quickly as possible.


There are different bundles of punches in a sport like boxing. Combinations of strokes, which training should occupy most of the time, can be carried out by the "troika". "Postman strike" is also usually referred to this bundle. "Three" is called two full jabs, which are divided by the right hand. The first jab is short, it is used to shorten the distance. The last is the final one.

However, it often happens that the third straight blow due to the reduction in distance is not practicable. In this case, the last line is replaced by a side impact. There are completely different variations of the "troika".

Blows in Thai boxing

Thai boxing is a relatively young martial art. Everyone who has ever seen these fights, with full confidence, will say that this kind of martial arts is the most traumatic martial art. Fighters in the ring use a lot of different combinations. The fact is that in Thai boxing the arsenal of blows is much wider than the classical one. In the Thai version knocks, shin, arms and elbow are allowed. The latter is considered the most dangerous.

Combinations in Thai boxing

Combinations of strikes in Thai boxing are very diverse. Among the main ligaments that a beginner can perform, the following options can be distinguished. To successfully execute combinations, it is necessary for the opponent to go into defense. When he performs a shot, it's not advisable to conduct a series. Ideally, the opponent after the left jab should go into defense.

During the left-hand direct attack, there must be a rapprochement with the opponent. Immediately after the first attack, an elbow in the head should be punched . With a successful hit from the elbow, fighting in Thai boxing ends early, as it is the hardest blow. If the fighter is still standing on his feet, there is a rapprochement closely and a knee blow to the liver.

The combination, which is very common in Thai boxing: the fighter first kicks the body, and then it in the head. This combination is very effective. It is used as a defense against attacks of an opponent. During the training, the athletes practice this method hundreds of times to perform it on the machine during the fight.

The technique of performing strikes in a Thai box for beginners

Thai boxing requires good training from a fighter. To perform kicks with a leg requires a good stretch and a long workout. That's why lovers rarely use their legs in a duel. But it is after getting a foot in the head that prematurely ends fights in this sport. A fighter also needs to know how to defend himself from such attacks. Otherwise, one missed strike may result in a duel and cause serious injury. Thai boxing is a sport in which mistakes during the battle often led to serious consequences. To carry out a blow from the elbow, you first need to get close to the opponent. Such a blow is usually performed after carrying out various ligaments. The enemy must go into defense for his effective execution, otherwise it is better not to use it.

Development of the force of impact

A beginner athlete should remember that the impact force depends on the work of many muscles. The legs, the press, the muscles of the body, the shoulders, the forearm and the hand should be involved in the impact. For the development of the right muscles, athletes in training perform throwing a weighted ball, make jumps from low squat, push-ups with jumps, throw the bar in front of him, engage with dumbbells or weighting. There are a lot of exercises that will increase the strength of your impact. The main thing is not to forget about the correct technique of its implementation.

The most varied bundles of blows can be found in such a form as boxing. The best combination of blows is the subject of constant training and research of specialists. The most effective can be simple bundles with a timely attack and accurate hit. To do this, it is necessary to perfect every movement in training.

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