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Where were the "Matchmakers" filmed? Kuchugury is a reality or an imaginary place?

This settlement became known to the mass audience for one simple reason: it is there that the Valyhua family and Ivan Stepanovich Budko live from the popular television series "Matchmakers", beloved by millions of fans of family cinema. So the question arose: "Where did the" Matchmakers "shoot?". Kuchugury - immediately followed by an answer. But where are the very same Kuchugurs, is there really such a place? And maybe it was all invented by writers, and there was never such a village on the planet?

Good day to you!

The third season of "Matchmakers" begins with the arrival of city relatives - the family Kovalev (Yuri Anatolyevich and Olga Nikolaevna) - to relatives, village matchmakers, who are the same Budko, living in Kuchugury. Kovalev came unexpectedly, because Ivan Stepanovich simply forgot to warn matchmakers about his arrival to prepare the only and beloved granddaughter Zhenya for school.

And if in the first series of this story the Budko family is not particularly pleased with the presence of their city matchmakers (they even force them to leave), then by the middle of the tape they live quite amicably, even succeeding in quarreling with the other heroes of this comedy.

Where is this street, where is this house?

Being completely absorbed in these vicissitudes, curious spectators have an interest, but still, where they shot "Matchmakers"? Kuchugury, of course, Kuchugury, - will answer to everyone. But what kind of settlement is this and how can I get there to walk along the streets familiar from the screen and visit the clearing in the line where the whole friendly family of Budko-Kovalev fried shish kebab?

As we found out to the indifferent citizens, there are several settlements with a completely identical name. In Russia there are three villages with such a ridiculous name: in Nizhnedevitsky (Voronezh Region), Rovensky (Belgorod Region) and Temryuk District (Krasnodar Territory). By the way, according to one version, the last option is correct. It is a small and very cozy village, located in the Southern District of Russia on the Taman Peninsula, where you can easily reach the Sea of Azov. Hundreds and thousands of tourists come here every year. The peculiarity of these Kuchugurs are the luxurious plantations of vineyards and the most beautiful sandy beaches.

Another address

So where did the "Matchmakers" shoot? Kuchugury - another Kuchugury - are on the territory of Ukraine. According to another version, it was in this village that the shooting of the popular TV series took place. His location in the Chernigov region, Koryukovsky district. There is a village Kuchugury. Ukraine, where they shot "Matchmakers," was struck by the variety of beautiful landscapes and the cordiality of the local population.

But, odd as it may seem, there is a third version. Taking it into account, you can answer the burning question: "Where did" Matchmakers "shoot?". "Kuchugury" will follow the answer, which will be absolutely true. Only in this version of the answer the shootings of the series took place not in Chernigov, but in the Kiev region. It was the village of Moshun. It was there, at a local forester, and rented for the duration of filming the so-called "house of the Budko family."

By the way, if you go a little deeper into the name itself, then in translation from the Ukrainian language "kuchugur" means "snowdrift". If we draw a parallel, according to which if a snowdrift is a lot of snowflakes collected in one place, then the village itself is like a team of people who, with their advantages and disadvantages, good deeds and not very good behavior, form from the very Kuchuguri, that is, A certain locality where all these people live and in one way or another interact.

Such are they, Kuchugury. Ukraine, where the "Matchmakers" filmed, provided many other beautiful places at the disposal of the crew: Yalta, Massandra Park, Alushta, international camp "Artek", Ai-Petri.

At us or not at us?

If you take as a starting point the fact that everything happens on the territory of Ukraine, one episode from "Svatov-6" surprises. Thanks to him you can get a tip to where the Kuchugurs from the series "Matchmakers" are. In this episode, the migration service officials tried to accuse Ivan Stepanovich of using absolutely illegally migrant labor, which meant soloists from the women's choir of the Lugansk region. In addition, you can note the form of the divisional, Russian numbers on all vehicles, a portrait of Medvedev on the wall. Here such trifles directly indicate that it is on the territory of Russia and the cinema Kushugurs are located.

But the directors and screenwriters did not admit, where is the village of Kuchugury located, the real place or fiction of the authors. They said that this issue is rather complicated. Every spectator should answer it. To myself. How real for each real city, how real are the characters of the series. The main thing is that all the action of the tape takes place in our country. And the notion of "our" is comprehensive, broad. Because the story told in the series is about our people, our children. A settlement with such a name does exist, and, as we now know, not even one.

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