LawState and Law

Wholesale and retail sale of alcoholic beverages: conditions for obtaining a license

Alcohol - a drink that came to us from the distant XI century. At that time, it was most often used by women - for "youthful brilliance in the eyes" and skin color improvement. In this case, we are not talking about abuse. The general human experience says that alcohol brings people together, maintains a good mood in the company, raises the mood and liberates a person, frees up prejudices and personal bans. So, today we will talk about how the sale of alcohol products is carried out and what is required to obtain the right to sell it.

We want to sell alcohol. What is required for this?

If it is a question of wholesale trade, this requires the provision of certain documents that give entrepreneurs the right to alcohol licenses. Here are the most important documents from this list:

1. Application for a license. In it, you must specify the name of the organization, the exact legal address, as well as the addresses of warehouses or production facilities. Here you need to specify the methods of content or production (this can be a warehouse - own or leased, what equipment will be used in case of independent production). In addition, the application must include the identification number of the owner of the firm / enterprise, the number of the settlement account that is registered by this organization, as well as the desired timeframe during which the sale of alcohol products will be carried out.

2. Copies of documents confirming the existence of your organization in the Unified Register of Legal Entities.

3. Copies of payments confirming the implementation of necessary payments by a legal entity for the relevant commissions of this organization, as well as for issuing a license.

4. Documents confirming the serviceability and appropriate quality of equipment, which will be involved in the production, storage and shipment of products.

5. Sale of alcoholic products may also be practicable when providing documents confirming the sanitary, technical / fire safety, compliance of the enterprise with the norms specified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

6. And, finally, documents certifying the appropriate certification of laboratories used at the enterprise.

A priori it is necessary to have a private enterprise to obtain the right to sell.

Retail sale of alcoholic beverages

If you are the owner of a restaurant / cafe / bar / canteen and plan to sell alcohol at home, you must have the relevant documents that give you legal right and are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Sale of alcoholic products in this case can be carried out under certain conditions: the availability of a cash register registered under all rules; The place of sale must be at least 20 square meters; You need to have a Sanitary and Epidemiological Station of your region; Availability of permits issued by the tax inspection, as well as fire prevention authorities.

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