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Why does weight appear in the back of my head?

The headache is familiar to almost every adult person. However, it can be very different. When you go to the doctor you need to describe the symptomatology very carefully, otherwise it will be practically impossible to put the correct diagnosis. Pressing sensations in the frontal lobe can talk about migraines, acute pain in the temples - problems with the vessels, and why there is a heaviness in the nape? An unpleasant feeling, like a skull filled with lead, thoughts lose their clarity, and working capacity is reduced to almost zero. Let's work together to understand what can cause and how to deal with this phenomenon.

Understand the sensations

What is the first thing the doctor asks? Where it hurts and how it hurts. The answers to these questions should be as accurate as possible, the entire further process of diagnosis and subsequent treatment depends on this. Heaviness in the back of the head is not all that can be said about her character. Most often the doctor will try to find out what the head, or neck still hurts.

The fact is that this area is characterized by a huge number of nerve endings, and therefore the pain that occurs in the upper spine is easily reflected in the head. It can be the other way around, so only the specialist can diagnose, based on the results of the diagnosis, as well as his own examination. The only thing you can do at home is try to localize the pain. To do this, ask someone from your relatives to make you a point massage of the head, neck and shoulder girdle. So you will understand where the source of pain lies, and you can orient the doctor. Heaviness in the back of the head is a very blurred symptom, and until we find out what the cause is, we will not advance further.

If the neck hurts

Most often, a preliminary diagnosis in this case is cervical osteochondrosis. If it is not confirmed during the diagnosis, then it is possible that the vector was chosen incorrectly, and the cause should be searched inside the head. In modern life, osteochondrosis is confirmed in almost every second. The reason for this is a sedentary lifestyle and a busy schedule. As a result, first there is a heaviness in the nape, and then unpleasant and quite severe pain.

If you are on duty for hours in one position, and the work schedule exceeds the permissible standards, then this problem can affect you. In the risk zone, programmers and cashiers, office workers and drivers. Unpleasant feelings will increase with the movement of the head. To make a diagnosis it is extremely important to visit a neurologist or a vertebrologist and take up therapeutic gymnastics.

Spondylosis and myogelosis

You should carefully examine the upper parts of the spine, if you regularly feel heaviness in the back of your neck. The reasons can be very different, but the sooner the doctor gets to them, the more effective the therapy will be. Let's look at the most common options:

  • Cervical spondylosis is a chronic disease in which cracks and ruptures appear in the cartilaginous discs. Progression will gradually lead to the development of the intervertebral hernia. Usually, in this case, a person suffers acute pain, which permeates the shoulders, neck and neck. Sedentary lifestyle can become a catalyst for the development of the disease.
  • Myoglosis or muscle tightening. The rabid working rhythm of today forces many to refuse from morning exercises and visits to the training hall in the evenings. As a result, the muscles simply petrify, there is pain in the neck, which also gives to the head, stiffness of movements and dizziness. If you work in an uncomfortable position in the workplace, the air conditioner is constantly running nearby or an open window is located, and besides, you experience stress regularly, do not be surprised that after a while there will be heaviness in the neck. The reasons may be different, but all these factors can not be discounted.

Cervical migraine

This is a very insidious disease. It is difficult to diagnose, because it does not have specific symptoms (it does not cause changes that can be traced by analysis). Usually put such a diagnosis on the residual principle, when no other reasons are found. But today new methods of spine research have become available, during which it is possible to detect the condition of the arteries. If pathological changes in bone cartilage structures cause its compression, the blood supply to the occipital lobes is disturbed. As a result, the person feels heaviness in the back of the neck and neck.

This disease manifests itself quite vividly, causing severe pain, hearing loss and dizziness. To treat this disease, it is recommended to consult a neurologist. Usually it includes medication and massage.

Pinched muscles

If you exercise regularly, this does not mean that you will never be visited by heaviness in the neck and neck. Yes, these problems are most often associated with physical inactivity, but improper exercise can lead to unnecessary muscle strain. As a result, pain, dizziness and foreign body sensation appear. If you feel worse after training, try fixing your neck with a special collar. Limitation of mobility for a while should bring relief.

Physical or mental overstrain

In our age, the need to set records does not surprise anyone. The pace is increasing, and we need to keep up. As a result, one person is skewed toward physical exertion, so there is no time even to read a book, and others can not afford to walk on foot from work to home, because it is faster to do it by car. Nothing surprising, because you need to sit down to finish a new project.

As a result, one fine morning there is pain and heaviness in the back of the head. This is not a disease, it's just a signal to you that you should take better care of your health. In time, go to the doctor, take a survey and a little relax the gripe of the rhythm of your life.

Mental overstrain and stress

The same phenomenon is common. It seems that everything is in order, but some protracted situation does not give you rest. The more you experience about this (especially with regard to significant events, the development of which you are not able to exert any influence), the more vivid the manifestation of such symptoms as heaviness in the nape and nausea. The likelihood of developing such symptoms against a background of a stressful situation increases by age 30, and in women it is higher than that of men. What to do if the reason can not be removed? It remains to change their attitude towards it. This will require the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist. Do not be surprised, in a number of cases, two or three professional consultations allow you to solve more problems than all the painkillers that you probably take every day.

