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Where is Baidaratskaya Bay? The relief of the bottom of the bay and its inhabitants

The name Baydaratskaya Bay was given to one of the important bays in the Kara Sea. The coast of the lip is mostly uninhabited, but this does not mean that the bay itself is of no interest. This interest is mainly connected with the transportation of gas from the Yamal Peninsula, where a number of large deposits are located. To implement the project of the gas pipeline along the bottom of the bay, it is necessary to conduct a huge amount of research. This makes it possible to obtain important information about flora, fauna, bottom relief and temperature regimes.

Where to look on the map

Baidaratskaya Bay cuts into the southwestern part of the Kara Sea. To be more precise, it is necessary to search for it on the map between two peninsulas: Ugorsky and Yamal. This territory belongs to the Siberian part of Russia.

The coastline of the lip stretches for about 180 km. The entrance to the bay is about 78 km wide and the depth is about 20 m.

Many rivers flow into the bay. It is about Baydart, Yuribey, Kara and other waterways.

A bit about the Kara Sea

Since the Bay of Baidaratskaya Bay is part of the Kara Sea, it is necessary to tell a little about him. The Kara Sea is part of the Siberian Arctic group. In addition to the Kara Sea, the group unites the Barents, Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi seas. The association was made on several grounds:

  1. The above group belongs to the Arctic Ocean and is marginal seas.
  2. In the group, all members are close in nature: they lie behind the polar circle.
  3. All these seas have borders in the southern part (the coast of Eurasia) and open communication with the ocean in the north.
  4. All the seas of this group lie almost entirely within the shelf.
  5. Presumably the whole group of seas has the same origin. They are geographically young and formed as a result of postglacial transgression.

The Kara Sea is rightfully considered one of the largest seas of Russia. Its area is more than 883 km ², and its volume is almost 99 thousand km³. The average depth of the sea was approximately 110 m, and the point with the greatest depth - 596 m.

The Kara Sea has a winding coastline, cut by large and small fjords. The largest bays are Baidaratskaya Bay and Ob Bay.

Water temperature

Since the Kara Sea is part of the Arctic Siberian Group, it is not necessary to expect a high water temperature in the Baydaratskaya Bay. On the surface, the sea water is heated to a maximum of 6 ° C. Most of the year (from October to June) the waters of Baydaratskaya Bay are icebound. Sometimes ice breaks due to rising waves during storms in the open part of the Kara Sea. In addition, the movement of ice can be slightly influenced by strong winds and tides.

The coastal part of the lip

Baydaratskaya Bay has a shallow coastal part. Typical tundra vegetation is observed here. In some places, the shore of the lip is swamped, as many rivers flow into the gulf (about 70). There are very few settlements on the bay. This is the village of Ust-Kara, the village of Yary, Ust-Yuribey and Morrasala. The initial report runs by rail, it's about 30 km. Further land route is possible only by car winter road. So called car routes, which can only be used at sub-zero temperatures.

Composition of the zoobenthos of the bay

Baidaratskaya Bay of the Kara Sea has been studied for many years. Here we discovered a zoobenthos consisting of nine representatives of invertebrates. These are the simplest, coelenterate, flat, primordial and ringed worms, mollusks, echinoderms, arthropods and shells.

The composition of benthic animals differs in the Baydaratskaya Bay with varying depths. This includes valuable groups of organisms in the fodder respect. This is due to the presence of a large number of commercial fish that spawn, weight and winter in the coastal part of the lip. Here are found omul, ryadushki, muxun, fish-pizhyan, smelt, navaga, one of the species of flounder and other fish.

Bottom relief

The underwater coastline of the Baydaratskaya Bay is a slope, actually an abrasion plain with a depth of 6 to 12 meters in different parts of the bay.

Outside the underwater slope there is a flat inclined plain, covered with clay soils. It occupies the largest area of the bottom of the entire bay.

In the bottom relief, not too deep erosion cuts were detected. These formations are associated with numerous estuaries of rivers. The largest one is the pradolin of the Ob river. In addition, there are erosion remains - special elevations, which are fragments of subaerial reliefs.

Gas pipeline

Under the Baydaratskaya Bay, underwater gas pipelines are laid. This is necessary for the successful development of the field in Yamal. It is planned to build five branches. One of the largest projects is the Bovanenkovo-Ukhta gas pipeline, which will then join the Yamal-Europe highway. In addition, it is planned to transport along the Northern Sea Route to unique ships for gas transportation, which have an ice class Arc7.

Since numerous studies have been carried out and the suitability of the bottom of the Bay of Baidaratskaya bay has been proved, the gas pipeline began to be laid in 2008. The construction is not yet fully completed. Partially the Bovanenkovo - Ukhta gas pipeline was put into operation in 2012.

Interesting fact

On the shore of Baidaratskaya Bay, Russia's largest meteorite crater was discovered. The diameter of the crater is 120 km. It is located on the Ugra Peninsula and is called the Kara Crater.

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