HealthHealthy Eating

Pear: calorie and useful properties

Taking care of one's health makes people take a closer look at food and choose the right vegetables and fruits that suit them. Many products are part of the popular diets and help to lose weight, support the strength after the illness. Such is the pear, the caloric content of which allows it to be used even by sick obesity.

Origin of the pear

Pear is a widely known plant that appeared even in the Neolithic times, later spread in the gardens of Ancient Rome. Now they are grown in Europe, Russia, China and Africa. Pears are like wild, like shrubs, and cultural, bringing sweet or tart fruit with a juicy pulp.

Dietary and useful properties of pears

A wonderful fruit is a pear. Caloric content is very low - forty-two kilocalories per hundred grams. At the same time it is very nutritious and can successfully complement the dinner. It contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which gives the body energy and additional useful substances. However, it can not be used on an empty stomach and immediately after eating. It is better to eat this fruit thirty minutes after dinner.

Pears are very widely used in cooking. In addition, that they are delicious to eat in a raw form, from them they cook compotes, jam, they are dried, baked in batter. In addition, the fruit is good as an ingredient in salads, for making desserts and dishes from poultry and meat. If you recall the calorie content of dried pears, then 270 kcal comes out. It contains a lot of dietary fiber, magnesium, potassium and organic acids.

People who have problems with metabolism can safely eat this fruit. After all, it is high in fiber, vitamins and minerals, without raising the level of sugar in the blood. For this reason, the pear, the calorie content of which is so low, is ideal as a dessert dish for those who suffer from diabetes.

Juice from pears can be used as a baby food for babies. Because he does not cause allergies. Folic acid, contained in pears, has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus and is recommended for consumption by pregnant women. Pear juice saves in the summer heat and quenches thirst, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and helps to remove fever. Pectin, contained in the pear, has a laxative and diuretic effect. Fruit is useful for the effective work of the kidneys and liver.

To prevent a stroke, it is also useful to eat pears. They are remarkable antioxidants and help maintain blood pressure at the right level. If you regularly eat pears, you can prevent the development of cancer. Healing properties of fruit and its biologically active substances save from depression, increase immunity.

Traditional medicine has long used the pear in the fight against various diseases. And in the case went not only the fruit, but also the leaves of the plant, from which the broths were prepared.

The composition of the nutrients of this fruit allows us to conclude that a pear, whose caloric content is low, has a high nutritional value and is recommended for people who are engaged in manual labor.

Dietitian tips

Dieticians have long taken note of the pear as a useful product, suitable for inclusion in diets and observance of unloading days. These fruits have a tender and juicy pulp, tannins contained in fruit, have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Pears useful for eating in raw form. For those who follow the figure, you need to eat one hundred and fifty grams of this fruit a day.

Pears are best with skin, as it has a lot of phytonutrients and fiber. Immediately after eating a pear, drinking water is not recommended. There are some contraindications. Most often they concern the elderly and people suffering from diseases of the nervous system.


From the above, it can be concluded that eating a pear, the caloric content of which is low enough, but the amount of natural energy and useful substances in it is high, contributes to a beneficial effect on the body. It is a useful product necessary for inclusion in the diet by all people who care about their health.

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