
Means for narrowing the vagina: the main varieties and their effectiveness

The narrowing of the vagina has recently become more urgent. Now it is freely spoken about this problem and it is possible not only to acquire a means for narrowing the vagina, but also to use various adaptations and other methods.

Why is it necessary to narrow the vagina?

What prevents a large vagina? At the same time, pleasant sensations during sex are significantly reduced, since close contact with the sexual partner is lost. In the large vagina, the male's sexual organ does not affect the nerve endings very much. Therefore, the sensitivity is greatly reduced, not only in men, but also in women. When a means is used to narrow the vagina, a tight contact is restored. The quality of sexual life rises.

Indications and contraindications

The agent for narrowing the vagina becomes necessary due to various changes in the female body:

  • After childbirth, when the walls of the organ are strongly stretched;
  • When there are age-related changes that caused an increase in the vagina;
  • Decreased satisfaction from sexual intercourse;
  • Stretched the vagina because of loss of muscle tone;
  • There are signs of a prolapse of the uterus.

The vagina can be narrowed by surgery or special exercises, but for them there are some contraindications, most often of an individual nature. Also, not all women will use various means for narrowing the vagina.

The reviews say that ointments sold in pharmacies, gels and sprays can cause allergic reactions. Various adaptations in the form of balls, chopsticks, etc., sometimes cause irritation. Each remedy has its own contraindications, which are prescribed in the instructions for use.

Basic Methods

The main methods of narrowing the vagina include surgical intervention. But this method is used only in the presence of anomalies or in the inefficiency of other means. There are many non-surgical methods. These exercises, gels, medications for narrowing the entrance to the vagina. And Various auxiliary products in the form of balls, rods, etc.

Ointments, gels, sprays

Now it is not a problem to get funds for narrowing the vagina in the pharmacy - gels and ointments in them are available in a wide range. They contain tannins, which strengthen the muscle tone of the walls and improve the mucosa. One of the most effective is "Naron-gel." This drug is produced and in the form of a cream. It eliminates excessive dryness and at the same time relieves intimate organs from an unpleasant smell. When using the tool, the sensitivity during sexual intercourse is greatly improved.

The gel cream "Naron" consists of natural ingredients. The product contains a lot of hyaluronic acid, arginine and peptides, which restore the damaged mucosa. The gel is very easy to use. It is applied in small amounts 2 times a day in the center of the vagina. It is applied two to three times a month.

Herbal oil "ONA-9" - another new development for narrowing the vagina. This is a Russian-made, plant-based product. The oil does not act immediately, but on the accumulation system, bringing the vagina into order gradually. For normal constriction, it is sufficient to apply it for 1.5 months. In some cases, it will take more time.

The effect persists for several years. There are practically no contraindications for the use of oil. Side effects in the form of redness and irritation are not observed. After application, no additional lubricants are required, since the product moisturizes the vagina well. The oil is applied to its walls in the evenings, lying down. If intimacy is planned, then the remedy is used after it.

Pills for vaginal narrowing

This is an excellent tool for narrowing the vagina, and their effectiveness is confirmed by many women. Tablets are made on the roots of the mountain of Madula mountain and cut the walls instantly. The tablets dissolve very quickly, and after 15 minutes of application, the vagina contracts significantly. The tool contains:

  • aloe;
  • Extract of rose leaves;
  • Borneol;
  • The roots of Madula;
  • Ginkgo;
  • Extract of Indonesian saffron;
  • Matrices.

Tablets for narrowing the vagina contribute to muscle contraction, eliminate frigidity, restore hormonal balance. Other similar products are also made based on herbs. Almost all drugs contain tannins, which stimulate the muscles of the vagina. Simultaneously, the tablets have antibacterial action and eliminate unpleasant odors of the genital organs.

Chopsticks for narrowing the vagina

Wands "Doian Chka" - pharmacy for narrowing the vagina. They are developed according to the recipes of oriental medicine. Sticks are inserted into the vagina and improve its muscle tone. The drug has other advantages - it is both preventive and medicinal.

