Beauty, Skin care
Lymphatic drainage wraps at home. Recipes of mixtures, contraindications
Lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic and cosmetology procedure that involves the stimulation of the soft tissues of the body. As a result, the outflow of metabolic products and excess fluid is observed.
What is the effectiveness of such techniques?
If you carry out lymphatic drainage wraps at home, you can achieve these results:
- Correction of excess weight.
- Removal of the swelling of the extremities, bags under the eyes.
- Prevention and treatment of varicose disease outside the acute stage.
- Elimination of cellulite.
Procedures that are carried out on a regular basis allow one to work on dense epidermal tissues where stagnant phenomena are observed. In addition, active components of therapeutic mixtures activate subcutaneous fatty tissue. If you regularly use lymph drainage wraps at home, you can force the body to remove all toxic substances, which will positively affect the general condition and help rejuvenate without serious financial costs.
What is required for the procedure
Classical techniques involve the use of food film or special elastic bandages. All materials are available in free sale and are characterized by low cost. The use of bandages can increase the effectiveness of the effect several times.
Next, you should choose the appropriate cosmetic products. Lymphatic drainage wraps at home are conducted on the basis of special gels, mud, algae, fruit and berry purees. To cleanse the skin will need a scrub. During the session it is recommended to use warm pants or a blanket to create a greenhouse effect.
General sequence of actions
Lymphatic drainage wraps at home are carried out according to the following scheme:
- Cleansing the skin. This preparatory measure is aimed at eliminating cornified particles of the epidermis, opening the pores. Experts recommend using a scrub on a coffee-salt or olive-salt basis.
- Application of the product according to the selected recipe.
- Flushing.
Lymphatic drainage at home: recipes
The therapeutic mixtures can be based on various components. The composition of the most popular substances is listed below.
Seaweed and honey
Experts recommend to involve in carrying out of procedure algae of a laminaria which are accessible in any chemist's network. Ingredient in the amount of 100 g is pre-soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes, cooled and mixed with 100 g of liquid honey.
The curative mixture is applied to the areas to be treated, on top of which a film is applied. During the session, it is better to observe peace and shelter with a warm blanket for 30-40 minutes.
Healing mud
Dry mixes are mixed with warm water or broths of herbs until creamy consistency is achieved. The paste is applied to the skin: on the hips, buttocks, lower abdomen - and covered with a film. To enhance stimulation, you can wrap the treated areas with elastic bandages and put on warm pants. During the session, you can do household chores.
Fruit Wraps
Active components are fruits and berries, for example, an extract of grapes and its bones. The selected ingredient is ground into a gruel and used for its intended purpose. Those fruits in which the bones contain, allow for additional peeling.
Chocolate wrapping
The basis of the mixtures is cocoa powder, which has a powerful anti-cellulite effect. The ingredient is diluted with warm water to a moderate density. After several sessions, the skin becomes velvety and beautiful. The procedure itself is very pleasant, since it allows you to enjoy the aroma of chocolate. This is a unique lymphatic drainage wrap.
How to make a mixture for this procedure? No additional manipulation is required. The gel contains all the necessary ingredients. The composition is an extract of leech and horse chestnut, which is great for a session. Cosmetologists recommend alternating cold and hot effects. For the first time the gel is applied to the skin and is under a film coating for 15 minutes. The second time the sequence of actions is the same, but additional warmth (warmers and blanket) should be organized.
Lymphatic drainage "Horsepower" is based on standard principles: the gel is applied to cellulite, exhaled areas, for which it is convenient to use a flat brush with a hard pile. Stimulating effect is achieved within 30 minutes. During this time, the gel for lymphatic drainage wraps has time to absorb.
Additional recommendations
Cosmeticians are advised to carry out regular procedures. To achieve the desired result, it is desirable to implement at least 10-15 sessions. The optimal intensity of exposure is two times a week.
Lymph drainage is especially effective against a background of stable physical activity. A moderate load multiplies the outflow of excess liquid and harmful substances. You can walk, visit fitness.
Women who want to get rid of cellulite, it is better to revise their diet. The correct nutrition is based on the optimal ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, the saturation of food with vitamins and minerals. We must not forget about the correct mode of drinking - at least 2 liters a day. Before the session is not recommended to eat.
Opinion of women
Is it worth using such procedures? To answer for yourself to this question, it is recommended to read the reviews of women.
Most of the fair sex representatives note that after the first procedures there is a decrease in excess weight, which is caused by rapid fluid losses. In addition, the enrichment of medicinal compounds with citrus essential oils can effectively fight cellulite. "Orange peel" begins to melt after five procedures.
Experts confirm the effectiveness of home exposure, but warn that sessions can not be done too often, otherwise the epidermis can be damaged. After stimulation, you can take a contrast shower, stabilizing blood circulation and enhancing the result.
Lymphodrainage wrap "Horsepower" has earned mixed estimates. Someone thinks that this is the best composition for improving the skin condition, someone is limited to saying that the remedy is ineffective and helps only if you want to get rid of the heaviness in your legs.
Treatment sessions are categorically prohibited if the following conditions exist:
- Any fungal lesions of nails, skin.
- Damage to the epidermis - rash, wounds, cracks, abrasions.
- Dermatological diseases, for example, dermatitis, psoriasis.
- Gynecological problems if the effect is carried out in the abdomen.
- Pregnancy.
- Oncological lesions.
- Hypertension, heart disease.
- Disorders of the endocrine system, including hypothyroidism, diabetes.
- Diseases of lymphatic vessels.
- Thrombophlebitis.
- Acute stage of varicose veins.
Instead of concluding
Lymphatic drainage wrap, reviews about which are mostly positive, allows to achieve the desired results. The procedure improves overall health indicators and gives a high cosmetological effect.
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