BeautySkin care

Rejuvenation of the face: beauty can be preserved

It is very important for a woman to remain always young and beautiful. Any of us dream about it. But, unfortunately, nature is so laid down that over the years the skin loses its elasticity and elasticity. And sooner or later on our face there are the first signs of aging - wrinkles. The reasons for this are bad habits (smoking and alcohol), a hereditary factor, the amount of sleep, proper nutrition, stress. All this in one way or another affects how we look and in what condition our skin will be. And to somehow slow down the aging process, women use many different methods.

Rejuvenation of the face is real, if the necessary procedures are applied in time. For help, you can contact a specialist, and you can take care of yourself and at home. In modern cosmetology, there are many methods to combat wrinkles and withering of the skin. Cosmetic means, masks, procedures, thanks to which the rejuvenation of the face is achieved. The most popular of them are mesotherapy, botox, diamond peeling, photorejuvenation, etc.

Mesotherapy is a procedure in which special preparations are injected into the skin of the face (hyaluronic acid, fibroblasts, bioactive substances), resulting in the formation of collagen. This procedure restores the contour of the face and is very effective for combating the second chin. Drugs are injected into problem areas and several can be used for the best result.

Botox is a face rejuvenation with the help of a botulinum toxin preparation. In this procedure, injections are made with the drug, which blocks the neuromuscular impulse. After the procedure, the muscles of the face do not contract, the skin of the face is leveled, and the wrinkles are smoothed out and disappear. Botox is used for such problem areas as wrinkles around the eyes, folds between the eyebrows, as well as wrinkles around the mouth and nose.

Diamond peeling is a common procedure in which dead skin cells are removed and new ones are stimulated. During face cleaning , vacuum massage is performed simultaneously , which very well affects the skin. It is advisable to apply this procedure after 26 years, and it is used not only for the face. What is important, the procedure does not require special anesthesia and after it a woman does not need time to recover. The effect is not only facial rejuvenation, thanks to a diamond peel can remove acne, scars, scars and pigmentation spots.

Photorejuvenation is a procedure that is based on the use of intense light sources. The skin is renewed, the formation of collagen fibers is stimulated, skin defects are eliminated (without traumatizing it at the same time). This procedure is recommended for problems such as vascular networks, enlarged pores, pigment spots, age-related changes in the integument. The effect becomes visible after the third procedure.

Rejuvenation of the face without surgery is possible with a laser procedure. Grinding by the laser passes through the upper layer of the skin, and after the first application, the result is noticeable, and after 1-2 weeks the blood circulation and metabolism are adjusted, the production of collagen increases and the skin becomes much younger. This is one of the modern and effective methods of combating wrinkles.

Scientists have developed another new, but quite costly method of rejuvenating integuments with stem cell transplantation. The patient's body is injected with stem cells, after that the whole body is recovering, metabolism is restored and skin rejuvenation is taking place. In medicine in the future this method will become more promising and more in demand for improving the appearance and slowing down the aging process. Therefore, the next generation will be preferred to him.

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