
Sagebrush. Treatment of many ailments

This plant is not without reason called the divine tree. Since ancient times people have used wormwood: treatment with this remedy relieves many ailments. The most valuable properties are those grass, the tops of which are cut at the very beginning of flowering in the period of the waning moon.

Sagebrush. Treatment of diseases by folk methods

1. This plant perfectly heals wounds. To do this, it is necessary to stretch its fresh leaves and attach it to the damage site. This method will help to cope with small wounds. Deep cuts that produce pus should be washed with a strong tincture of wormwood, prepared from two tablespoons of a plant mixed with an equal amount of pork fat. This mass should be pre-steamed in a water bath for at least five minutes. Then the mixture is filtered, cooled and lubricated with a wound.

2. The healing properties of wormwood perfectly help to relieve pain in acute cystitis, and it happens very quickly. Disease in chronic form requires long-term treatment (at least six months). To conduct such a procedure is necessary as follows: a handful of wormwood is poured into two liters of hot milk. All this is covered with a dense cloth and insists for at least twenty minutes. After the received weight will cool down a little, it needs to be poured in a plastic bucket and to sit down on it, having wrapped up to a belt a downy kerchief. If the infusion cools down, it can be heated. If milk is not available, the grass can be filled with water. However, such a substitution of the ingredient significantly reduces the effectiveness of the agent in controlling the disease.

3. With excessive sweating, wormwood will come to the rescue, the treatment of which will save you from such a problem. To do this, prepare a decoction from this plant with the addition of oak bark in a ratio of 1: 0.5. A glass of wormwood is mixed with half a glass of oak bark and is poured with freshly boiled water. The resulting mass must be cooked on low heat for at least twenty minutes (preferably even half an hour). Then the broth is filtered and added to the bath with water. Carrying out such a procedure will allow the body to acquire a pleasant light fragrance.

4. To remove stenocardia, shortness of breath during stress, loss of strength, wormwood is also used. Treatment is carried out with seasonings from this plant. Add them to salads, meat dishes, soups. The main thing - do not use too much seasoning, because the taste of this herb is rather bitter. You can use it both fresh and dried.

5. Remove the headache will help the lotions from this plant, applied to the forehead and to the temples.

6. Since wormwood has strong enough healing properties, it is used in the treatment of esophageal cancer. To do this, mix with honey (it is used only as a binder component), its flowers and leaves collected during the flowering period. The resulting mixture must be sucked until it is completely dissolved. If you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with any vegetable oil.

7. Wormwood with herpes is used as follows: two teaspoons of grass should be poured into a thermos and pour hot water (but not steep boiling water). Then the container must be tightly closed and left for about half an hour. The resulting mass must be filtered and taken one dessert spoon an hour before meals three times a day.

Wormwood is a wonderful antidepressant. It also perfectly copes with the improvement of the protective functions of the body, has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and expectorant action.


Preparations on the basis of this plant are undesirable to dig in the nose and in the ears. Wormwood is also not recommended for women waiting for a child.

Remember that an overdose of a plant from this plant can lead to poisoning.

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