HealthHealthy Eating

Learn from what foods get fat, and not get better

Slenderness is a matter not only of aesthetics, but also of health. Of course, it's nice to have a good figure and wear beautiful, sexy things, do not be shy on the beach of your body and feel attractive. But every extra kilogram is also a fertile soil on which sooner or later different ailments can grow. Let's look at what products get fat fastest.

Capital Truths

Sweets are absolutely unsuitable food for a person. They can be used only in special cases and gradually. Sugar and starch - the basis of all cakes, cakes, pecans and rolls. They are instantly absorbed, causing the release of sugar into the blood. But you will not live long on such fuel. At their high calorie, they do not give a steady and long saturation, on the contrary, in a couple of hours you will feel that you are ready to eat a whole horse. This suggests that the sugar just as quickly fell, as it rose before it. This applies equally to sweet sodas. This is the main enemy for those who think, from what foods get fat the fastest. So you have to limit yourself in this pleasure.

Delicious sauces

Speaking about what products are getting fat, immediately come to mind mayonnaise, ketchup and sauces based on them. Firstly, their "cost" in calories is quite high, and secondly, the flavored food becomes more saturated taste, which means that its quantity that you want to eat will increase dramatically. Moreover, they practically do not contain the natural components and, accordingly, the substances necessary for the body, but are generously flavored with preservatives and flavor enhancers. A worthy substitute for them will be curdled milk, sour cream, homemade yogurt or kefir, tan.

Secret enemy

Hidden fats - that's what can bring to nothing all efforts to combat excess weight. For example, consider hard cheese. Only the child knows about its benefits, and it's true. Cheese is rich in calcium, protein, vitamins, its composition can number up to 20 amino acids. It would seem, eat and rejoice, but no! Invisible fat of cheese obliges all slimmer to limit the consumption of this useful and tasty dairy product. The same goes for boiled sausages or sausages. At first glance, they are inferior in fatty smoked cousins, but in fact they can include a fairly large amount of lard. The same applies to shop dumplings, cabbage rolls and other half-finished products. The best way to determine how fatty is a food product is to study the composition on the label.

Not counting

Often a cup of coffee or a glass of juice is not generally perceived as food. Although in fact, drinking is just water and nothing more. In one spoon of granulated sugar contains neither much nor little, but as much as 50 calories. Thus, regularly arranging coffee breaks, you can quietly gain a few extra pounds. Juices from packets are usually very sweet too. If there is no possibility to cook fresh with your own hands, it is better to eat fruits in their natural form. Enrich your diet with fiber.

Pure fat

If you think about what foods are getting fat, then we can say that unquestionable leaders are pure fats. Vegetable oil, cream, lard and margarine are almost 100% fat. Their nutritional value can reach 930 calories in 100 grams. There is something to think about.

Cheerful drinks

Many people are interested in whether they get fat from alcohol. Definitely get fat. Not only is caloric alcohol itself, there is a risk that after 2 glasses of wine, fried potatoes with chop will no longer seem so terrible and harmful.

What remains

Is there something that you can eat without restrictions, then, from what do not get fat? Any foodstuffs are intended for restoration of energy and forces of the person, therefore all depends on quantity eaten. You can get better on some cucumbers, if you try. Food with zero, and even less minus caloric content has not yet been invented. Summarizing, we can say that for a successful farewell to excess weight, you should not overdo the stick and adhere to dietary norms.

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