HealthDiseases and Conditions

Where do diseases come from and how to avoid them: psychological causes and methods of recovery

The view of illness as a purely physical phenomenon, which has no connection with our inner world, is considered to be the only true among "reasonable" people. But man is a whole system in which everything is interconnected. Therefore, it is foolish to underestimate the importance of our thoughts, because often they are the cause of poor health. Everyone agrees that constant stress will necessarily lead to illness, weaken the human body. But the fact that any thought and emotion affect the work of our body seems to be a fantasy, an antiscientific delirium. Let's find out where the diseases come from and how to avoid them.

Body Signals

Our body is not just an insensitive piece of meat, unable to analyze its condition. Actually, after listening to yourself, you can understand whether you are sick or not. Each organ sends us a lot of signals, but we forgot how to listen to them. Therefore, most of us notice the disease only when its presence becomes obvious. In this case, the fight against it will be long and unpleasant, because it is already stronger and will not go without a fight. It's much easier to deal with the disease at the initial stage, but it's almost impossible to notice it on time.

It is much easier to diagnose a disease in yourself, understanding the relationship between the mind and the body. Often, certain ailments cause a negative emotional response. Therefore, if you are visited without a reason by destructive thoughts, depression, fear or anger, then it is worthwhile to think: are these manifestations of a disease that has just begun to germinate in your body? The reverse process is also possible. The constant impact of stress, aggression or depression can lead to the appearance of pathology, if you do not get rid of them in time.

Psychosomatics. Where do diseases come from and how can they be avoided?

If you think about what causes these or other diseases, you can not help noticing that people who are prone to negative emotions are more likely to suffer than their cheerful relatives. Of course, here there is a reverse effect - hardly a person, constantly suffering from diseases, can fully enjoy life. However, even ancient philosophers have noticed the relationship between the body and thoughts. For example, if a person constantly complains about life, speaks about how everything is bad for him, then the body will react to this by rewarding him with illness.

Also, cases when the disease comes on time are frequent, saving its victim from a blockage at work or a tense examination. It is the subconscious desire to get rid of problems that leads to the fact that the organism fulfills the request of its owner and begins to ache. A child who is categorically unwilling to go to school or who suffers from a lack of attention will often be bothered to achieve his goal. Therefore, wondering where the diseases come from and how to avoid them, you must first pay attention to your emotional state. If you are constantly gnawing with fear or envy, then the negative reaction of the body will not take long.

Reverse effect

Your emotions and emotions can not only bring illness and suffering, but also help to recover, contribute to the speedy disposal of injuries and ailments. To do this, you need to clearly understand where the diseases come from and how to avoid them. If the ailment can be caused by negative experiences, it is logical to assume that positive emotions and pleasant thoughts will have exactly the opposite effect. While the disease has just begun to emerge, you need to experience as much pleasant emotion as possible, to reject bad thoughts, to try to get out of the position of a sick person, to feel healthy and happy.

Laughter and good thoughts

No wonder they say that laughter is the best medicine. A person who laughs a lot and is generally philosophical about life, will be sick much less often than an irritable depressive person who is going out of himself for every reason. If you do not give sad thoughts, which often accompanied by ailment, to seize the mind, then the very illness will soon pass. Naturally, this does not apply to serious neglected cases. But for more easy ailments, doctors began to widely apply treatment with good thoughts, which turned out to be very effective.

Stress in our life

If you know where the diseases come from in children and adults, you can understand why there are so many sick people around. In modern society, stress is a constant companion of man. From a young age, his newly born member is under constant pressure. Everywhere from him something is demanded: first a kindergarten, then a school, a university and a job. All these institutions not only educate a person and teach him to live in society, but also constantly assess his knowledge and skills. But every exam is stressful.

And after people finally get a job, stress begins to flow on them in a whole stream. Here and the chief, demanding all and at once, rigid terms of performance of work, the inconvenient schedule and other negative factors. In general, the society itself is arranged so that its rank-and-file members can not even stop for a moment and look around. The traffic jams, crowded with buggy minibuses at rush hour, in which dozens of poor fellows rush to unloved jobs, being afraid of being late. It can be safely said that today under the influence of stress is the vast majority of us. This led to the fact that almost every one suffers from this or that chronic disease. It is pointless to remove symptoms without eradicating the psychological causes of disease. Where they come from, we know, but not everyone is able to resist them.

Beneficial disease

It is not uncommon for a disease to come to a person precisely when it is most beneficial to him. For example, at work hard times come, the deadline for the delivery of an important order is coming or a responsible event is expected. And then the workers begin to fall ill, as if on command, and they really suffer, and do not pretend to be sick. How did it happen? To understand this issue, you need to understand well where the diseases come from and how to avoid them.

In difficult times, the subconscious can give the body the command to start a disease, if it is beneficial to a person. If the child does not want to go to school, he will be constantly ill to avoid the stress associated with learning. When a pile of cases falls on a person, to which he is not ready, he can also become sick. One of the spouses may begin to get sick in order to keep his partner. Moreover, such ailments can not be cured by traditional methods, if they benefit the owner. In this case, no course will help "Where do diseases come from and how to avoid them."

Be happy!

As you have already understood, the physical body is closely connected with the thinking processes. Therefore, the best thing you can do for your health is to be happy. A good mood and a positive outlook on life can get rid of the vast majority of small diseases. Before experiencing a negative emotion, think about whether it's worth the painful chagrin of your health. Perhaps, it is better to smile once more in the face of troubles, than to shake the air with angry speeches. Now that you have learned where the diseases come from and how to avoid them, you have a chance to build an iron health that no disease can shake.

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