Relations, Sexuality
Why do condoms burst: the main reasons
Sexual intercourse is a natural process that allows couples in love to express their feelings, and also to receive and deliver pleasure to the partner.
Condoms are the most common remedy
Of course, contraception is an unspoken rule if partners are not going to start offspring in the near future, and especially if they are connected by short-term relationships. The most popular means of protection are condoms. They help to prevent the risk of unwanted pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
Condoms are effective in most cases, but failure to follow the elementary rules of their operation can lead to damage to the condom.
Causes that lead to condom damage
Why are condoms torn? This question is asked couples who have had such an incident. Below are the most likely causes of this phenomenon. Let's consider more in detail, in what cases is a condom torn.
- Expiration of the product. When buying condoms, always pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the package.
- Incorrect storage conditions. In addition to the basic rules, such as avoiding hypothermia and overheating, try not to come into contact with other objects in a bag that can damage it. Do not wear protective equipment in the back pockets, as this can lead to mechanical damage, and lead to rupture of the latex.
- Incorrect putting on. Excessive stretching, or, conversely, the formation of folds, also increases the chances of undesirable consequences.
- Marriage in production. If you use products of little-known companies, then it is possible that the product will initially be defective. To protect yourself from such surprises, do not save on protection, choose well-known brands and purchase condoms in a pharmacy. The world's leading manufacturers are very careful about testing their products, and can guarantee quality.
- Choosing the wrong size. Sometimes men give wishful thinking, and get condoms larger than required. As a result, the latex product does not fit snugly against the genitals.
- Insufficient amount of lubricant. In the case when a woman does not have sufficient lubricant, it is necessary to use a lubricant. Use water-based lubricants, as fats destroy the structure of latex and reduce the effectiveness of protection by 90 percent.
- Using two condoms at the same time is one of the reasons why condoms are torn. Usually this method is used by men suffering from premature ejaculation. With the help of double protection they tend to reduce the sensitivity of the penis and prolong the love act. But in fact everything is not quite right, condoms rub against each other and are damaged equally.
- Prolonged sexual intercourse. Too long duration of the sexual act is not always good. This phenomenon is called retard ejaculation. Manufacturers of protective equipment strongly recommend changing the condom if the sexual intercourse lasts more than an hour and a half.
- Incorrect opening of the package. Many people in a fit of passion open the packaging with their teeth. This is not the best idea, because the teeth can damage the product itself.
- Each condom can be used for one sexual intercourse, after which it needs to be changed to a new one.
Why condoms tear during intercourse
The main reasons why condoms are torn are related to non-compliance with the rules of their exploitation. And although during testing they are stretched, poured water, imitate sexual intercourse, but it is impossible to predict all human actions.
Why does a condom break during sex? The main reason is too active copulation. Even if you did everything right, but your passion and potential are very high, there is some possibility of damaging the latex product.
"Visit" - universal condoms
Condoms "Visit" - a classic option of protection, which will make sex comfortable and confident. They are made of natural latex and are electronically tested. Their shelf life is 5 years.
Condoms "Visit" can not be used with grease containing vegetable or animal fats, as well as petroleum jelly.
How to prevent damage to the protection
On the question of which condoms are not torn, there is no definite answer, since the situations can be different. However, people who choose the products of well-known global brands and follow all the instructions for using them, with a guarantee of 99 percent, have nothing to fear.
Couples, who often break condoms, are required to change the manufacturer, as well as pay special attention to preliminary caresses, so that the woman has time to get excited, and a sufficient amount of lubricant was allocated.
Interesting facts about using condoms
A men's magazine conducted a survey in which 100 men took part. He made it possible to identify the most common mistakes associated with condoms.
- A quarter of those interviewed confuse the wrong side and the outer part, and, having come to their senses, put it on correctly. But on the outside, there may be a pre-ejaculate that contains sperm.
- More than half of the men admitted that they do not use additional lubricant, although they know that the native lubricant of the condom is short-lived.
- 80% of respondents do not check condoms before use for damage and expiration dates.
- 30% admitted that they are not in a hurry to leave the partner after orgasm. The problem is that the penis decreases in size, and there is a space between it and the latex product.
- Only 25% of respondents deploy a condom before putting it on.
Some of these data answer the question of why condoms are torn during intercourse.
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