Vascular diseases

Very often the feeling of heaviness in the nape appears in the event that the blood supply to the brain is disturbed. This is the most important organ of our body, which is extremely sensitive to disturbances in nutrition and oxygen metabolism. Any spasm of the cranial arteries leads to the appearance of pulsating pains. For them it is characteristic to strengthen at the slightest attempt to move their heads. But in a state of rest, in the semi-darkness, the state becomes more tolerant.

For this condition it is characteristic that starting from the occiput, the pain gradually covers the frontal part. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the development of symptoms. Neurologists distinguish one more thing that needs to be considered. If the inflow of fresh blood is disturbed, a similar process is also observed with the outflow of venous blood. The patient experiences a dull, burgeoning heaviness in the nape, pressure. Within a few hours, the symptoms spread throughout the head, and intensify when coughing and lowering the head. Often a big one complains that he can not lie, because the symptoms become even stronger. Often the pain starts from the very morning and is accompanied by the edema of the eyelids.

Increased intracranial pressure

This is the diagnosis that is most often put to young children. When we grow up, the problems do not go away, but the skull becomes larger, and if the excess pressure was associated with the mechanical squeezing of the vessels (for example, filled with water ventricles), now there is enough space for both.

But not all problems are solved so simply, the reasons for increasing intracranial pressure are also enough. Those who are diagnosed with this problem are familiar with bursting pain in the occipital region. Sensations intensify in bright light and loud sounds, so at work is much harder. Heaviness in the head is accompanied by pain in the eyeballs and vomiting. The latter does not bring relief.

Arterial hypertension

The diagnosis can sound and on another, in more started cases doctors speak about a hypertonia. However, the roots are alone, this is the excessive blood pressure in the vessels. For hypertensive attacks, the appearance of raspiruyuschih pain, which are accompanied by pulsation. They can build up during the day or appear immediately after a night's sleep. The severity of the head in the nape is not the only symptom. To him joins general weakness, dizziness, palpitations, increased pain when trying to tilt the head. In this case, patients note that the pain goes away after vomiting, so if you feel nauseous, but do not hold back.

The risk of developing this disease increases with age. In addition, hereditary predisposition, smoking and alcohol abuse, stress and excess weight contribute to the increase in pressure. The disease can be controlled, but it is necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle and give up harmful habits. Equally important and proper nutrition. Exclude salt, canned food and convenience foods, eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible.

Diagnostic measures

If the heaviness in the back of the head and dizziness are frequent guests, then you must go to the hospital and undergo an examination. The reasons are too many to be able to correctly diagnose on the basis of the description. In addition to collecting an anamnesis about the nature, timing and intensity of the pain, the diagnosis may include examination by a doctor, measurement of blood pressure, head ultrasound, electroencephalography, MRI, and eye examination with an oculist. In some cases, additional information may be required. This concerns suspicion of the presence of a tumor. Then a person will need to visit a neurosurgeon.

Healing measures

Heaviness in the nape of the neck is quite amenable to correction with the help of home methods. This does not exclude the need to visit a doctor or undergo a prescribed course of treatment, but may be one of the keys to solving the problem. First of all, ventilate the room, the influx of fresh air will immediately ease the condition. Slightly massage the neck and the back of the head and lie down on the floor. Now you just need to relax. Try to get rid of all the problems that haunted you during the day. In most cases, this is enough to make the pain a little backward.

To strengthen the effect, it is recommended to beat the cabbage leaf and attach it to the head, rub the temples, the forehead and neck with a piece of ice, and also breathe deeply. If folk remedies do not lead to relief, you can take painkillers. Do not forget that they should also be appointed by the attending physician, because the spectrum of medicines on the market is very large. The pharmacist can offer hundreds of different names, starting from "Analgin" and ending with "Sumemigren." Which one will help you?

Recipes of traditional medicine

They can not replace a full-fledged treatment, but they have not bad been recommended as additional funds. Good analgesic properties are famous for essential oils. They improve immunity and positively influence the respiratory system. Lavender, rosemary and mint oil can be rubbed into the temples and the base of the skull, accompanied by a light massage. Relief can bring aromatic baths. In the water, you can add basil and sage oil.

Corrective measures

All of the above, you can perform at home and yourself. However, in a number of cases, patients continue to pursue heaviness in the nape and dizziness. The reasons need to be found out on consultation at the doctor, only so treatment can become effective. A neurologist can choose an individual treatment plan that will be aimed at correcting the underlying disease, which causes pain symptoms. It includes:

  • Physiotherapy, electrophoresis and magnetotherapy.
  • The course of massage.
  • LFK, which allows you to activate blood flow and relieve tension from the muscles.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Treatment-diagnostic blockades.
  • Drug therapy.

The spectrum can be expanded if the attending physician deems it necessary. If a brain tumor is detected during the examination, the patient is referred to the appropriate services, which are engaged in further examination and treatment. These are oncological dispensaries.

Instead of concluding

The reasons for the appearance of a headache are very many, while the symptomatology can be either obvious or hidden. Therefore, if you regularly experience discomfort, do not self-medicate. Time passed diagnosis and adequate treatment will quickly restore health and prevent further development of the disease. Despite the fact that headaches are considered a banal symptom, they can be a bell of the development of a formidable disease.

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