After using the sticks, the lumen of the vagina decreases significantly. At the same time, a bactericidal effect is noted, inflammatory processes are carried out, if they are present in the female genital organs. Wand is very effective after delivery. As a result of the use of this remedy, damaged walls and cells recover very quickly.

Sticks consist of alum, talc and pearl powder. Additionally, medicinal herbs and other components have been added to the product. The wand is used simply. It is wetted with water or coated with a special gel. Then it is introduced by a rapid movement in the vagina for half a minute. During this time, it has the necessary compressive action. Then the stick is removed.

Balls for tapering

Special balls - the best way to narrow the vagina. Devices are made on the basis of plant components and are called herbal. They well narrow the vagina and have an anti-inflammatory effect, while also eliminating pain during the menstrual cycle.

The composition of the balls includes bamboo charcoal, oak galla and other exotic ingredients. After the application of the drug, the vagina is narrowed by tannin and other astringents. In the balls there are no chemical and hormonal components, so contraindications are practically reduced to zero.

The drug is injected into the vagina one ball per week. At a narrow entrance it is necessary to lubricate it with gel, in order to avoid microtraumas. Balls are introduced into the vagina by 5 centimeters at least six hours before sexual intercourse. The action will last for two days. Even after the balls are used to stop, the vagina will gradually narrow down on its own.

Candles to reduce the vagina

Special candles are another means for narrowing the vagina. They help restore the elasticity of the walls, while protecting the mucous membranes from bacteria that are discharged to the outside with mucus. Due to the increase of the muscular tonus of the vagina, it is well moisturized and the pleasure from sexual intercourse increases.

Folk remedies

There are also folk remedies for narrowing the vagina. One of the most effective infusions - from the bark of oak. For infusion, take 50 g of the dry powdered component and fill with a glass of hot water. Then the liquid is infused for one hour. After the product has completely cooled down, a cotton swab is moistened in it and placed in the vagina for the night.

It helps to reduce the infusion of mint. Take one tablespoon of the crushed leaves of the plant and pour 200 ml of boiling water. The drug is infused for five minutes. Then it is filtered and cooled. I need to rinse off intimate places. In the event that the oak bark is added, a tampon is wetted in the product and inserted for a short time into the vagina.

Some recipes contain a recommendation for the use of lemon and manganese for narrowing. But these funds can not be used categorically, since such a mixture will not only cause a chemical burn of the mucous membrane, but also completely kill the beneficial microflora in the vagina.

Exercises for narrowing the vagina

For narrowing the vagina, gymnastics along Kegel is good. Exercises are easy to carry out even at work and on trips. But beginners are advised to first perform gymnastics while lying down. If the exercise is done with difficulty, then the number of repetitions is reduced for a while. Gymnastics should be performed at least twice a day.

You need to lie on your back and bend your knees slightly, slightly to spread them to the sides. The right hand should be placed on the abdomen, the left hand should be placed under the buttocks. The second initial position is lying on the abdomen, with legs extended and slightly apart.

Once the right posture has been taken, the pelvic muscles must be strongly strained and begin to rhythmically compress and relax them. This exercise is repeated ten times. A little more difficult option is to squeeze the pelvic muscles and hold them in this position for 10 seconds, then relax. The exercise is performed at least ten times.

During urination, you should try to delay the process for a few seconds with the help of strained muscles. But use for this only the pelvic. Exercise is repeated every time you urinate.

During gymnastics it is important to monitor your breathing. It must be deep and slow. During exercises, you can not use the abdominal muscles, only the pelvic should be involved. Do not over-strain or zealously, as this can cause spasms.

To quickly narrow the vagina, you can use special creams that are sold in pharmacies. Applying any remedy, you need to follow the rules of hygiene. Before using creams, gels, balls, etc., it is necessary to thoroughly wash the genitals. If the funds are applied to the surface, then only on dry skin, with light massaging movements. Before using creams, globules, tablets and other products, you should read the contraindications.

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