
"Allomedin" (gel): reviews, instructions, analogues

"Allomedin" is a topical gel designed to protect the skin and mucous membranes from the negative effects of viruses that can cause inflammation and lead to the development of neoplasms of epithelial tissues.

pharmachologic effect

The remedy is effective at the appearance of the first symptoms of herpes. "Allomedin" stops the inflammatory process, helps restore the natural appearance of the skin, relieves swelling, allows you to quickly get rid of itching and burning. If the initial stage of herpes development is missed, a full recovery occurs 3-6 days after the start of the drug use.

"Allomedin" is a gel created on the basis of allostatin and auxiliary substances, which include sodium hydroxide, ethylhexyl glycerol, phenoxyethanol, allantoin, water, carbopol. There are no complete analogues of the preparation containing the same active substance. This is a natural alloferon, isolated from the immune system of insects. Allostatin has a harmful effect on viruses, its effect is due to the activation of the cytotoxic cells of the immune system.

Cells affected by the virus are destroyed, but the drug does not harm healthy cells. The action of the gel is aimed at eliminating the source of infection and stimulating the regeneration of the epithelium. "Allomedin" is a gel that reduces the number of relapses, it is active against the papilloma virus with active growth of the neoplasm. The use of this drug eliminates the possibility of forming new warts, genital warts and papillomas.

Indications for the use of "Allomedin"

"Allomedin" is prescribed when infected with papilloma viruses, herpes and others that disrupt the healthy state of epithelial tissue. The drug is used to restore affected areas of mucous membranes and skin.


To the use of many drugs, there are some contraindications, including the use of such a tool as "Allomedin" (gel). The instruction contains one contraindication - hypersensitivity to the components of the gel.

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug should be used with caution and only after consulting a doctor. Treatment of patients with allergic skin diseases and children under 12 years with the use of a drug such as "Allomedin" (gel), the instruction for use also prohibits exercise without consulting a doctor.

Application of gel "Allomedin"

In diseases of the mucous membranes and skin caused by viruses, you should definitely consult a specialist to prescribe drug therapy.

"Allomedin" (gel) instruction allows you to apply for damage of a different nature, the development of which occurs due to the effects of viruses. With herpes, which is accompanied by minor eruptions on the face, it may be enough 1-2 days of using the drug 1-3 times a day. In severe course of the lesion, the use of the gel is required for 5-7 days from one to three times a day.

The gel is quickly absorbed in the places of its application, it has protective and regenerative actions.

The drug is most effective at the very beginning of herpes development, when symptoms such as swelling, redness, burning and itching are present. Sites of mucous membranes and skin, on which rashes are present, are covered with a remedy 2-3 times a day.

The gel from herpes "Allomedin" with the purpose of eliminating the rash is used 2 or 3 days for a lesion lesion and for 5 to 7 days with a genital. If there is a need for a longer use of the drug, it is used until the affected areas are completely restored.

Genital warts, vulgar warts, papillomas located on the skin and mucous membranes are also indications for the use of the drug.

In the presence of papillomas, the gel is applied for three weeks twice a day or according to the scheme provided for destructive interventions.

Molluscum contagiosum requires application twice a day for 1-2 weeks or according to the scheme for destructive interventions.

Before the destructive intervention, "Allomedin" (gel) should be applied 2 times a day for 3-6 days, after the intervention - twice for 5-7 days. You can use the drug until you recover completely.

Side effects

In some patients, as a result of the use of the drug, new herpetic rashes may form. The patient may think that the drug did not bring a positive result and worsen the situation, in fact at this time in the human body increases immunological activity.

It may seem that the condition has worsened, but at this time the foci of virus multiplication are determined, the action of the gel is directed to their destruction. The product ensures a persistent positive effect.

A latent infection caused by viruses can be a sign of a defect in the system of antiviral immunity. If a side effect of the drug "Allomedin" is detected, it is necessary to consult an immunologist.

Effectiveness of the drug

The best effect is observed when using the drug immediately after the appearance of the first signs of herpes. With the timely detection of the disease, the subjective sensations accompanying it pass several hours after the application of the gel, further development of the disease usually does not occur.

"Allomedin" (gel) reviews can be attributed to the most effective means, whose action is aimed at protecting the mucous membranes and skin from viruses. In addition, the drug contributes to an increase in the disease-free period.

If the gel is used for papillomatosis, the reproduction of the virus is suppressed, inflammation is eliminated. The drug prevents the spread of the virus to healthy areas of the skin and mucous membranes. The gel does not allow the formation of new papillomas, reduces the likelihood of cancer development due to the oncogenic papilloma virus, which is important.

Allomedin (gel): reviews

Reviews about the drug are different, the gel does not help everyone, some people do not feel any relief. Many "Allomedin" is suitable. Judging by the reviews, he not only removes the rashes, but also reduces the number of relapses, excludes heavy inflammation. Patients whose herpes were diagnosed at an early stage of development report that the next day, the damaged membranes and skin begin to heal. However, everything is individual, so it may take more time to recover.

When using "Allomedin" (gel) with HPV, the reviews show that it is not always effective. Similar opinions among people who were treated with this gel with a molluscum contagiosum.

Based on such reviews, the following assumptions can be made:

  • The effect of the drug is more pronounced with herpes;
  • To understand how the gel will act on the body of a certain person, can only be after its application;
  • "Allomedin" does not harm the body, even if it does not do any good.


There are no complete substitutes for such a drug as "Allomedin" (gel). The analogue can be chosen only by a similar pharmacological action and indications for use. To compare the original preparation with analogues, you should carefully read their active ingredients. It is not necessary to replace the gel with a similar preparation yourself, in this case the permission of a specialist is required.

The following drugs have such a pharmacological effect: Geviran, Ribavirin, Atsiklovir, Famvir, Imunofan, Immunomax, Drivir, Valtrovir, Flavozid, Medovor, Acyclovir (Ointment), Virdel, Acyclostad, Gerpex, Gerpevir (ointment, tablets), Diminuvir, Silicea (gel), Valvir, Infagel, Proteflazide, Allokin Alfa, Erazaban, Viferon, Ferrovir, Fenistil pencivir, Panavir, Zovirax, Acic, Isoprinosine, Agerp, Lavomax, Amiksin IC, Laferon, Valtrex.

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