
Why the dinosaurs died out: the conjectures of the scientific community

Dinosaurs are not the first decade have become the subject of close attention not only the townsfolk, but also the learned men. They try to learn everything about these mysterious creatures all: from how this species appeared on Earth, ending with why the dinosaurs died out. Although it is the last topic that excites most scientists, who every year develop all new versions.

Dinosaurs are extinct from extraterrestrial invasion

No, it's absolutely not about the invasion of aliens. In this case, the main reason for the total disappearance of dinosaurs is the activity of celestial bodies. It is believed that dinosaurs have died out due to one of the following factors: the fall of a large asteroid, the multiple "bombardment" of asteroids on the earth's surface, the collision of the Earth with a comet and the increase in the level of radiation due to a supernova explosion or other factor of a similar nature.

Geological studies have repeatedly confirmed the fact that the Earth's surface has been repeatedly subjected to the fall of asteroids of various sizes. Pulling out the version about why the dinosaurs died out, the adherents of the theory of "asteroid bombardment" point to an approximate similarity of the moment of their fall and the mass disappearance of the lizards. It is worth noting that scientists support this theory only partially: physicists say that there was enough a single fall, referring to the exploration of the Chicxulub Crater and to the astronomical calculations of the collision of the earth with other celestial bodies. They are opposed by geologists and paleontologists, arguing that cardinal changes in the composition of the fauna of the earth's surface could occur only as a result of a multiple fall. Be that as it may, in this case it does not matter what dinosaurs died out: from a single or multiple fall of the asteroid. The main thing is that as a result, most species were destroyed almost immediately.

A different version is advanced by those who, as the main cause of death, indicate an increase in the level of radiation. This event, scientists say, led to the fact that less sunlight came to Earth due to the physical and chemical processes that took place in the earth's atmosphere. As a consequence, there was a general cooling, which had a disastrous effect on cold-blooded species. In addition, the amount of radiation that penetrated through the atmospheric layers also had a negative impact on the biological reproduction processes, reducing them practically to zero.

The presented theories of why the dinosaurs died out are, so to speak, one-sided. As a rule, all the "extraterrestrial" hypotheses are constructed by learned men who are representatives of one direction of these investigations. At the same time, other factors are not taken into account, which make it possible to more fully reveal the extinction of biological species.

Biological versions

If you turn to other sciences, you can put forward another series of theories about what dinosaurs became extinct. The first of these is the theory of global change in the Earth. In it, a number of factors were taken into account, namely: the movement of slabs, the change in sea level towards a decrease, as a consequence of the first two - the jumps in the temperature regime and changes in the composition of flora and air.

The second version of why the dinosaurs died out is precisely the change in the flora of the planet, based on the movement of tectonic plates. As a result, predators were able to more successfully destroy young growth and laying eggs of dinosaurs, and, thereby, to regulate reproduction of this species in the direction of decrease.

These are the basic theories trying to explain why the dinosaurs died out. As you can see, each of them makes a bet on one factor, and the rest is given a secondary importance. Therefore, it seems important to unite those parts of the hypotheses, which are confirmed by material evidence, and on their basis to derive a single.

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