
Wormwood grass is bitter, its use and benefits

Wormwood-bitter grass is a plant of genus polynia (there are about 180 of them), a family of astroids. Now wormwood as bitter as valuable medicinal raw materials is cultivated in Asia, many countries of Europe (in particular, CIS countries), the USA and North Africa.

Wormwood herb is bitter - one of the oldest medicinal plants, it was used to improve the functioning of the digestive system, increase appetite, stimulate sexual life, this is mentioned in the ancient papyrus of Ebers (3,500 years ago).

Wormwood grass is bitter: where is applied

Wormwood is one of the main components of vermouth, absinthe and some other alcoholic tinctures. And in cooking it is used as seasonings for poultry and meat dishes, especially it is combined with goose. Wormwood in agriculture is used as a phytoncid and insecticide for pest control, and in the household - to deter fleas, cockroaches, moths and other insects. But the greatest use of wormwood found in medicine. About this and talk.

Composition of wormwood bitter

The chemical composition of wormwood is very rich: it contains tannins, organic acids (succinic and malic), flavonoids, essential oils, phytoncides, glycosides, saponins, potassium salts, ascorbic acid, tar, carotene, micro- and macro elements and many other valuable substances.

Wormwood: the properties of plants for the treatment of diseases

The medicinal properties of wormwood were known even by far our ancestors, it was actively used at that time in folk medicine. Quite widely in Russia were used brooms made from bitter wormwood in baths when hovering. The smell of the plant and the substances released during vaporization, when piercing the pores, poured steamed muscles with vivacity.

Since ancient times folk medicine has been used in wormwood. Also our ancestors knew about the medicinal properties of wormwood oil. Modern research has shown that the essential oil of bitter wormwood has similar pharmacological properties to camphor and has a cardiostimulating effect, excites the central nervous system.

Today, wormwood grass is bitter used in the pharmacy of more than 20 countries in the world. Even official medicine uses the plant as a means to improve digestion and appetite (in the form of infusions and tinctures, as well as in the composition of herbal collections to increase appetite).

Wormwood preparations promote the secretion of pancreatic and gastric juice, thereby increasing appetite and motor function of the intestine and stomach, enhance urination, as well as exert antiulcer, anti-inflammatory action and activate the protective forces of the human body.

The selective action of wormwood deserves special attention. For example, with increased excitability, insomnia and nervousness, preparations based on wormwood have a calming effect, and with depressive state, neurasthenia, fatigue, apathy or weakness, these drugs, on the contrary, have an exciting and tonic effect.

Studies have shown that wormwood, due to the content of bitterness, increases the endurance and performance of the human body, strengthens the liver, and the aromatic bitterness present in the essential oil of wormwood has a cocaine effect, improves the absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and also contributes to the increase in muscle mass. Probably for this reason Russian bogatyrs actively used wormwood for refreshing and strengthening muscles.

Many properties of wormwood, known long ago, are used today: it improves the complexion, eliminates violet spots under the eyes. Couples of wormwood decoction help with pain in the ears. And if you take a decoction before drinking wine, it will help with a hangover.

With angina, a lotion of wormwood on the palate from the inside is effective. And in combination with soda wormwood-bitter herb is useful for pain in the ears, tumors behind the ears or the accumulation of fluid in them.

The plant is also useful for chronic ocular inflammation, if you make a bandage under the eye from it, and also it helps from the veil before your eyes. If you make a bandage out of wormwood juice, it will calm the rapid pulsation of the eyes, reduce the swelling and help with a hemorrhage into the eyeball.

Medicinal dressings from the grass are placed on the stomach, liver and side - it will relieve the pain in these organs. Wormwood sends bitter urine and monthly, especially if applied in the form of candles with water sweetened with honey.

With cracks in the anus, it is useful to drink wormwood wine.

If boil the bitter wormwood separately or with rice (or lentils) and eat with honey, it will kill the intestinal worms and lightly beat the stomach.

Wormwood will help from the bite of the shrew, the scorpion and the poisoning of the hemlock (if you drink it with wine) or mushrooms.

Bitterness, available in preparations from this plant, increases the amount of hemoglobin and erythrocytes, normalizes the function of the digestive tract, reduces digestive disorders and the phenomena of intestinal autointoxication.

The contained substances in wormwood allow it to be used to stop bleeding, healing and pain relief of wounds; As an analgesic for dislocations and bruises.

Hamazulene, obtained from wormwood, is used in the treatment of rheumatism, bronchial asthma, eczema or burns due to irradiation with X-rays.

As an auxiliary in the treatment of cancer of the rectum, stomach or uterus, folk medicine advises a decoction from the root of wormwood, which is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of raw material is poured into 200 g of hot water, boiled for 5 minutes, filtered and wrung out. Take it three times a day, 2 spoons before meals.

And as an anthelmintic agent use for the night infusion in the form of microclysters in volume of 50 gr. Infusion is prepared as follows: dried wormwood dilute with boiling water 1:10.

About wormwood can be talked for a long time, but its most important advantages are: drugs from it have analgesic, hemostatic, antipyretic, expectorant, antihelminthic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, wound-healing and astringent. They are used for inflammation of the mucous membranes, poisonings, insomnia, epilepsy, neurasthenia, paralysis, fever, edema, colitis, migraine, dyspepsia, hypertension, liver disease, hemorrhoids, obesity, gout, heartburn, bloating, meteorism, ascaridosis, ulcers and gastritis Stomach, flu, bronchitis, malaria, cholera, dyspnea, rheumatism, hypertension, jaundice, anemia, tuberculosis, dysentery, bad smell from the mouth, to stimulate gastrointestinal function, increase appetite, excrete bile, improve digestion, normalize the pancreas The blade. External use wormwood to treat long-term healing pustular skin diseases, ulcers, wounds, with bruises, dislocations, burns, frostbite, sprains, joint diseases.

Beginning with the treatment of wormwood bitter, you should consult a doctor, since wormwood has some contraindications and limitations to use. Firstly, the preparations of this plant can be used no longer than 2 months to avoid a negative effect on the body. In diseases such as enterocolitis, gastritis with low acidity, ulcers of the duodenum or stomach, cholelithiasis and internal bleeding, as well as lactation and pregnancy from the preparations of Artemisia, it is better to refuse.

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